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    Friday, June 25, 2021

    Dragon Ball Z - thought i’d share this here ,always wanted my hair like this as a kid it looks so dope

    Dragon Ball Z - thought i’d share this here ,always wanted my hair like this as a kid it looks so dope

    thought i’d share this here ,always wanted my hair like this as a kid it looks so dope

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 01:07 PM PDT

    Hope you like my variation of the dragon ball style

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 01:07 PM PDT

    A Broly Vs Hulk Artwork I did last year

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 04:33 PM PDT

    GOGETA Fanart by @mattari_illust

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 07:00 AM PDT

    [OC] I did Vegito and Gogeta together

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 10:07 PM PDT

    Had some pancake artists swing through my workplace today!

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 11:37 AM PDT

    What if Tarble was sent to earth also? Part 2.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 09:10 PM PDT

    What if Tarble was sent to Earth also? Part 2

    Shortly after Ramen and Goku arrived at Kame house, another young boy had shown up bearing a magazine as a gift for the old man.

    "Hello master Roshi, I am Krillin, I was wondering if you could train me?" He said as he held out the gift. The young monk smiled.

    "Well young man. I would but I already have two students as it is. I don't want to take on another." Roshi said.

    "Grandpa, you should take him on. Especially if you plan on training Goku the way you trained me. I highly doubt that Goku could keep up with me anyway. So it might be beneficial to have them compete against each other?" Ramen suggested.

    "That's a great idea, Ramen. Yes, yes, a great idea." Roshi scratches his chin, as he grins.

    The days grow long and the months pass. The boys wiped the sweat off their foreheads. Between the milk deliveries, swimming in a shark-infested lake, and plowing a field with their bare hands, they were tired. The last eight months had made them faster and stronger.

    "Good news boys. Tomorrow morning we leave to go to the twenty-first world martial arts tournament. I think you boys are ready to show your progress." Roshi smiles.

    The next day they all arrive at the tournament grounds and the three boys look in awe.

    "Hey, snap out of it. We have to get you all signed up for the preliminaries." Roshi grins. He had signed up as Jackie Chun while the boys were distracted.

    The preliminary matches went well, except for the last match for Ramen. He was up against a smelly man named Bacterian. Ramen almost passed out but then plugged his nose, fighting with one hand. He knocks the large man out of the ring.

    Next were the quarter-finals, which went as follows.

    Krillin vs Ramen Jackie Chun vs Yamcha Nam vs Ranfan Goku vs Giran

    Ramen goes easy on Krillin, who desperately tries to land a hit on the now fifteen year old. Ramen merely weaves and dodges all of Krillin's attacks. They get to the edge of the ring, Krillin sees the edge and tries to push Ramen out. However Ramen steps aside, sticking his foot out and tripping the bald boy out of the ring.

    The next match Jackie Chun makes quick work of Yamcha. Nam wins against Ranfan. And Goku takes care of Giran easily.

    The semi-finals.

    Ramen vs Jackie Chun Nam vs Goku

    Ramen stepped into the ring, and smiled widely at the old man in front of him. He knew exactly who the person was. The wig wasn't much of a disguise. He whispered, "your secret is safe with me."

    "Well young man, don't think I'm going to go easy on you, just because you are my grandson." Roshi whispered back with a wink.

    The match was tough for both participants, after many years together they both knew the other's moves. Roshi had grown much stronger due to having Ramen around. But the young boy had a slight edge over the older man. His power level was slightly higher than Roshi and he was able to knock him out of the ring.

    Nam was no match for the stronger Goku. He had been chasing after Ramen for months now, gaining strength and quickness. While the full moon was out they trained in their Oozaru forms. Both of them had full control over them now.

    After a quick break the final match of the tournament was here. Goku and Ramen both stepped into the ring and bowed. Their orange gi's, spiked hair and flowing tails made them look like twins. Ramen was slightly shorter than Goku, even though he was three years his senior.

    The match begins in a flurry of punches and kicks. The crowd watches in awe of how dynamic the young boys are. Ramen is quicker and holds back more than Goku, they both have giant smiles on their faces. After a while the moon comes out during the match. But neither of them notice. Until Goku is tripped. When he turns over he accidentally looks at the moon, and begins to transform.

    "No, don't transform Goku, you will destroy the arena!" Ramen yells as he notices what's happening.

    Goku fights against himself and then something very strange happens. His muscles bulk up, ripping his top off, his hair stands up straighter, and his eyes turn yellow. He stands up and looks at himself with a smile. He can feel the power coursing through his body.

    Ramen's eyes widen as he watches, "W-what is that Goku?! Did you just find a new transformation?!"

    "I believe so, it feels like the ape form. But I'm not huge. This is amazing!" Goku shouts and jumps up and down. "I think you should try it too, Ramen. Especially since you are even better at controlling the ape form."

    "Okay, I will." Ramen says as his eyes meet the moon. He is able to control the power even more than Goku and only his eyes turn yellow, with his muscles being slightly more defined than normal. But not as bulked up as Goku's. He then turns and looks at Goku. "Now the real fight begins!"

    The pair exchange blows back and forth, they are apparently evenly matched. Until Ramen grins and bulks up even more, with his hair spiking up as well. He lands a huge punch into Goku's chest and knocks him out of the ring.

    Goku looks up at his training partner and smiles. "That was amazing, Ramen! You are so strong!"

    "And the winner is… Ramen!" Yelled the announcer as the crowd went wild.

    Afterwards the participants all have a celebratory dinner. And the two Saiyan boys eat their fill, spending all of the prize money.

    After a little while Goku decided to find his grandpa's four star Dragon Ball. Ramen let him borrow the Flying Nimbus. And he went to get the Dragon Radar from Bulma. She asked where Ramen was, and Goku told her he was at Kame house.

    On his adventure he ran into Emperor Pilaf, Mai and Shu, and the Red Ribbon army. But he took them all on without any problem.

    At the base of Korin's tower he talks to the natives about the Dragon Ball. The village Chief died protecting Goku, who then fought Mercenary Tao with little trouble. The village natives told him he should go up the tower, there is a place to prove his strength and to get sacred water to make them even stronger.

    Goku thanks them for the four star Dragon Ball, and flies up to the tower.

    "Hey, you can't use your Nimbus to get up here!" Korin the old cat yelled as he pushed Goku off. When Goku landed he immediately started climbing the tower, quickly making his way back up.

    "Can I have that Nimbus back? I'm borrowing it from a friend."

    "You can have it once you catch me. To see if you are worthy of it." The cat laughs.

    Goku quickly grabs onto Korin, whose eyes widen. "Wow, you are great aren't you. Well a deal is a deal. Here is your friend's Nimbus." And then he whistles, calling another Flying Nimbus. "Here is one for yourself, so you can take the other back to your friend. How's that sound?"

    "Wow, thank you!" Goku yelled and hugged the cat. "But what is this about the Sacred Water?"

    "Eh, you don't need it. You are already plenty strong, I can tell." But if you ever need more training, just let me know. I know the perfect place."

    Goku sped off on his cloud, and headed towards Kame house to give Ramen his cloud back. Then took care of the rest of the Red Ribbon Army. Afterwards wishing the Village Chief back to life.

    He returns to Roshi's place and is told to go to Baba's where he meets his grandpa. They have a good time together and then Goku is sent to go train at Kami's at the top of Korin's tower. He trains him until the next Tournament is about to begin. Telling him next time he will be able to go into "The Room of Spirit and Time."

    It has been three years since the last Tournament and this Tournament goes much the same as the last. With Tenshinhan fighting Ramen, who has had a growth spurt looking like an adult now. Goku and Ramen having a rematch, with Goku actually winning this time due to his better training.

    After the tournament, Krillin, Ten and Chiaotzu, are killed by Tambourine from the demon clan. Goku and Ramen fly back and find all of the fighters dead. And chase after the monster.

    Tambourine meets up with his brothers and they all are destroyed by the two boys with relative ease. They then meet up with the source of the monsters, King Piccolo.

    "You killed my children, I'm going to make you suffer for that." Piccolo menacingly smiled.

    Just then the boy's stomachs growl. They hadn't been able to eat, as they were in line when Tambourine had shown up. Goku gives Ramen a Senzu bean and eats one himself.

    "You killed our friends, so we are going to avenge them." Goku said. The boys look at each other and then both jump and punch the evil Namekians head clear off.

    Because they did that, the Dragon Balls turned to stone. "Hey what happened to the Dragon Balls?" Ramen asked.

    Goku's face turned white, "Oh no, Kami! He told me long ago, his evil side was purged from himself, so he could be the god of Earth. But they still had a life connection. This must have been the evil side. I should have known."

    "Let's go back to get Bulma and Roshi, and head up to the lookout just to make sure." Ramen told the boy. And they made their way back to the tournament grounds to do just that.

    submitted by /u/sword2185
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    Question about the wish that brought everyone that Cell killed back

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 06:11 PM PDT

    So here is a question you know how the Z fighters made the wish to bring back everyone Cell killed well would that have included the Trunks that Cell killed from the other timeline he came from or would he have remained dead.

    submitted by /u/superstar982
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    I love drawing manga style. My best drawing yet!

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 03:29 AM PDT

    The Problem with Uub

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 04:28 PM PDT

    Uub. Reincarnation of Kid Buu as a human. Destined to be trained by Goku to eventually become the next defender of the Earth..

    ...but how relevant is he now?

    The end of Z was originally designed to be a very linear and logical follow-up to the events of the Buu saga. With the exception of the main characters training and growing older there was obviously nothing noteworthy that happened in terms of power gains or villains to defeat in that 10 year gap. Buu was the strongest opponent anyone had ever faced and (at that time) was obviously meant to be one of the strongest they WOULD ever face.

    But then BoG happened....and then RoF....then Super.

    They are obviously not reconning Uub as he has been mentioned (and also seen in the manga) but I wonder...does he matters anymore?

    Powers in Dragon Ball have exploded to the point where Goku, Vegeta or even Gohan could defeat Kid Buu without any difficulty at all.

    Now, obviously this is Dragon Ball and it's been shown that anything could happen so it would be easy for them to just have Uub start off weak and get some huge power gains to make him as strong as the rest of the cast but does it really matter?

    Are there any die-hard Uub fans out there salivating to see him on-screen? Will they rework how he is used? I think it's a fairly interesting discussion and I'm curious to see what others think about the Uub situation.

    submitted by /u/Rokuformula
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    That was the best scene in dbz Kakarot.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 06:06 PM PDT

    Man the last thing 17 saw before he got killed by Future Trunks was so haunting. I really wished it was canon.

    submitted by /u/Nativewaterlily
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    Hopes for animated Moro arc?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 02:17 PM PDT

    Personally, i'm going to need the removal of Goku giving Moro a senzu and asking him to stand down twice to only once. I REALLY want Goku & Vegeta to get the galactic patrol outfits from the volume covers. it's an absolute crime to not have them use it when it looked so cool in the art Toyo did; it would help to have these 2 have different clothes too. extended fight scenes are a given along with consistent great art and animation. i really want more of the super warriors fighting moro's goons and have them WIN instead of goku coming to save them. I'm going to need ALLL the violence Toyo did. Some galactic sightseeing would be welcome given the story has become cosmic on the regular now. Gohan will thankfully have Goku's gi so i'm not worried tbh. More Pickle please Toei.

    submitted by /u/Saiyan_Gods
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    Need Help Finding a Japanese Dub Scene

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 09:01 AM PDT

    There's a classic moment in the Majin Buu vs Vegeta fight where Buu says "Why you.... Why you.... I REALLY HATE YOU" and then releases a bunch of energy creating a giant crater in the earth like a nuke. There used to be a relatively famous clip of it on YouTube but I assume it got taken down. Can anyone find it?

    submitted by /u/dingdongdangdeng
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