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    Tuesday, July 27, 2021

    Dragon Ball Z - Awesome Moro Saga in 90s DBZ style fan art by salvamakoto on DeviantArt

    Dragon Ball Z - Awesome Moro Saga in 90s DBZ style fan art by salvamakoto on DeviantArt

    Awesome Moro Saga in 90s DBZ style fan art by salvamakoto on DeviantArt

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 11:11 AM PDT

    Ultra-Instinct Sign by me

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 09:20 AM PDT

    My fanart of kid Gohan

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 09:55 AM PDT

    Decided to draw Goku Black (art by me)

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 07:10 PM PDT

    My Vegeta Redraw!

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 09:07 PM PDT

    This is dope !! Watched this show as a kid all time favorite and the Nike to go along with it!

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 05:28 PM PDT

    Android 18 fanart by ミッシュ

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 06:59 AM PDT

    I drew Raditz fanart! I love his voice

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 05:29 AM PDT

    Been having this case for a while, constantly turning my phone around just to see it!��

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 09:16 PM PDT

    DBS accurately portayed Goku's character than dubbed DBZ

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 06:18 AM PDT

    I see a lot of people that shit on dbs about gokus character. The animation I get but a lot of people need to understand that Goku's personality and motivations in dubbed dbz isn't what toriyama wanted. In fact toriyama was disappointed by gokus character in the English version of dbz.

    Goku is more of a selfish person by nature and only fights to get stronger. Saving innocent people is only a plus. Most people who grew up watching dbz on toonami or other dubbed versions of goku got the wrong idea of gokus character and didn't get the character toriyama envisioned for the franchise

    I guess I'm just sad seeing misconceptions and fans hating on dbs for that reason. I prefer the Japanese goku rather than dubbed goku and it hurts knowing that most people didn't get to see the real goku.


    submitted by /u/acelexmafia
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    Android 17 by me

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 07:01 AM PDT

    My take on King Kai's planet in 3D

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 07:46 AM PDT

    Imperfect Cell mask art work, who should I try next?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 09:33 AM PDT

    It was already known that Goku was an Alien from the beginning in Dragon Ball?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 05:07 PM PDT

    It was already known that Goku was an Alien from the beginning in Dragon Ball?


    Major Metallitron was one of the first characters to figure out that Goku is an alien from space. He does so after scanning Goku, his scanner displays that Goku is an alien. However, due to lack of human contact with Saiyans, he was unsure of what type of alien it was.

    Interestingly, Major Metallitron's scan of Goku mention a science officer, possibly referring to Dr. Gero as he was involved in development of Red Ribbon Army's Android soldiers. It is possible that Dr. Gero might have received some of the scan data from Metallitron before he was destroyed (or recovered the scan data from Metallitron's remains) allowing Gero to discover that Goku was an alien even before the arrival of Raditz.

    submitted by /u/Far-Illustrator-8838
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    Who voices Frieza in those DBZ Steelbooks Best Buy is selling?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 06:00 PM PDT

    Question in the title. I want to know if I would be dealing with Linda Young or Chris Ayers before I starting spending $40 a pop on blu-ray sets. If anyone knows the answer to this, I'd appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/Feraligreater328
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    Vegeta recent dbs manga by me

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 10:34 PM PDT

    Arr vegito and gogeta's personalities the same?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 03:45 PM PDT

    I've heard the argument about vegito being the cocky showoff and gogeta being the silent and serious warrior but that was only in a non canon movie. In super broly you can see gogeta being funny in a serious situation plus he had a smile on his face constantly during his fight with broly. The fact that he didn't trash talk broly is because broly was a raging monster that wouldn't really be affected by it. So i think vegito and gogeta are more similar than some people say. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Flaycont
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    How would you feel if DBS 'Super Hero' didn't feature Goku + Vegeta?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 05:34 AM PDT

    (I know Goku's already in the teaser)

    submitted by /u/Hoboryufeet
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    Blind Dragon Ball Sequels Review: Part 13 - Future Trunks Saga (DBS)

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 04:30 PM PDT

    I'm watching/reading the dragon ball sequels for the first time, then making a review of each major story arc, credit goes to /u/Crpal for the way this was formatted, Here's a link to an overview of what these reviews include, + a link to all parts.

    Part 0 - Overview

    Part 1 - Black Star Dragon Ball Saga (DBGT)

    Part 2 - Baby Saga (DBGT)

    Part 3 - Super 17 Saga (DBGT)

    Part 4 - Shadow Dragon Saga (DBGT)

    Part 5 - A Hero's Legacy (DBGT)

    Part 6 - Jaco The Galactic Patrolman (Jaco)

    Part 7 - God Of Destruction Beerus Saga (DBS)

    Part 8 - Battle Of Gods (DBS)

    Part 9 - Golden Frieza Saga (DBS)

    Part 10 - Resurrection Of F (DBS)

    Part 11 - Universe 6 Saga (DBS)

    Part 12 - Copy Vegeta Saga (DBS)


    Pre-Goku Black Vs. Goku: "I really hope we don't see any more of this mai x trunks stuff" - Me, 2021. This section was really boring to me and it kind of failed to hook me to the mystery, Mai x Trunks is weird and hard to care about, Future Bulma's death wasn't really that tragic to me? I do have to admit that everytime Future Trunks cried, I cried. This dude is so descriptive of everything that went wrong in my timeline and it's so sad, especially when he went to Gohan's house and saw that he was happy.

    Goku Black Vs. Goku: This part kind of hooked me, and I was making theories and trying to figure out who Goku Black was. I liked that Goku Black couldn't even go super saiyan and was kind of weak compared to Goku. One of the flaws that DBZ had was that it followed a formula of 1. Bad Guy shows up that is stronger than the z fighters 2. z fighters train and get stronger than the bad guy 3. Repeat. As far as I've seen DBS doesn't really do this, or at least it makes it believable. With Beerus, Hit, Zeno, Whis, and others, it doesn't feel like the new bad guys are just at a random high level of strength for no explained reason, and we've already been introduced to characters who are much stronger (and will most likely continue to be) than all the main villains and heroes.

    Universe 10: ZAMASU IS AWESOME. This section really had me on the edge of my seat watching as everything started to make more sense. The whole paradox goku black creation thing is really interesting, and Zamasu had some really believable character development. This felt like I was watching revenge of the sith all over again and I love it. Vegeta and Trunks' dynamic and Trunks seeing how Vegeta has grown as a person was great. I don't have much more to say about this part other than the fact that it was awesome.

    Back To The Future: Super Saiyan Rose and Super Saiyan Rage are probably my 2 favorite looking super saiyan transformations. 1. SSJRose 2. SSJRage 3. SSJ2 (DBZ) 4. SSJ1 (DBS) 5. SSJ1G3 (DBS) 6. SSJGod 7. SSJB 8. SSJ1G2 (DBZ) 9. SSJ3 10. SSJ1G4. Goku black just has a really cool design as well, and he's among my favorite-looking characters in all of animanga. When the other Zamasu came down I was once again on the edge of my seat and formulating theories as to what could be going on.

    Back To The Past, Then The Future Again: The evil containment wave was kind of a meh concept to bring back, and when it was revealed that Goku forgot the seal I was just thinking "bruh". Vegeta vs. Goku Black was really great (especially Vegeta's speech). And literally everything that Future Trunks said against both zamasu's and fused zamasu was so damn cool. I don't really know how I feel about the spirit bomb-infused sword that trunks had being so strong? I mean a spirit bomb from all of earth's inhabitants was just enough to kill kid buu, so why would one made up of only some of the earth's inhabitants be able to kill someone who is supposed to be at least a thousand times stronger than kid buu?

    The Ending: Zamasu "fusing with the earth" or whatever was kind of meh, honestly I would've preferred him just staying dead after future trunks killed him. I do like how alternate timeline Zeno was introduced, and I hope he plays a big part in these next few arcs. But yeah I pretty much guessed that something like this was going to happen when Zeno gave Goku that button.

    Shenron Wish Filler: Meh? Not bad for a filler I guess, the stuff with android 18 was kind of cute, I wasn't really interested in any other part of the episode.

    Hit Vs. Goku: Really great but at the same time I kind of just wanted to move on to the next main story arc at this point. While writing this (I already have my questions and predictions written) I'm at the point where Goku and the others just came back from the zeno expo, and they could've put this filler thing in there? I don't know 10 episodes without showing the main plot is just too much. Also, in my ranking of the arcs I'm not counting anything after the "the ending" section of this review, so don't say that I've been doing too much complaining to really like the arc this much.

    The Return Of Great Saiyaman: I don't know why but I love these episodes. I think it has something to do with the fact that I really enjoyed the great saiyaman saga, and when the buu stuff started happening I wished it was a slice of life anime focusing on Gohan's life again, and I was just glad to see some more of that even if it was just for a few episodes. (I know this is an unpopular opinion).

    Krillin And Goku's Training: Meh again? Ehh I don't really care much for this section. Maybe if it was in a different part of the story but at this point I'm falling asleep waiting for the main plot to come back. Speaking objectively with no regard to where this was placed, I really enjoy the dynamic between Krillin and 18, and seeing Krillin get character development is awesome (even if it will never be mentioned again + have no effect on the story).

    Question: Is the Zuno Zamasu visited the zuno of universe 10? Or did zamasu go to U7 to speak to him

    Question: How did Hit travel to Universe 7? Did Vados take him?

    Best Moment: Trunks' speech to fused Zamasu

    Worst Moment: When fused Zamasu fused with the earth

    Predictions (Universe Survival Saga Is Next):

    Frost will return - Could still happen

    Buu won't be in the tournament hosted by Zeno either - I CAN HOPE THAT HE IS.

    Trunks won't be able to go SSG or SSB (he has blue hair, IDK why they would give him blue hair if he could possibly unlock SSB) - I was right but SSRage is cooler

    Copy-Vegeta won't return (please) - I think there is 0 chance at this point

    Gohan will get a new form

    Future Trunks will be in the tournament of power

    Ranking The Arcs:

    Future Trunks Saga>Universe 6 Saga>Jaco The Galactic Patrolman>BoG/Beerus Saga>Baby Saga>A Hero's Legacy>RoF/Golden Frieza Saga>Shadow Dragon Saga>Copy Vegeta Saga>Super 17 Saga>Black Star Dragon Ball Saga>

    What I know about the next saga: It contains the "ToP" or the "Tournament of Power" which I have heard mixed opinions about.

    Last minute edit before I post: I just finished the zeno expo part of the universal survival saga and I am loving it! The Tournament rules are actually really creative and I'm really hyped for the tournament to begin!

    submitted by /u/jakepaul248932849
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    Been a while since I drew Dragon Ball What u think?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 07:40 AM PDT

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