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    Wednesday, December 15, 2021

    Dragon Ball Z - Let's go to the KAME'HOUSE ! 🔥

    Dragon Ball Z - Let's go to the KAME'HOUSE ! ��

    Let's go to the KAME'HOUSE ! ��

    Posted: 15 Dec 2021 03:31 AM PST

    Which design do you like more? Dbz for me but I like supers blue hair.

    Posted: 14 Dec 2021 07:04 AM PST

    Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero New Key Visual

    Posted: 14 Dec 2021 01:01 PM PST

    My two new tattoos! he did a really good job!

    Posted: 15 Dec 2021 01:01 AM PST

    Incredible work done by Casey Whittaker at Almighty Tattoos in Belleville, IL

    Posted: 14 Dec 2021 06:18 PM PST

    I thought i'd draw my take on a Caulifla/Kale fusion dance.

    Posted: 14 Dec 2021 08:00 AM PST

    Alternate Universe - Kakarot in place of Vegeta - Just a couple pencil lines...

    Posted: 15 Dec 2021 02:02 AM PST

    Vegeta Ultra Ego (OC)

    Posted: 14 Dec 2021 02:07 PM PST

    Drew Goku. Really like how this came out

    Posted: 15 Dec 2021 04:32 AM PST

    Our boy Trunks (By me)

    Posted: 15 Dec 2021 05:43 AM PST

    Joji Yanami, who previously narrated the DBZ anime as well as providing the voice for King Kai, Dr. Briefs, and Bobbidi, has passed away at the age of 90.

    Posted: 14 Dec 2021 06:32 AM PST

    A page of coring book i colored long time ago.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2021 08:08 AM PST

    Ultra Ego Vegeta tattoo done by @The_Bebop on Instagram! Not my tattoo, but I wanted to give her a shout out. I’ve been tatted by her before and her work is freaking amazing.

    Posted: 14 Dec 2021 11:39 AM PST

    Ultra Instinct as the [Limit Breaker] VS The [Technique]

    Posted: 14 Dec 2021 09:15 PM PST

    Ultra Instinct needs no introduction, it's the moment in DBS that broke the internet for years to come and still gathers hype whenever it's mentioned. There's hardly anyone who doesn't recognize Ultra Instinct, so let's have a discussion about it. As many of you may know, Ultra Instinct varies between the mediums it's presented in, mainly anime and manga. This division of presentation is mainly what's debated between fans, and for good reason too, both mediums present two very different versions of the sacred form.

    Starting with the anime, we first see Ultra Instinct when Goku tries (and fails) to finish off Jiren with the Spirit Bomb. Jiren hardly blinks (in fact he deflects it with a glance) at the attack, sending it back at Goku. The two of them start to push against each other, with many of the other characters commenting on just how strong both of them are. Sadly, Jiren is stronger. The Spirit Bomb explodes, drawing Goku in towards its nucleus, all of the energy washing over him. Goku can't possibly take all this energy at once in his state, but if he doesn't he'll die. For a bit, that's what everyone thinks happened... until the stadium starts to rumble from a tremendous power... of course, we all know what it is. From a pillar of light, we see Goku rise, a transcendent glow surrounding his body as we see him in his new form... Ultra Instinct Omen (Or Sign).

    Now, you might be asking, what the hell just happened? How did the Spirit Bomb help Goku unluck UI? Well, let me explain.

    Firstly, stop wondering "how'd the Spirit Bomb harm Goku if he's not evil?"

    Goku wasn't hit by the Spirit Bomb, he was hit by all the energy inside it. Watching the scene again, we clearly see the Spirit Bomb go haywire since both Goku and Jiren were trying to push it back at each other. The Spirit Bomb itself clearly dispersed, but all the energy from it was still present, which was what hit Goku and forced him into UI. Now, as for how UI itself came about, you'll see why I titled the anime version of it "The Limit Breaker".

    Goku by himself couldn't survive the Spirit Bomb, he needed to push far beyond his limits to do that. That's exactly what the anime's Ultra Instinct is, Goku pushing beyond his limits and focusing on his sole need to survive to achieve a new state of being, or rather, an omen to the new state of being. This is similar to (as we'll talk about soon) the manga's way of handling UI, in which one strips away all unnecessary thoughts and movements from the battle and solely allows their body to move freely.

    Goku later goes on to not only use the Omen form a few more times but also unlock Mastered Ultra instinct. Discussing this would more so discuss the similarities more than the differences, so I'll go over it after I explain the manga's version.

    In the manga, strangely enough, the first we see of Ultra Instinct (bar the Angels and Beerus) is Master Roshi. Who knew the old geezer still had it in 'em. During his brief bout with Jiren, Master Roshi displays the "principles" of Ultra Instinct without tapping into the technique itself, being the mortal close enough to achieving the state. His display of this comes after he has a brief discussion with Goku about what it means to have strength. I have to give it to the manga, the dialogue given here is GREAT.

    "Goku. What's strength mean to you?"

    "Strength? Well, even my Super Saiyan Blue form can't keep up with him, so... I guess I need some kinda greater power?"

    "Hmph, power, you say? Plain ol' fighting strength? Who taught you that? Frieza? Vegeta? Nah, that's no way to measure things."

    Goku reverts to his base form from Super Saiyan Blue.

    "I don't get it Gramps..."

    "We don't master Martial Arts to win fights, we do it to conqueor outselves."

    Roshi proceeds to tell Goku to think about what all his Masters have told him previously, to which Goku remembers they've all basically told him to not waste so much energy, to be more tranquil with his movements, and to not focus on simply training his body.

    Master Roshi proceeds to put up a really good fight against Jiren, but his use of Ultra Instinct is still only an expression of the technique so Jiren eventually rings him out. But, as all good Masters do, he left behind something much more than a good fight. He left behind a lesson. Goku, not the Saiyan, but of the Turtle School accumulates all his fighting knowledge, achieving Ultra Instinct. The two stand face to face and their battle begins...

    Only for Goku to promptly lose the form after a few moments and be whipped by Jiren, much less an Omen and more of a glimpse, really. It takes Android 17's apparent sacrifice for him to tap into the form again, in which instead of getting angry, he stays calm. Something else we'll talk about later.

    Omen here is treated much less like a state in and of itself and more of a transitionary phase more than anything. It would (strangely) go on to be used as a form later on in the manga though, but that's beside the point.

    Doesn't take a genius to realize just how different the portrayals are between the anime and the manga, hence the labels of Limit Breaker and Technique respectively. Both mediums give a good presentation of the form, so let's break them down a little further. Personally, I prefer the anime's version (unpopular opinion, I know), it's a lot more climatic and captures the ability's mystique outside of simply "Realize how to dodge", but both do have their merits.

    One complaint I've heard from the anime's side is that it doesn't "make sense". If Ultra Instinct is just a technique why does Goku get so much stronger from it? "It's not supposed to be a form or power up", people say. Well... uh, sorry to burst your bubble but... yes it is.

    People who say this often make the mistake of forgetting that Goku can't use Ultra Instinct on the same level as the Angels. Let's break down what we got here:

    • "Principles"/Ultra Instinct Expression: This is what we see Roshi use in the manga, displaying the principles of Ultra Instinct without tapping into the state by itself. A brief expression of it, but nowhere near complete, the closest thing a regular mortal could come to using Ultra Instinct. Props to Roshi for being able to do this.
    • Ultra Instinct - Omen - / - Sign -: A step above Ultra Instinct Expression, Omen is the first stage transformation used by Goku to tap into Ultra Instinct before he masters it. Omen is only about half of the proper principles of UI though, as the form is great at dodging attacks instantly but when it comes to attacking, the user is still putting conscious effort into what they're doing. This isn't all that much of a bad thing though, as Goku was able to have his body dodge by itself while he charged his Kamehameha against Kefla. Still, though, Omen lacks the inherent attack power boost that comes with Mastered Ultra Instinct. "Why's it have a power boost if it's only a technique?" cause it's uh, not only a technique. But let's get onto Mastered.
    • Mastered Ultra Instinct: The king of hype itself, the pinnacle of (mortal-use) Ultra Instinct as Goku's strongest form to date. Mastered Ultra instinct is the silver-haired form Goku uses that puts all of UI's principles into full effect. Both his attacks and defenses are boosted. Yes, defenses in general and not just his ability to dodge. MUI is not fragile. Moro broke his whole arm trying to punch Goku's pectoral while he was in this state. Be reminded, that Mastered Ultra Instinct is, once again, a transformation that allows Goku to use Ultra Instinct. It's not Ultra Instinct (the principles of movement) by itself, it's also accompanied by a massive power boost. Mastered Ultra Instinct, while strong, still comes with a time limit. This was rectified in the Moro Arc with:
      • Improved Mastered Ultra Instinct: A bit redundant, I know, but bear with me. Goku continues to hone UI in the Moro Arc and gains better control of UI to the point where its overall strength and time limit are improved. Goku is so massively overpowered in this state that he humiliates Moro beyond belief. Even when Moro proceeds to absorb Angel-level Ultra Instinct (which outclasses Goku's), he's still not capable of keeping up with Goku. The difference between this and regular MUI is that Goku doesn't slim down in this form, he keeps his musculature (which I think looks really cool). He didn't seem to be using his Improved form against Granolah for whatever reason, maybe because he wasn't in a state where he was pushed far enough to use it.
    • Ultra Instinct without Transformation: What Goku's currently learning to do, use UI without accessing his UI-associated transformations. This is similar to Ultra Instinct Expression but more refined, able to mix it in with his other forms. This has the obvious downside however in that Goku doesn't receive the strength or speed boost he does while transforming into Omen or MUI, meaning he's limited to the strength he has in the form he's using. Using Blue + UI doesn't make him stronger, just makes him able to do the Autonomous movement.
    • Angel-level UI: The actual pinnacle of UI used by the Angels, UI in this state isn't a transformation and more like an "off/on" state. You can see how this differs from Goku's state of UI where he needs to transform in order to facilitate the technique. Mortals cannot reach this state of UI.

    Bold statement I made right there, don't you think? So bravely stating it was impossible for mortals to reach that level of UI? Well, yeah, it is.

    Let's look at it like this. In order to properly use UI, Goku has had to use the associated transformations up to this point. Why? Mortals can't use UI otherwise, Goku literally needs to transform into a special state to fully utilize the capabilities. Whis tries to teach Goku not to think of it as a form, but when he doesn't use UI as a form he doesn't benefit nearly as much. As a divine technique, I'm truly under the impression that mortals aren't able to reach the truest potential of UI.

    Of course, that won't stop Goku from pushing MUI to its strongest state, but that's to be seen. Before you mention Moro, his body was literally breaking down cause he couldn't handle that level of UI, so my point still stands.

    That's everything, folks! A brief overview of UI, its differences in anime and manga as well as the different forms, clearing up some misconceptions along the way. Which do you think is a better fit for the form? Personally, the Limit Breaker variant works better when we see Goku use Omen and MUI as forms. The manga's explanation does indeed more sense at face value, but the accompanying transformations are lacking in favor of a better explanation.

    Feel free to leave your thoughts down below : D

    submitted by /u/QuizQuestionGuy
    [link] [comments]

    [OC] Hang in there, Kakarot. You are number one (Colorized pencil drawing)

    Posted: 15 Dec 2021 05:22 AM PST

    I call this ultra asswhole (dbs manga color by me)

    Posted: 14 Dec 2021 08:59 PM PST

    How old was vegeta in the android and cell saga

    Posted: 15 Dec 2021 05:45 AM PST

    Im mainly asking cause if he was in his mid 20s or younger then that's a very big weight to be dealing with everything he did and having a late teenaged son near you could explain some of his rash decisions

    submitted by /u/Jumping3
    [link] [comments]

    If you could change one thing in the series, what would it be?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2021 03:42 PM PST

    Power levels I guess will be the popular choice, but mine would be goku suddenly growing in a few years in dragonball.

    submitted by /u/Smurfkilluh
    [link] [comments]

    My cousin told me to draw broly so I did wdyt :D

    Posted: 14 Dec 2021 07:57 AM PST

    janemba drawing

    Posted: 15 Dec 2021 02:54 AM PST

    Goku Black wishes y’all a happy Hard Hat Holiday! (OC)

    Posted: 14 Dec 2021 01:16 PM PST

    [OC] Limit Breaker SSJ4 Vegito done by Me

    Posted: 14 Dec 2021 06:41 AM PST

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