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    Tuesday, April 14, 2020

    Dragon Ball Z - Piccolo Drawing, I only have a pencil so apologies for a lack of colour

    Dragon Ball Z - Piccolo Drawing, I only have a pencil so apologies for a lack of colour

    Piccolo Drawing, I only have a pencil so apologies for a lack of colour

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    Beerus is Best Boy!

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 06:44 PM PDT

    SSB Goku - hope y'all like it!

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    A happy baby Goku ��

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 09:22 PM PDT

    Dragon Ball art by comic artist RB Silva

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 08:37 AM PDT

    Majin Piccolo Made by: Me

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 03:48 PM PDT

    Canvas painting of the Ultra Instinct Kamehameha I did! (more pictures + reference in comments)

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    My rant on the Potara Retcon

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 08:41 PM PDT

    I know I'm basically beating a dead horse at this point, but I can't stress enough how much I dislike the Potara retcon. What? You thought I'm complaining about the time limit? Oh no you're mistaken. I don't mind the 1 hour time limit. What I hate is the usage of too much power causing the time limit to decline... What? Look if you're gonna give the Potara a time limit, that's fine. But having a side effect that REDUCES a better time limit? Then what's even the point of giving it a time limit then?

    Look, if I were to make the retcon, I'd just have it so it has a 1 hour time limit, no side effect of the immense power stuff and just have it when mortals fuse, if the Potara breaks, then they unfuse. Like Kefla. To be honest this should've been how it worked in the first place. Seriously how hard would it have been to have Fused Zamasu create a massive blast and hit Vegito, causing the earrings to break?

    Anyways, sorry for the little rant. I just really hate how they did the Retcon in this specific area. I don't mind the time limit, but having a side effect just defeats the purpose of a longer time limit.

    I hope you all have a good day.

    submitted by /u/PlushMaker400
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    Universe Six Saiyans...wait

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 12:52 AM PDT

    Why in Garlic Jr. Saga Kuririn has pink eyes despite not being changed into a demon by Piccolo?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 04:58 AM PDT

    This may be just one of the things that one cannot explain. Of course, we all might want to call the "filler" card, but come on. Kuririn didn't get bitten and still had eyes like Yamucha, Chichi, etc. We might also say that to get the impression of Kuririn being a Demon they just had to make his eyes pink, but that's just a lame explanation.

    We didn't see his teeth though. I have pretty much confidence that I can justify whatever happened in Dragon Ball and was, at first, impossibru or without any sens, not adding up. But this I can't. Help me bros.

    submitted by /u/aircraftman3
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    Serious Question: Is Vegeta STILL condemned to Hell after EVERYTHING or can he FINALLY go to Heaven?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 08:40 AM PDT

    If he STILL goes to Hell after everything post Buu Saga and Super, that'd kinda be a dick move on King Yamma's part TBH

    submitted by /u/mugiwara-no-lucy
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    Goku & Vegeta

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 04:49 PM PDT

    Dragon Ball; Evolution

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 04:05 AM PDT

    Dragon Ball Evolution was one of the most shit good movies iv ever seen. Im a long time fan of DB like im sure most of you are and I think thats why it was hated so much. ITS NOT DRAGON BALL! they just used the names and wrote their own shiddy story around it. But going into it as a piss take it was actually very fun to watch with my partner. Again, if your expecting a dragon ball film. DO NOT WATCH THIS FILM. Its so bad in so many ways, they somewhat knew the story line but did not follow it at all and im pretty sure no one on set had even seen origonal Ball. From Gokus Great ape form being barley larger than a man and lasted purely to end middle ages Roshis life too the fact that the KaMeHaMeHA was used to light candles and defribulat goku after being "Shot". Putting aside all this it was very entertaining to watch.,

    submitted by /u/CherrySlooth
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    [Opinion] Why I don't want a Dragon Ball: Next Generations sequel

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    I often see people mentioning this when talking about the future of DB. Typically it's started by mentioning that Pan, Bra, Uub, Maron, Trunks and Goten would be the main characters and it would follow their adventures. I will now write a list of points that show why I wouldn't be interested in such a sequel. Feel free to counterpoint if you have any interesting ideas.

    • Point 1: Trunks and Goten do absolutely nothing in DBS. If the authors wants me to get invested in them in the future, actually have them be relevant previously. Build. Them. Up. Suddenly elevating them into MC status would feel veeery forced. "They must be mentors to Uub or Pan because they're a bit older". Yeah? They never showed any interest in being wise, mentor type to begin with. And not in EoZ, either.

    • Point 2: Uub is fine, but what kind of potential moveset can anyone give him? Toei fused him with Buu once, because they had no idea what to do with him either. What can he do, punch hard? There is barely any room for creativity left with him, because everything has been exhausted. His personality would be that of a typical good guy hero, boring for modern era.

    • Point 3: Pan. We know that since childhood she is raised as a tomboy, participating in World Tournaments and loving fights. This would be her personality. The problem? We already have Caulifla for that. Pan would just be yet another female archetype of Goku, with hardly any unique traits. Even Pan finally turning Super Saiyan (after 9001 years) wouldn't be hyped anymore, because we already got many female SSs. For a main character, it would be very hard to make her stand out.

    • Point 4: Bulla. Nothing points to her wanting to be a fighter. Presumably would be a "genius" of the pack, like a Bulma lite. Point is, that's nothing unique in this day and age of DB either. They would have to really try hard to make her feel different to her mom.

    • Point 5: Maron. Probably the jokester of the group, being cute outside but also strong (as implied in DBS), and most likely would be the best of the bunch (for the viewer). Combination of Krillin's tactics and 18's power would give her the role to save the good guys from a pinch. Nothing wrong with her, but one fun character sadly can't carry the entire cast.

    Something like this COULD work as a 1 hour long special episode, but not as a separate series. Boruto has like 200 episodes and the only time people are hyped is when the Old Generation gets to fight.

    I also don't care about romance plots in this kind of anime, and most of these ideas try too hard with "Pan falls for Uub" sub-plot, ugh. You mean you already think about Pan's future offsprings, when we only barely get to know her? Same with Uub. DB's romance was great, because it was short and unexpected. Making it obvious from the start would be opposite to that.

    Thank you, and have a nice day.

    submitted by /u/PrettyWeirdGuy
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    Nostalgic outfit I made in AC ��. Couldn't make his hat tho.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 04:11 PM PDT

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