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    Saturday, January 2, 2021

    Dragon Ball Z - Today I made Master Roshi in Hero Forge.

    Dragon Ball Z - Today I made Master Roshi in Hero Forge.

    Today I made Master Roshi in Hero Forge.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 08:45 AM PST

    Hey DBZ fans!! When I was a kid til I was a teenager I grew up watching DBZ every day. I loved a lot of the characters but I always really connected with cold Android icon herself Android 18! I recently decided to redo my cosplay of her and just wanted to share!! Hope you enjoy :D

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 05:44 AM PST

    Can't find a 4k Dragon Ball wallpaper that I like, so I quickly made one myself.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 05:45 PM PST

    Finished custom AF1'S for my son for Christmas, he loved them and won't take them off ��

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 04:38 PM PST

    This is my UI drawing, I am new to digital art plz don’t hate������ this is my first post it r/dbz , I hope it goes well♥️����

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 04:52 PM PST

    Got these from the wife for christmas. Can’t wait to introduce my son to this legendary series and to watch Kai for my first time!

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 06:10 PM PST

    FRIEZA Art by @wesleythecreator

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 06:06 PM PST

    [OC] Quick drawing of Duplicate Vegeta, or Copy as I call him, just wanted to share. Used paper, pens, and pencils before going back with an editing app to enhance the colours.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 07:04 PM PST

    (OC) I know nothing about Touhou, but what I do know is that Flandre would make an excellent apprentice to Beerus

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 04:33 PM PST

    SSJ Future Trunks tattoo done by @jptronwalker at Arlia Tattoo in Orlando

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 04:14 PM PST

    Is Saiyan respect based on strength?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 09:45 PM PST

    I've been wondering as to why Vegeta at numerous times doesn't seem to respect his father much. I theorized that it may have been due to the fact that it didn't take him very long at all to surpass him in strength, and Saiyans in general have no respect for weaker beings because they view them as inferior and utterly worthless. I then thought about how Saiyans respect each other in general. I know at this point to many he is so canon that he's not worth mentioning, but the original incarnation of Broly doesn't really seem to respect Saiyans or people in general out of strength since everyone around him at the time was leagues below him. He seemed to respect Goku because he was able to last so long against him because of his will to never give up (whether or not Broly knew that) even though he was well aware that he was so much weaker than him and it seemed like winning was impossible. When anyone remotely more powerful than him in any way stands in his path he can't comprehend it and breaks down (when Goku was powered up by his friends and allies), so there's no respect at all there. What are people's insight on this

    submitted by /u/MaxiDB04
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    Attempting something I never thought I'd be doing.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 09:21 PM PST

    I'm 33 now and grew up watchin DBZ when I was in my early teens. It'd be on at 8:00am for 30 mins and school starts 9 and that would give us a good 15 mins plus to walk to school and talk about the episode.

    I don't get too committed into watching dramas, series, but I do enjoy watching a few docs that I might enjoy, mostly anything by David Attenborough.

    I don't like getting too committed into seasons because 1) time 2) starting it, and fear of not getting into it and wasting time.

    About 2-3 months ago I just finished watchin both seasons of Narcos which I thoroughly enjoyed despite the subtitles, the production and acting kept me into it.

    So, with the time I have, bouncing work and other life stuff, I do have 'spare' time, so I thought.. f- it.. I'll re-watch DBZ again from the start. I wasn't fully committed but I had to start with the 1st episode sooner or later. I remember DBZ, in my opinion, was the best thing ever, and at the time, I thought it was a cartoon, little did I know, I was experiencing like many other kids my age at the time, a classic Anime.

    I remember bits and pieces of what I watched when I was younger, mainly the important bits like the battles Vs the villains and abit of the rest of the story line. Its been.. I don't know.. I was 10-11 at the time.. so it's been a long time, but I don't forget the experience.. the story.. Goku and the entourage, and witnessing wtf a Super Saiyan was lol. Its a bit different at this age, but its makin me feel young again, and the things I don't remember happening, I can put all the pieces to the puzzle and understand the story line once again. And I still get that feeling when I was younger when there's a scene when shits about to go down 😅

    Anyway, I thought I'd share this special moment once again with others alike.. I'm 149 episodes into the 291, its taken me roughly a month and I'm committed and still enjoying it like I once use to.

    So currently Picollo is havin his fight with Android 18? While Cell is about to crash the party and be a menace. Vegeta and Trunks are in the hyperbolic chamber training while Goku and Gohan wait outside. (Apparently 1 normal day is worth a shitload more in there.) The rest is sort of history lol, but for me, I've still got a few episodes to complete.

    Alright, its currently on pause and Cell is about to rock up any minute now 😌 Pressing Play, LET'S DO THIS!

    submitted by /u/fineseShot
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    Redrew an old drawing from when I was 11/12 years old!

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 12:53 PM PST

    What are your thoughts on one-sided fights in Dragon Ball?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 06:56 PM PST

    Dragon Ball obviously has it's fair share of beatdowns and curbstomps throughout it's history, and while some of those moments are incredibly popular, there's also many people who don't really like them because of one simple reason - there's not much actual fighting invovled. And that's kind of a huge thing for a fighting series.

    When you look at something like Gohan vs Cell, while it's one of the most iconic moments in all of Dragon Ball, it's ironically not because of the actual fighting between them. Because there isn't, really. After Gohan goes SSJ2, he only ever attacks Cell maybe three or four times in the manga before their final Kamaehameha duel, and they're all just your standard punches and kicks. What this means is that if you don't care at all about Gohan awakening to his full power or seeing Cell get utterly humiliated by him, there's absolutely nothing going for that entire segment in your eyes.

    This obviously had a narrative purpose to it though, that being to make Gohan's ascension feel that much more powerful and satsifying. We've seen Toriyama do this with Goku plenty of times as well. I think this begs the question, though - is it okay for a fighting series to sacrifice good fight choreography for any sort of narrative purpose? If not, are one-sided fights an inherent issue for any actino series?

    submitted by /u/tfwnolife33
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    Happy New Year Everyone!!

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 09:56 AM PST

    Dragon Ball Sale

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 01:15 PM PST

    Hello! Just wanted to post that Funimation has a sale going on until tomorrow, 21% off orders $50+. The Dragon Ball movies and sets also receive this discount. I've currently got the 2013 blu rays that I bought last year, but thinking about grabbing the Steelbook sets. $319.86+tax for all 9 seasons if anyone's interested!

    submitted by /u/JJOSH16
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    Saiyan Pathways

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 03:43 PM PST

    Saiyan Pathways

    I've seen a few posts on this and I've wondered myself, can saiyans have multiple pathways? The below image is something I've mocked up (each avatar shows how far someone has landed on the chain, starting from base form ex: base form can go to Great Ape, then Golden Great Ape, then SS4 without ever knowing super saiyan 1, or a saiyan can go SSG then beyond to blue without ever knowing SS1). I've mixed in both elements from the manga and anime from all forms of dragon ball to make this all-encompassing, and it somehow works. What are your thoughts?


    submitted by /u/vahnx
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    Goku vs granola by me

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 07:02 AM PST

    Controversial Opinion: I prefer the ritual to Goku learning to stay in God form

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 03:45 PM PST

    Here's something I don't hear anyone else saying: I love how Goku got his Super Saiyan God form originally, I feel that the transformation IS earned, and unironically wish he could only access it through the ritual each time, at least for a long while.

    Here's the thing: Whereas the regular transformations are the result of off-screen training, SSG was earned not through personal body training, but through results. Furthermore, the theme of breaking through barriers through effort always included getting help from others, be it fighting side by side with allies or studying under teachers. Each component of the SSG form was earned through Goku's life, in the individual characters.

    >Vegeta was an evil soul who was gradually converted to a friend over the course of Z, cemented in the Buu arc.

    >Trunks is a literal representation of Vegeta's conversion.

    >Gohan and Goten are the representation of the life Goku went through since the start, and who he became. Gohan only achieved SS with Goku's tutelage and a representation of Goku's growth as a character from student to teacher, while Gohan is a representation of Goku's former innocence and who he is deep down.

    >Pan is a representation of Goku's future. Of everything that is left to accomplish and everything that is left to protect. She has yet to arrive, but she is still significant enough to assist, much like how one's future can motivate you even if you don't know what the future will hold.

    Super Saiyan God being achieved through the ritual felt to me like all of Goku's life and accomplishments from past, present, and future, were being brought together to empower Goku to reach heights he never dreamed of. You did it, Goku. Your life itself celebrates you, and you will be raised past it so you can reach heights that are otherwise impossible, like how one can learn so much more under a teacher than without one.

    It not only sent that message to me, but in my eyes it set something to strive towards for Vegeta in a natural way. He sacrificed his life for his kids. In the film, Vegeta throws his pride aside to dance for the safety of those he loves. That's not the end, however. Vegeta just reached the point where he's a decent human being and a decent person. Now, he needs to witness what continuing down that path can get you. The fact that Vegeta achieved SSG without the ritual honestly makes me angry, especially since that goes against all of the above. He didn't learn from his mistakes. He didn't grow as a person to get this, he didn't earn anyone's trust or love to get this.

    Worst part is, between Trunks, Bulla, Tarble (confirmed canon in Broly movie), and Goku, there are four of five requisite saiyans who love and respect him, even if you exclude Goten, Gohan, and Pan despite Goten being Trunks' best friend and basically another son to Vegeta. If I had my wish, SSG would be stronger, the ritual would be necessary to at least get someone to start getting access to SSG, and Vegeta would have only achieved the form after making up with Nappa to act as his fifth as a representation of clearing his past sins, or maybe even exclude Goku and have Vegeta achieve God in the middle of the Tournament of Power with the help of Cabba, after Vegeta promises to bring Universe 6 back.

    submitted by /u/TrueXSong
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    Crazy What-If Third Wish for Moro: "Teach me how...!"

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 11:10 AM PST

    This would have changed the entire direction of the story, but it occurred to me the other day and I thought I'd share it.

    What if the third wish made to Porunga by Moro was...

    "Teach me how to create Dragon Balls!"

    We know from Super that the namekians learned how to make their own Dragon Balls from studying the Super Dragon Balls, so it's not something innate to their race. It's an art that those with the necessary magic can learn. Moro demonstrated the magical ability to sense the location of Dragon Balls, so he was already developing an understanding of their magic even then.

    Imagine if he'd learned how to create his own set, the ramifications of him creating an entirely new set of Dragon Balls, with their own restrictions and powers, bound to an all-new eternal dragon, completely disconnected from how the namekians do things.

    I have no idea where the story might have gone from there, but I think it would have been an interesting concept to explore.

    submitted by /u/TheBattleYak
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    I just canon balled through db/dbz/dbs and noticed we rarely see roshi in his pumped up state, why is that?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 10:40 AM PST

    You'd assume when fighting stronger enemies hed want to do that.

    I dont think he pumped up even once in the ToP. I wonder if its the whole skill over power gimmick since hes not exactly a gag character at least in the older series.

    submitted by /u/DumbFuckingIdiot23
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