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    Wednesday, December 22, 2021

    Dragon Ball Z - Oob and Boo Fusion Dance by me (OC) Reference on the left

    Dragon Ball Z - Oob and Boo Fusion Dance by me (OC) Reference on the left

    Oob and Boo Fusion Dance by me (OC) Reference on the left

    Posted: 22 Dec 2021 03:50 AM PST

    A little Frieza sketch I did yesterday. Thanks for looking!

    Posted: 22 Dec 2021 10:15 AM PST

    I did a Goku drawing. I finally got a set of decent colors so I could actually commit to some shading.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2021 02:42 AM PST

    New tattoo! I thought maybe you'd all like to see :)

    Posted: 22 Dec 2021 08:38 AM PST

    Tbf to Moro, toriyama REALLY likes this design

    Posted: 22 Dec 2021 08:47 AM PST

    UI Goku by blackfilm

    Posted: 22 Dec 2021 07:33 AM PST

    In-depth analysis of the character Buu and why he's in my top 3 antagonists in the entire Dragon Ball series.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2021 04:15 AM PST

    Before even starting, we've got to understand every form of Buu, and then i'll explain you why imo he's a better villain than Cell.

    "1. Originally there was Kid Buu. Pure destructive thoughts and no restraint.

    1. At some point in the past, Kid Buu absorbed the Ancient Kai. This was the turning point. Although Kid Buu was more powerful than the Kai, the Kai was so amazingly Good that he completely re-wrote Buu's personality. Buu stopped being a pure destructive force and became an innocent child genie creature. From that point on, Buu lost access to his full power because the Kai was holding him back from the inside.

    2. Majin Buu (Kid Buu + the Kai) felt so much internal conflict that he ended up dividing himself between all the good he had inside himself (Good Buu) and all the evil (Evil Buu).

    3. Evil Buu defeated Good Buu, turned him into chocolate and ate him. Unlike what happened when Kid Buu absorbed the Kai, Evil Buu completely dominated Good Buu and didn't just "fuse" with him. By eating Good Buu, Evil Buu assimilated all the power Good Buu had with complete control over the process. This time, Buu gained access to the Ancient Kai's full power without the Kai's goodness holding him back. Thus he became Super Buu, the being Kid Buu originally intended to become when he absorbed the ancient Kai.

    4. Goku and Vegeta released the beings dominated inside Super Buu. All the beings which Kid Buu had absorbed in the ancient past were once again combined into Good Buu a.k.a. Fat Buu. Super Buu reverted to his original form, Kid Buu. Without the Kai holding him back, Kid Buu had access to more power than Majin Buu, but nowhere near the power he had when he fully controled the Kai inside himself."

    • A redditor.

    Buu and Cell both have many different form but i think Buu did it better. I found his personality to be much more compelling, than Cell bland personnality. I think Cell 1st form is better than any Buu's form, but the 2nd and 3rd one are really just Frieza, which i found it boring. The worse is the 2nd one. That's another reason why i dislike Buuhan and Buutenks. They're just the other typical DBZ villain.

    I also think that Buu's backstory is a lot more interesting than Cell's one. Cell's backstory is still good with the Red Ribbon thing, but i think Buu's backstory with the Kai is a lot more impactful in the DBZ universe. Which give more importance to Buu in DBZ's story than Cell.

    Something i like about Buu is his 3 best forms :

    Fat Buu

    Super Buu

    Kid Buu

    Im actually shocked how there are so few people that think Buu actually has depth.

    Im gonna start with Fat Buu :

    The thing i love about Cell 1st form is that he gave something different. Something, i repeat, the other forms of Cell didn't do. Fat Buu himself feel like a comic relief of the typical DBZ antagonist. His design is pretty simple, compared to Frieza and Cell, he's totally goofy, but has also depth in his character. Like i said, Fat Buu is totally different compared to the other Z villain. Hard to explain, but yes he does like a lot to kill people, but his dynamic and relationships with Mr. Satan and the little dog is probably as interesting as Frieza's dynamic and relationships with Goku and Vegeta for very different reasons (hot take here too). On one side he's totally excited about killing people, his evil side. but on the other side he also have somehow a big heart, the good side. It's give a lot of depth to his character and in some scene we can see both side collapsing. Like, in the scene where he gave the view to a blind kid was heart-warming. But literally the next scene of him was him destroying city. It's amazing.

    Super Buu :

    Buu's best form. The perfect balance between the goofy Fat Buu and the scary Kid Buu. The only problem about him was it was a bit too short. But again, he's a lot more complex that we can think. The scene where he attack Mr. Satan but then remember of all the moment he had with him is amazing. I love how he can eat an ice cream and the next scene he makes a creepypasta face. He's wild.

    Kid Buu :

    Super Buu is the best Buu, but Kid Buu is my favorite. You see what i mean? Fat Buu is totally goofy. Super Buu is 50% goofy, 50% scary. Kid Buu is a straight monster. He have no mind, he only think about destruction. That's what makes him a compelling villain. In difference in Frieza or Cell who when they do something, they take pleasure of it, Kid Buu think for only one thing and it disgusting. Him fighting Fat Buu is amazing. He's fighting his other side, which is suprsingly an underrated story-telling.

    To finish, the best thing about Buu is that he's not a one-dimensional villain. His multiple personalities is what makes him such a compelling villain, how the first and the last form contradict from themselves is also very good, which gives him a lot of depth to his character. I actually think he's better than Cell, he's in my top 3 antagonists in Dragon Ball behing Frieza and King Piccolo.

    submitted by /u/Sobiikku
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    Does anyone else love the way MUI looks in the manga?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2021 06:47 AM PST

    It's just the way Toyotaro draws it that makes it so cool to me. When the form first appeared in the TOP arc I didn't think anything much of it. I thought it looked a bit off and it wasn't until the Moro and Granola arc that it started to grow on me. Now I just love the way it looks in the manga.

    submitted by /u/TheHumanOracle
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    Pathes to Saiyan stength

    Posted: 22 Dec 2021 07:54 AM PST

    I watched that episode a long time ago and I can't remember what it was but after a fight against his father, Gohan says he will swarch for another way to get stronger than his dad.
    Along with the Xenoverse characters, that would make 3 pathes.

    Goku and Vegeta took the God path, becoming SSJB.
    Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta seems to have taken the Ape/Saiyan path, keeping their tails and then permanent access to SSJ4.
    And Gohan seems to have taken a different, yet unclear path, where he will seek his "full potential" unlocked by Kaioshin.

    I want to think that, with new blue forms discovered here and there, it is possible the SSJ will/could have more forms or variants in the future.

    submitted by /u/walker_strange
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