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    Monday, December 7, 2020

    Dragon Ball Z - I made some Buu inspired cookie cutters.

    Dragon Ball Z - I made some Buu inspired cookie cutters.

    I made some Buu inspired cookie cutters.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 03:03 PM PST

    Mecha Goku by me

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 05:11 AM PST

    My childhood hero.....So glad he was there for me. By @NiwaRhythm

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 01:44 PM PST

    Made a quick painting of my take on a realistic Goku a while back. Thought some of you might find it interesting!

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 04:32 PM PST

    Fan art I came across on Twitter the other day. Imagine if vegeta turned into a super saiyan on namek instead of goku. Original Artist: chry_insi_art

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 11:43 AM PST

    Drew this little rascal a while ago enjoy! Emperor Pilaf by me!

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 05:05 PM PST

    Redraw Super Saiyan Blue Goku (OC)

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 06:07 PM PST

    Another SSJ4 Drawing by Yeak_Looi

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 10:15 AM PST

    I’m super hyped for this Android 18 figure her cell saga costume is my favorite and has her actual proportions lol

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 07:52 PM PST

    Drew this up the other day. What do you all all think?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 08:54 AM PST

    My Goku shelf is complete. For now.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 01:16 PM PST

    Can cyborg power up in db

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 07:20 PM PST

    Was wondering if the cyborg can actually train to get stronger since they kinda are more machine than human but C-17 clearly get a huge power up in super

    submitted by /u/NightKrow666
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    Added 2 chases to my "staying in the box" collection within 2 weeks.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 01:17 PM PST

    fancomic- Dende experiencing his first nightfall on earth. made by me. digital

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 03:50 AM PST

    A meal fit for a prince...����

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 07:22 AM PST

    Tournament of Power inspired toy photography

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 11:00 PM PST

    An interesting arc for Goku

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 08:05 PM PST

    I've always had a problem with Goku's character in super especially. I think his stupidity comes mostly from his arrogance. Goku wasn't always as arrogant as he is now in super and I think there's been a great set up for his potential downfall. I had an idea for an arc that could rectify some of his deep character flaws that have caused myself and many others to dislike his portrayal in the recent series. My idea is for some kind of villain to want to become the next god of destruction and to do so he begins taking out people in the universe he deems as competitors, Goku of course being the main one. He begins targeting characters in super, perhaps Vegeta or Broly first. Goku finds out about this character and of course the regular trope of him wanting to fight some strong guy takes place. But this time it backfires and Goku fails to save someone due to his arrogance. The villain goes on to kill Beerus but Goku manages to defeat him in the end. Now with no one to take the place as destroyer, Whis forces Goku to take the mantle. Vegeta would grow sick of Goku, having caused the deaths of perhaps some major characters in the series(maybe because the villain killed them as a destroyer they can no longer be wished back), telling him he would be the sole protector of earth and Goku should never return ("Strongest in the universe but at what cost" vibes for Goku would be pretty cool). Actual consequences for Goku's stupidity and arrogance, now having to take the role as destroyer and damaging his relationship with earth, not to mention Whis who would likely become very cold and indifferent to Goku having been attendant to Beerus for so long and having great distain for Goku now. The arc would end with Vegeta returning to Earth without Goku, with Goku now alone on Beerus' planet having to think on his actions.

    It's not really something I see happening. Goku's flat arc is staple of the series, but I wish there would be some real consequence for all his fuck ups, one that cant just be wished away. Also I'm not up to date on the manga so it could be a lot different there. I'm just talking about the anime for when and if it returns.

    submitted by /u/LougeLooj
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    The tournament of power always felt like it was missing something to me, and I just realized what it was:

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 03:40 AM PST

    An announcer!

    I've been watching the tournament of power rerun on toonami and I finally realized why the tournament felt kind of flat to me, it doesn't have an announcer. Not just someone stating who's out like the grand minister, but a really charismatic live commentator who really gets into it.

    My idea is that Zenoh could task someone with summoning (kidnapping) the ideal announcer for the tournament. They'd be someone with some serious personality, someone like Jonny firecracker or the budokai announcer, or their alien equivalent. They'd be terrified and really rigid at first, intimidated by the circumstances, the audience, and the unenthusiastic crowd. Eventually they'd gradually get really into it, announcing in enthusiastic play by play, maybe getting commentary from the audience too.

    I think that would have been a neat way to spice things up, as well as ease the tournament commentary burden on the supporting cast.

    Edit: apparently the budokai tenkaichi announcer has never been named. This is a disgrace I say!

    submitted by /u/zombieguy224
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    Redrawed best buddies chillin!

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 06:39 AM PST

    Dragon Ball Pitch

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 05:59 PM PST

    Here's the entire plot of a live-action Dragon Ball movie i would like to develop (hopefully at Disney).

    "In the mountains of Mount Paozu, a young monkey-tailed boy named Goku (Neel Sethi) lived and trained martial arts with his grandfather, Gohan. However, one day, Goku finds his grandfather dead. After buring him, Goku sees something is shinning in his house, and discovers that it is his grandfather's dearest posetion: The Fourth-Star Dragon Ball, causing him to assume the Dragon Ball has Gohan's soul.

    Months later, a young girl named Bulma (Chloe Bennet) comes to Goku's house and takes his Dragon Ball. Having never seen anything from a city before, Goku assumes she's a demon and chases her car, which he believes is a monster. After a brief fight, Bulma mangaes to explain to Goku that she's a human being. Once in Goku's house, he explains that the Dragon Ball is his and that it "has" his grandfather's soul. Bulma then explains that the Dragon Balls are seven magical balls that, once reunited, can summon the wish-granting dragon, Shenron (Christopher Sabat), and get one wish, which she plans to use in order to get a boyfriend. However, Goku refses to give her his Dragon Ball, still believing it has his grandfather's soul.

    Knowing that there's no other way to get his Dragon Ball, Bulma proposes Goku to travel together to gather them. Gou accepts, and both start to travel in Bulma's car. However, the two are suddenly attacked by a pterodactyl assasain named Claws (Clancy Brown), whom Goku effortlessly defeats. Claws soon explains everything to his employer, Emperor Pilaf (Gilbert Gottfried), who himself plans to gather the Dragon Balls in order to take over the world. Enraged, Pilaf hires desert bandits Yamcha (Simu Liu), Puar (Paul Rudd), and Oolong (Bradley Cooper), to follow them and steal their Dragon Balls, under the lie that he will use his wish to also remove Yamcha's fear of women.

    After a night in which Goku and Bulma become friends while Goku is introduced to city life, the two meet a turtle (Bill Murray), who begs them to help him return home. The two agree, and they take him too Kame House, a house in an island, where the two meet his owner, Master Roshi (Jackie Chan), whom Goku discovers was Gohan's martial artist master. As a gift for returning him the turtle, Roshi gives Goku the Flying Nimbus, while Roshi gives Bulma his own Dragon Ball, the Three-Star Ball. They are soon attacked by Pilaf's forces, who had been informed of their locaton by an spy. Roshi, Bulma, and Goku quickly defeat them, with Roshi showing Goku his most powerful techinque, the Kamehameha. Goku deseparetly asks Roshi to train him, which Roshi quickly agrees, and Roshi joins the group to protect them. The three then leave Kame House.

    As they continue to travel, Goku and Roshi continue training, with Goku displaying incredible fighting skills, while they and Bulma soon develop a strong, family-like bond. After a fight with Yamcha and his friends in the dessert, Bulma reveals that her parents died in a car crash and that she inherited Capsule Corporation and her parents' fortune, leaving her unsure if people love her and her money, to which Goku relates to his fear of being without a family. After another fight with Pilaf's henchmen, the three soon arrive in a city, where they start enjoying their time together, and eventually find the Seven-Star Dragon Ball in the castle of the city's ruler, Ox-King, which Pilaf's minions, Shu (Chris Cason) and Mai (Ming-Na Wen), set on fire to kill them and steal their Dragon Balls. Bulma and Roshi manage to escape, but Goku stays, as they managed to steal his Dragon Ball by pulling his tail, which they discovered was his weakness. Still believing his Dragon Ball has his grandfather's soul, Goku deseperately tries to get it back, in spite of Bulma and Roshi's attempts to stop him. Yamcha, having developed a crush on Bulma, changes sides, along with Puar and a reclutant Oolong. The castle, with Goku still inside, eventually falls apart. Roshi and Bulma, who managed to escape, desesperately try to find him, while Roshi states that they should have told him "the truth", in spite of Bulma's statements that they can't do it. Goku, who managed to survive, overhears this, but when he asks Bulma about it, she denies it, causing him to grow suspicious of her.

    They soon discover that Mai and Shu stole Bulma's car, which had their Dragon Balls, during the incident. Being guided by Boss Rabbit (Mark Hamill), they try to escape the city throught the airport. As they search for the Dragon Balls, Goku and Bulma's friendship slowly begins to fall apart. Thanks to Yamcha, they discover Mai and Shu's whereabouts. The group mangaes to arrive in time to avoid their escape. Boss Rabbit tries to trick Bulma into touching him, which would turn her into a carrot. However, she instead uses a part of her nano-tech armor to throw him off. A fight soon ensues and eventually, thanks to Goku trying to avoid his Dragon Ball from being stolen again, Mai and Shu manage to escape.

    The group try to follow them, but they eventually are forced to rest in another desert. Bulma soon yells at Goku, blaming him for their loss. The two soon argue, and an enraged Bulma soon reveals the truth: His grandfather's soul was never in the Dragon Ball, as well as that the Dragon Balls shall split all over the world once their are used. In denial, devasted and unwilling to be left alone, Goku runs away in the Flying Nimbus back to Mount Paozu.

    Goku stays inside his house for days, unwilling to leave in fear of somebody stealing his Dragon Ball. Bulma, Yamcha, and Master Roshi soon find Goku, but he refuses to listen to them. Roshi enter throught a window, and tells Goku that, even his grandfather is gone, he will stull have a family in Bulma, him, and Yamcha. In the meantime, Bulma realizes that her parents' love will always exist, even in death. The two reconcilie, and conclude that they must take the fight to Pilaf before his minions try to steal their Dragon Ball.

    The group eventually arrives at Pilaf's castle, where they fight his forces, but they are eventually captured. Oolong and Puar soon manage to escape by shape-shifting into bugs, and they quickly release the rest of the group, just as Pilaf is about to make his wish to Shenron. Oolong manages to distract Pilaf in time for the rest of the group to fight his forces. In order to stop Pilaf from using the Dragon Balls, Goku uses them to see briefly his grandfather. Goku asks Gohan if he would life to be ressurrected in one year with the Dragon Balls, but he refuses, feeling his time is done and knowing Goku will be fine without him. Goku accepts this, and Gohan vanishes. The group is captured once again when they lower their defenses while watching the moment. Pilaf now plans to roast them with the Sun in the morning as revenge for stalling his plans.

    A confused Bulma asks why Goku wanted Gohan's blessing for his ressurrection instead of just ressurrect him. Goku then explains that he did it only because he wanted to know if his grandfather would be happy if he's alive again, as Goku claims that he no longer needs him, as he already has a family in his friends. Yamcha then comments that the group will at least have a wonderful last moment together watching the full moon. Goku then remembers that the beast that clearly killed his grandfather appears in the full moon, before re-calling a strange order fro his grandfather: To never watch the full moon, but he never knew why. The group becomes worried, fearing that he may be the beast, and also instruct him to never watch the full moon. Goku, however, chooses to watch it anyway, arguing that he should do it as he may not have another chance to watch it. Goku then suddenly transforms into a Great Ape.

    Great Ape Goku then goes on a destructive rampage, attacking both his friends and Pilaf's army, starting a three-sided battle between Pilaf's forces, Goku's friends, and Great Ape Goku, during which Oolong cowardly tries to run away, only to be saved by Puar. As the battle continues, Pilaf, along with Mai and Shu, try to escape from the battle in their plane, but Bulma manges to stop them by hacking the plane's system, forcing them to fly around the castle, as well as leaving Pilaf trapped in the plane by adjusting his seatbelt so he couldn't escape. Great Ape Goku eventually corners the group, but Bulma manages to break througth him. Pilaf soon regains control of the plane and, upon hearing that the Great Ape is actually Goku, uses a giant sword he had as one of the many traps in his castle to cut off his tail, assuming the pain would weaken him enough to shoot him to death. However, this actually cause Goku to turn him back to normal, hitting Pilaf's plane and sending him and his minions far away in the process.

    As morning arrives, the group agree that Goku can't know that he is most likely the monster that killed Gohan, knowing that it will break the young boy's heart. They soon give to Goku new clothes, and then he wakes up, not remembering what happened last night, asks about the castle and his tail. The group then claims that he fell unconcious because Pilaf cutted off his tail so he could die faster, and then lie that they used the incident to escape.

    Goku then attempts to say goodbye to Bulma, but then she reveals that she will soon arrange everything so she could move to an island near Kame House so she could be with Goku, having come to care for him as a brother. Yamcha, Puar, and Oolong then reveal that they will move too, as he wants to train and be as strong as Goku. The group, having settled down, now trains and live together, as a family.

    In a mid-credits scene, a young boy named Krillin arrives at Kame House, as he wants Master Roshi to train him, and soon gets annoyed by Goku's naivety, before being shocked to discover that they will have to train together.

    In a post-credits scene, Pilaf and his band are revealed to have been sent to the ocean by Great Ape Goku's punch, and they soon land on an island. Fed up with Pilaf's harsh treatment, Mai and Pilaf soon leave him trapped in the plane, much to his anger."

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/HelicopterTall9022
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    Multi-Verse Saiyan “Hierarchy”

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 05:58 PM PST

    Is there a universe where Vegeta is stronger than Goku and what would that look like ?

    submitted by /u/Deelay108
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    I just realized that Goku and Vegeta may outlive all of their children and wives due to saiyan aging.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 09:04 AM PST

    I think Vegeta would be really sad if Bulma died of old age. I wonder if they would ever write this into a movie or saga?

    submitted by /u/Smallbees
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    If you summoned Shenron in the...

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 05:03 PM PST

    Time chamber would the dragonballs disperse within the chamber or force themselves out to the normal timed world? 🤔

    submitted by /u/shovelcreed
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