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    Friday, August 21, 2020

    Dragon Ball Z - Tenkaichi Budokai by Donald Kirby (@DKIRBYJ)

    Dragon Ball Z - Tenkaichi Budokai by Donald Kirby (@DKIRBYJ)

    Tenkaichi Budokai by Donald Kirby (@DKIRBYJ)

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    Just a Goku I drew

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 07:14 PM PDT

    My take on krillin and Tien fusion dance

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 04:09 PM PDT

    My Ultra Instinct Goku Drawing

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 06:29 PM PDT

    They added "Super Saiyan" Emote to Destiny 2, thought this Community would like to see it.

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 04:41 AM PDT

    Gohan and matching themed GT-R. Credit: revival_artwork on IG

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 01:54 PM PDT

    Isn’t Ki just green lantern powers

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 06:38 PM PDT

    Goku Black can create a scythe and weild it around. Vegito can create blades too. Goku can create mine bombs. Ribrianna created love hearts. Krillin creates discs. Can't they jus technically mold their ki into anything they want to. Like couldn't someone create a bow and arrow or be inside a mecha (goku did have a ki of armour around him too)

    Edit: The most absurd one I forgot to list, Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack

    submitted by /u/lubeken
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    Colouring from the latest DBS Chapter I did!

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 07:10 AM PDT

    What if Goku and Gohan had fused in the Buu saga as originally planned?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 03:05 PM PDT

    What would their fusion name be?

    submitted by /u/jakesaysknee
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    could you imagine if one single z fighter learn the devilmite beam

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 12:06 PM PDT

    How fast the dragon ball run would have been.

    saiyans arrive, then yamcha just do one single devilmite beam, and boom he killed both vegeta and nappa with one single strike.

    would be a giant problem when beerus arrive though.

    submitted by /u/TheGoldminor
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    When did goku learn about uub in super?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 10:03 PM PDT

    Before the universe 6 tournament began goku told vegeta about a reincarnated majin buu. Then some episodes later when goku was looking for 17 dende told him about a reincarnated majin buu and goku was shocked and it played a whole flashback. So when did goku actually learn about his existence?

    submitted by /u/JR10890
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    Was Zamasu's universe erased?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 09:34 PM PDT

    I was thinking about 17's wish and was thinking about how Zamasu should theoretically have been resurrected, right? He was part of the fabric of reality in that alternate future, so I was convinced for a while he should have returned. (I understand the manga handled this differently, this is in reference to the anime)

    Then I remember that scene where Grand Zeno was floating around in that vacant universe just dicking around. Do y'all think Zeno erased that universe and just left himself, or he just purged it clean as you would a hard drive?

    submitted by /u/TrueTerra
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    Question for the end of z

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 08:50 PM PDT

    Heres another question for you guys, is the last ep of z canon ? And how come they don't have god powers

    submitted by /u/Ultraartpro12
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    Where to find the manga.

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 08:45 PM PDT

    So I heard this argument that Goku vs Vegeta and people are saying Vegeta would win because he is stronger in the manga. So basically I wanted to know where would could I find the mangas.

    submitted by /u/youngking2107
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    Namekian reproduction

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 08:15 PM PDT

    i heard someone on here suggest that namekians become weaker when they reproduce. is this a real part of the series or is it just something that guy came up with? also would you like to see piccolo have a kid?

    submitted by /u/das_cthulu
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    here's my version of the DBS: Broly poster!

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 03:15 AM PDT

    Bow before your Prince ! made by https://www.instagram.com/annehoutzager/

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 03:32 AM PDT

    Why Didn't Goku Go SSJ2 Or 3 In His Second Fight Against Beerus?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 04:43 PM PDT

    After Goku lost his god form, he went into SSJ1 and didn't even notice he lost his god form until Beerus pointed it out, with the latter noting that the former kept a bit of the power from his temporary transformation. If he went into SSJ2 or 3 with that power spike wouldn't he theoretically then be a match for or exceed Beerus?

    submitted by /u/Ebonslayer
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    Am I overthinking this?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 03:49 PM PDT

    Okay so I'm watching SSB Goku vs Zamasu in the Future Trunks Arc. And then I had the realization, how did Zamasu take over Gokus body? Hear me out, in the Cell Games, Future Trunks informed Goku that in his timeline, Goku never made it to the battle due to the fact that he died from heart complications. And if during that time the androids destroyed everything in that world, they wouldn't have the dragon balls correct? So fast forward back to the Trunks Arc in Super, my question is if everything was destroyed by the Androids, how was Goku alive during his timeline? Maybe I just forgot a key point along the way or maybe I'm overthinking this way too much.

    submitted by /u/mattyggg69
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    Would Zarbon, Dodoria and Cui turn on Frieza and try to kill had they got the opportunity?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 08:35 AM PDT

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