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    Wednesday, November 4, 2020

    Dragon Ball Z - Broly time! (OC)

    Dragon Ball Z - Broly time! (OC)

    Broly time! (OC)

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 07:16 AM PST

    Cell games Gohan fanart lmk what you think :)

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 04:25 PM PST

    [OC] Turles the space pirate

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 05:22 PM PST

    Super Saiyan 4 Goku with acrylics and markers Any Criticism, Tips and suggestions are well appreciated. Thanks

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 07:37 PM PST

    My digital drawing of Vegito from the DBS Future Trunks arc. Reference used in the comments.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 01:00 PM PST

    The return of old enemies (OC)

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 09:20 PM PST

    A little bit of Vegito Blue [@HadesAnimations]

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 05:22 PM PST

    I thought my cat looked a lot like Beerus so I whipped this up in like 10 minutes, I hope you like it!

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 02:50 AM PST

    Opinions on Golden Frieza

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 09:30 PM PST

    What is your opinion on Frieza's golden form? Do you like it or not?

    submitted by /u/GokuandSupermanbffs
    [link] [comments]

    I think this is the shortest time from introduction to death in Dragon Ball. A whole 5 panels.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 03:22 PM PST

    Dragonball Super Finale

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 09:07 AM PST

    The TOP final episode is peak dragonball, above all of Z, above every movie. Seeing Goku and Freiza team up to fight as everyone else is rooting them on looking in shock in awe legit brings tears to my eyes. It's a culmination of the entire arc and just hits so hard. It might be my favorite episode in all of anime. All that happens in the first 15 minutes of the episode. Sorry was just rewatching it for the 5th time and everytime whether it's sub or dub is just amazing.

    submitted by /u/Cmdeadly
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    DIE HAAAAAAA (art by me, ref in comments)

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 04:33 AM PST

    If Goku didn't make it back from Namek. Frieza tries to destroy the Earth.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 09:19 AM PST

    I think it would be funny if Frieza came back to destroy Earth and instead of Goku or Trunks being there he would just get bodied by the Android's.

    I couldn't imagine how humiliating that would be and kind of want to read a fanfic on it lol

    Edit: I mean 19 and 20. Coming for an easy win and pummeled by a clown and a elderly man

    submitted by /u/omelettealformaggio
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    Dragon ball z steelbooks

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 03:26 PM PST

    Did anybody pick up the new dbz steelbooks? How's the picture quality?

    submitted by /u/Willnotbreakitbroke
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    Okay, seriously - why does Bulma spend most of the space filler pre-Namek walking around in her underwear when Krillin and Gohan are clothed?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 04:34 PM PST

    Like, rock that body, I guess, but it just seems so awkward. I think the vast majority of people would've packed some sort of casual clothing to wear. Don't exactly see Krillin strolling around in boxers, you know?

    submitted by /u/Gigadweeb
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    Best intro episode?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 09:09 AM PST

    Friend of mine has never seen dbz, but knows most of the characters. What's a good episode to get them hooked? Preferably something with a good fight or some humour that's typical for the series

    submitted by /u/Atooloftheboss
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    Im about 9 episodes into DBZ after watching DB and all I can say so far is

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 02:47 PM PST

    That I hope the show isnt always going to be focused on this annoying gohan character. I sat through around 150 episodes of kid goku the least of what I want to do is watch gohan go around crying about everything.

    submitted by /u/DumbFuckingIdiot23
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    Fan Theory: SSJ4 Eye color is based on previous SSJ form.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 02:23 PM PST

    Making my XV2 CaC, I have the eye color as a Violet/Indigo. Used it because its my previous, original custom made form eye color (with black hair). It represents spirituality & calmness, which is what the form is essentially (Super Saiyan Ultimate, Potential Unleashed w Super Saiyan Power).

    Anyways, my point is, I made a SSJ4 preset on this one w the same color, & me I try to make everything relate to canon & hypo-canon.

    Now, if you got this far. SSJ4 Goku has yellow eyes, Vegeta has Teal eyes? Why? Creators said so. Theory? I say, Golden Great Ape was the last form Goku unlocked, which resulted in him being a Yellow eyed SSJ4. Vegeta, only knew SSJ2 at most prior to his primal evolution, so the teal eyes from his Super Saiyan form determined his eye color.

    That's all about this matter. Lmk what you guys think.

    submitted by /u/WavHendrix
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    How I think Death Beam came to be

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 10:29 AM PST

    Do you think Frieza's clansmen got the idea from Whis and Beerus? Because they both do a similar one finger beam attack, and we know they've at least made contact with Frieza and King Cold because King Cold told his sons to avoid making Beerus angry and never to challenge him, and Beerus (as far as we know) directly told Freiza to destroy Planet Vegeta. So it's 100% possible that some of Freiza's ancestors saw Beerus/Whis do their beam move and tried to mimic it because after all if a god of destruction is using it it has to be good, then because of that same logic the technique was passed down among Freiza's kin. This is all possible speculation and from my knowledge has never been disproven, I wanna know what the community thinks about this. Fully open to suggestions for this theory as well as critiques and counter theories

    submitted by /u/Battleninja345
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    What makes characters/antagonists like fireza, Whis and Beerus so Popular and universally liked compared to other antagonists/characters like jiren, Z broly, or even someone like Goku Black and hit who aren't as concrete in their popularity?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 10:27 AM PST

    I almost never see that much hate against whis and beerus on any website. As well as frieza (not as a character anyway). While I will see massive amounts of hate for other DB super characters especially jiren. What makes these 3 characters so liked compared to most other antagonists we have seen in DB super and even just DB overall? Is it because they are some of the newest and most unique type characters (a god and an angel) and because of their abilities and relationship with each other and the z fighters? What about for frieza? What makes these 3 so much more liked on average than these other antagonists and characters?

    submitted by /u/Ggman01
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