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    Dragon Ball Z - Dragon Ball Super Chapter 79 Storyboards

    Dragon Ball Z - Dragon Ball Super Chapter 79 Storyboards

    Dragon Ball Super Chapter 79 Storyboards

    Posted: 13 Dec 2021 05:58 PM PST

    Jiren,It my hobby,i paint it ��

    Posted: 13 Dec 2021 05:51 PM PST

    First Official Coloured Image of Ultra Ego Vegeta (via: @kamisamaexp on Twitter)

    Posted: 13 Dec 2021 08:07 PM PST

    I miss this team up.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2021 09:53 AM PST

    I tried my best alright��(seizure warning⚠️ )

    Posted: 13 Dec 2021 06:38 PM PST

    Future Trunks isn't a (good) martial artist this is why his default is "get shit done" and overpower ASAP. Fight me.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2021 12:37 PM PST

    Future Trunks isn't a (good) martial artist this is why his default is "get shit done" and overpower ASAP. Fight me.

    Alright, Imma be controversial, and all this despite Future Trunks being my absolute fave (like all girls who grew up in the 90s FR/LATAM anime world). So no hate towards the character.

    He's strong, and the fight he does win, he wins by overpowering. Note that his body count is actually one of the highest for the whole manga and anime; kill list including Freeza, Cold, 17 and 18 (twice if you count his dead-by-Cell-self) and imperfect Cell; he'd even have gotten Semi-perfect Cell if Vegeta hadn't been a dumbass.

    But Trunks isn't a good martial artist. His training was always terrible.

    First because training in an apocalyptic world under constant threat isn't exactly a good environment to center your ki, to say the least.

    Second because Future Gohan's training stopped after the Namek Saga, give or take whatever he could do between Goku's return and the Androids appearing; Depending on source, Goku died when Trunks was a baby in the Anime special, but Trunks -says- Goku died before he was born (one year after his return from Namek). So at -most- Gohan continued training with a capable mentor until he was 8 (as he was 5-6 in the Namek Saga).

    Then, Trunks' training remained flawed AF when he visited the past (Vegeta gave him nothing as Grade 3 shows). And then he went in alone, so again, no actual mentor. Sucks.

    So what to do? Overpower asap. Trunks doesn't enjoy fighting, Trunks gets shit done, and Trunks is brutal when doing so. Evidence: Future 17, 18 and Cell.

    But even the movies acknowledge this in an interesting way. His fight against Tenshinhan is pure gold. This clash right here; Trunks going for the kick, which Tien blocks and uses his leg to make sure Trunks can't follow up with a punch. Which Tien does. To win this fight, Trunks has to go SSJ and just SLAMS him down. I love every single frame of this fight.

    Trunks vs Tenshinhan in the Bojack movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJucTTTYPtc

    Alternatively, his fight with Kogu has similar issues; especially at the start. He gets easily locked and thrown away by a miscalculated punch attempt. Don't get me wrong, Trunks is the only one who actually straight up wins his fight at this stage, actually, and that win is so god damn satisfying.

    Trunks vs Kogu in the Bojack movie still https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEC2ZWR9860

    So yeah. Give my boy some proper martial arts training pls. Hell get Vegeta to shine, bond, and show his baby boy some quality fight strategies and analysis. Gotta use that Briefs brain :)

    So where do you think he could've been if he trained with Goku in the Time chamber? Or if Vegeta actually did something? Or if he'd went and meet Mr Popo/Korin as a kid/teen?


    submitted by /u/vonigner
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    I've Been Looking For A Shirt I Think I Saw A While Back In Myrtle Beach, It Looked VERY Similar To This But Had Adult Goku At The Bottom And It Went To SSJ3 At The Top, Would Be Awesome If Someone Could Find It.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2021 07:42 PM PST

    [OC] Do you think Ultra Instinct will appear in the next movie ?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2021 11:30 AM PST

    Drew Son Goku freehand in ink. Thought it looked decent so I went in with copics. It’s a shame it’s on scrap paper. OC

    Posted: 13 Dec 2021 11:36 PM PST

    This is the AR model I took with my mobile phone, the effect is not bad.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2021 06:04 PM PST

    Lil’ Son Goku, tail and all. OC

    Posted: 13 Dec 2021 01:49 PM PST

    What piece of Dragonball lore / concepts do you think was underdeveloped?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2021 12:28 PM PST

    In my opinion Kami. Or better said the Kamis before and the mystic of the Earth of Dragonball. I believe it would have had a lot of potential, yet in the current state I believe Earth's lore is plainly unimportant in the grand scheme of universes.

    submitted by /u/Shinjigami
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    Since Muscle weighs more than fat how much does Goku weigh?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2021 03:50 PM PST

    I was just wondering this myself it might have a simple answer but I would love to see some debates on it. My take is due to gravity training he probably weighs tons from learning to support it.

    submitted by /u/ventis343
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    Is anyone else bothered that so much in Super happens so quickly?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2021 09:04 PM PST

    Let's see, we've got

    1. Battle of Gods

    2. Resurrection F

    3. Universe 6 vs. Universe 7 tournament

    4. Goku Black/Zamasu

    5. Tournament of Power

    6. Broly

    7. Moro

    8. Granolah

    9. Super Hero

    And all of these take place over the course of what, like 3 years? Where as in the original manga, there could be a long stretch of time, or even years, between individual sagas

    I know by nature of Super taking place during the ten year time skip, it kind of has to fit a bunch of things together, but it's just a bit weird that SO MUCH is happening in such a tiny time frame compared to before when they had years long time skips in between

    submitted by /u/hentai1138
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