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    Saturday, December 5, 2020

    Dragon Ball Z - I tried to draw Ssj Goku! (I know it's not very good but I enjoyed making it anyways)

    Dragon Ball Z - I tried to draw Ssj Goku! (I know it's not very good but I enjoyed making it anyways)

    I tried to draw Ssj Goku! (I know it's not very good but I enjoyed making it anyways)

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 02:02 PM PST

    [OC] Monkey Kings. Personal concept of mine, hope y'all enjoy it as much as I did drawing this!

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 01:04 AM PST

    [OC] My latest Vegito sketch. I always thought the ssj4 hair looked so badass

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 05:54 PM PST

    I really enjoyed drawing this one. Hope you like it :)

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 09:34 PM PST

    FSK Gohan I drew

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 08:58 PM PST

    Hey guys! Made some fan art of Vegeta not too long ago. First post so could I have some feedback?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 11:25 PM PST

    Beerus the God of Destruction drawing by me

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 07:11 AM PST

    Made a "What's Up Danger" AMV. Had to spend a few IRL Dollars to recreate the ending

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 09:31 AM PST

    Japanese YouTuber made a Kamehameha Machine

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 12:03 PM PST

    My ode to Shenron

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 09:11 AM PST

    What if: Vegeta cared about Raditz. (Chapters 5-9)

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 10:40 PM PST

    aight, this is everything I posted on Fanfiction.net so far, expect semi-regular chapters, also, these ones aren't labelled per chapter, but there IS 8 chapters in this, so let's go!

    Years have passed...

    Vegeta, Raditz, and Nappa are together in their group of pods, discussing what to do

    "But guys! The Namekians are too strong for just the three of us!" "Obviously I know that Nappa! Why else would we be just floating around instead of flying to Namek!?" Vegeta barked at Nappa with some anger, but not at him, at the sheer frustration from not being able to storm Namek "uhh.. Hey I might have a solution" Raditz said quietly "Well? What is it Raditz?! How can we win against the whole planet of Namek!?" Nappa yelled at Raditz with anger. Raditz shrunk in Nappa's rage but Vegeta wasn't having it "Hey! Knock it off Nappa! I don't see you coming up with any ideas you idiot!" He yelled back at him "Okay jeez Vegeta I'm sorry..." Nappa said apologetically "Now, what were you saying Raditz?" Vegeta asked gently and nicely, which was weird for him to do, at least to Nappa it was "W-well I had a brother named Kakarot who was off-planet when planet Vegeta blew up, maybe we should go look for him?" "Hey, yeah, that's a good idea!" Nappa replied. "Okay Raditz, you go off to whatever backwater planet Kakarot is on" Vegeta said "But be careful, okay?" "Okay Vegeta, I'm off, and I'll be back with Kakarot!" Said Raditz as his pod sped off to Earth, to find "Kakarot" or as we know him, Son Goku! "Okay Nappa, let's head off to planet Arlia in the meantime!". And so they set off on their separate ways, all of their goals now clear.

    After a while Raditz touched down on earth. He stepped out of his pod, the sun was pretty bright, as he walked out of the crater he saw a creature. Likely one of the natives, this creature was smaller than him by far but slightly wider, it held some kind of primitive metal blaster in its hands, in fear it shot at Raditz.

    This was a poor choice.

    Raditz instinctively deflected the projectiles with his hand, causing 3 to ricochet into the native, it yelled as it fell over and Raditz rushed to help, " I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you!" The earthing spoke with great difficulty and pain " T-tell my wife...tell her...she's a bitch..." and as the earthling took his last breath, Raditz replied "What's a wife?".

    And then the earthling died.

    After a short moment of silence and a burial, Raditz got a ping on his scouter, there was a pretty large power level of 522 in the distance, was it Kakarot? He flew off to investigate.

    He touched down to see a green man with purple and white clothing standing there "Hmm, you are definitely not Kakarot..." The green man we all know as Piccolo looked over at Raditz "Hmph, who are you?" He said to the Saiyan " I am the Saiyan, Raditz, I'm on this planet looking for my brother Kakarot" "Well I don't know who this Kakarot is but if you keep wasting my time I'll end your pathetic existence" Piccolo spat at him. "That's some pretty big talk for someone who's not even a quarter of my full power" Raditz replied "W-what the?! I'll kill you!" Piccolo said as he fired an burst of yellow ki at Raditz, which created a large cloud of dust "Heh, dealt with that problem" Piccolo said triumphantly, but as the dust cleared...

    "Well, that certainty was an excellent display of dust, but as an attack..."

    It was the Saiyan, who had just taken the full power of the Demon King! And he looked just fine!

    "..It probably could use some work". Piccolo stood in terror and absolute shock. As Raditz got ready to retaliate (or so the Demon King thought) a beep went off on his scouter. "Huh, a power level of 534, that must be Kakarot!" Raditz declared as he sped off towards the location we know as Kame House. And as he sped off Piccolo

    wondered how he, the Demon King Piccolo, was so petrified by the...Saiyan was it? Peculiar...

    Raditz landed at Kame House, and saw that Kakarot was indeed there, and with... A child? No, he couldn't, but, there he was, clear as day, and with a tail too! Everyone looked at him in shock. "Hey, uh, buddy, you've kinda landed on the wrong island, this is Kame house, you should probably get on going wherever you're going" a small, bald man walked toward Raditz as he explained this. "Uh, what the-? Kakarot!" Raditz finally said with a moment of confusion. "What's going on? Why haven't you completed your mission?" He said while looking toward the man who we know as Son Goku "Uh...oh! You're talking to me? What mission?" Goku said in extreme confusion "You were supposed to exterminate all life on Earth!" Raditz exclaimed. "Wh-what?! Wait, who's Kakarot?" "Oh my lord, don't tell me you've forgotten! Kakarot, you are from an elite race of warriors called the Saiyans, we used to live on planet Vegeta, before it was destroyed by a meteor, and we specialize in clearing planets of life and selling them to clients" "W-what?! N-no way! That's impossible!" Goku yelled out in disbelief "Actually...Goku..." An old man we know as Master Roshi said "There may be some truth to what he is saying, you see, your grandfather, Gohan, found you in a strange pod, when you were a baby, and when he decided to take you in, and you were horrible! And not to mention violent, but then there was an accident, he dropped you into a deep ravine, and he thought you would be dead for sure! But, you miraculously survived! And after the incident you had changed, you were kind and loving, just like a normal baby! Which caused him to raise you into the boy, and eventually the man we all know and love!". This revelation shocked everyone their, but most notably Raditz as he realized what happened. " the brain damage you suffered must've wiped away your Saiyan natural programming!" Raditz exclaimed. In that moment a blast hit him in the back. Dead centre. "Ahh!" He yelled out as he stumbled a few yards forward, almost losing his balance "I Will not let you destroy the earth, not before I rule it!" Everyone looked on in shock as Piccolo Jr. stepped forward. "Y-yeah, we're not gonna let an alien like you take our planet!" Said Krillin, his confidence rising. Soon enough everyone, save for Goku and Gohan, was looking at Raditz as they prepared to battle.

    "Uh.. Um.." Although he could easily take them all on, his nerve got in his own head. Causing him to panic and fly off in a random direction, but, he accidentally flew right into Gohan! Unfortunately since he was in Goku's arms, Goku was knocked away like a rag doll. Everyone looked in shock as Goku could barely pull himself up. How was it possible?! Goku, the earth's strongest fighter, knocked over by accident! As Raditz flew off he realized he had knocked into the child and sent him flying, and he sped off even faster with hopes to catch him before he fell to his doom.

    Some time had went by and everyone was shocked and attempting to make a plan.

    "There's no way any of us can fight that guy!" Krillin cried out "Its hopeless!" "Well we may have one chance" Master Roshi said as he looked at Goku and Piccolo " D-damn it, he took Gohan.." Goku struggled to stand after the blow he had taken. "The way I see it there's only one way out of this" Piccolo looked at Goku. "If me and you fight him together than we might be able to win, as much as it pains me to say it its the only way," " Alright Piccolo, let's go get 'em!" Goku said energetically "Flying Nimbus!" He called to his nimbus cloud, and as he hopped on it and flew away, Krillin yelled " Stay safe Goku!".


    Raditz couldn't take it.

    The crying, it was straight from hell.

    His nephew hadn't bothered to listen to him explain how it was all a misunderstanding, and although he thought of locking him in his pod to escape the noise, he looked at him and decided he couldn't do that to the little half-breed. With these new feelings of caring for him, he did the only thing he could think of.

    He walked over.

    Wiped the tears from the little Saiyan's face.

    And hugged him.

    This caused Gohan to stop crying, as Raditz let go of him he said " You aren't a bad man, are you?" Gohan half asked, half stated. Raditz just shook his head. When he walked over to his pod his scouter detected 2 power levels, it was Kakarot and the green man, he looked over to see Kakarot on a weird cloud and the green man flying beside him.

    As Goku looked at Raditz, a look of rage went across his face.

    "GIVE ME BACK MY SON!" He said as he flew right into Raditz, knocking him slightly back and cracking his armour, as he stood up Piccolo punched him in the gut, which, he assumed, hurt him.

    It did not.

    Raditz gently (at least to him) pushed piccolo away, which sent him flying a couple metres back. "Kakarot wai-" "My name isn't Kakarot you creep!" Goku said as he punched Raditz a couple more times, winding him, but not enough, Raditz grabbed Goku's hand and threw him into a boulder not too far away.

    "Damn it, he's stronger than I thought" said Piccolo " But, I have one more idea, but you're gonna have to hold him off" "That doesn't sound too ba-" "For five minutes"

    Goku looked at Piccolo in dismay.

    "Alright I got it"

    "When I'm done charging you gotta hold him still, then I can get him"

    "Okay" Goku said optimistically as he dashed at Raditz and they clashed.

    Piccolo put his fingers to his forehead, but couldn't concentrate, he looked over and saw a crying Gohan, he was getting frustrated and grabbed the child by the shirt, he walked over to the pod and shoved him in there, closing it, he then jumped back to where he was and continued charging his attack

    Goku thought he was actually putting up a decent fight against him, but Raditz was heavily holding back on his brother. Five minutes of exciting fighting for Goku was quite boring for Raditz, "Now Goku! Hold him still!" Raditz was paralyzed for a split second as he wondered what was special about now, and thought because of the power gap he could afford to slack off for a second.

    He was very wrong.

    "Gotcha!" Goku said as he put Raditz into a full Nelson.

    "Wha-Kakarot wait!". Goku had calmed down since the start of the fight "What is it?"

    "I didn't come here to take your planet."

    This somewhat surprised Goku , but he held on and Raditz continued

    "The other remaining Saiyans, they were hoping to set up shop on a new planet, after planet Vegeta was destroyed, but we needed your help, so I was sent here to get you Brother". Goku was surprised and if he had thought of it, he would have let Raditz go, but he was still talking.

    "If I had known you had family and friends here, a son, I never would have disturbed that, and if I die here, I just want you to know that I'm sorry."

    With this Goku had heard enough, he let go of Raditz "Piccolo! False alarm, stop the attack!" But Piccolo saw this as a perfect opportunity to kill 2 birds with one- "Special Beam Cannon!" Piccolo yelled as the beam shot out of his 2 fingertips.

    Time stood still.

    In that moment Raditz turned around and pushed Goku out of the way.

    Then the beam connected.

    "Augh! Damn it!" Raditz yelled as he hit the floor, a hole in this chest

    "Raditz No!" Goku yelled, then, he looked at Piccolo

    "You...You bastard!" He yelled as his hair spiked, almost like a…Super Saiyan? But it remained its normal black.

    Piccolo looked in confusion as he did some hand movements

    Goku walked forward but suddenly the beam pierced him too, he realized that Piccolo had turned the beam back toward him.

    His still-black hair went back down to its normal look as he collapsed

    Then the two Saiyans died"

    The saiyans' eyes opened, both at the same time, and were faced towards the sight of... a long line of spirits. "W-what the? Where the hell are we!?" Raditz panicked. "We've got to be dead right now, we HAVE to be dead!". "Yeah..we are" Goku said through gritted teeth. "I was hoping you wouldn't say that...um, Kakarot, what's wrong?" Raditz said with some concern in his voice "Its Piccolo! That dirty, double-crossing, LIAR!" Goku flared in anger. Raditz looked slightly frightened, and, upon seeing this Goku calmed himself "I-im sorry, I didn't mean to- wait why do you have your body?" "M-my body? What about it?" Raditz inquired. "Well i've heard when you die, normally you become a spirit, like the ones in line" Goku gestured to the spirits in the ever-shortening line "Y'know my friends told me that there was a guy who judged the people here, what was his name, uh...King.." "Yemma" A booming voice completed the sentence. Goku and Raditz looked surprised "Son Goku, I'd hoped it would be longer before our meeting" "yyeeah but I shouldn't be here long, thanks to the dragon balls," Goku said. "Anyway, can I ask why Raditz here has a body?" King Yemma looked at Raditz, and he almost turned white "He was deemed a hero to earth, like you, although the purpose for that qwas defeated in the next 10 seconds, it still stands, he gave his life to save someone who would go on to save the planet, multiple times most likely" King Yemma explained "Huh, I didnt know that." Goku said. At that moment, a being teleported beside Goku, he looked and recognized it was Kami. "Kami! What's up!". "Goku, you need to listen, earth is in grave danger!" Kami said "Kami... I assume you're here for a good reason" King Yemma boomed "Y-yes King Yemma, Goku absolutely MUST!! train with King Kai" "Wait, why, what's going on?" Goku asked "We all heard from Raditz scouter that MORE saiyans are on the way to earth!" As Kami said this, he realized that Raditz was standing right beside Goku. "W-what is that-that VILLAN doing here with his body?" Kami yelled "Turns out he wasn't that bad of a guy!" said Goku. Kami looked doubtful but continued "You need to run Snake Way and train with King Kai in order to become strong enough to defeat the saiyans on their way to earth" "Alright! That sounds awesome, I'll bring Raditz along too!" Raditz looked excited "Yeah!" Kami looked to King Yemma "...I'll allow it" he said "Alright! This is awesome!" Goku ran off, Raditz trailed behind, both of them blasting off along Snake Way "...They might actually make it" King Yemma said. Later... Piccolo stood, victorious, but still upset the Z fighters just gained the news that there were more saiyans on the way, he said nothing, but everyone watched as he walked over to the pod, and smashed the window, revealing Gohan, crying. "Y-you're not my daddy!" Piccolo picked up the child, much to the dismay of everyone there, surprisingly, Krillin stood up "Hey! Whaddya think you're doin' with Gohan?" Piccolo stared at Krillin "I'm going to train him for the saiyan invasion!" "You think we'll just LET you do that? So you can turn him on us? No way! Give us Gohan" Unbeknownst to anyone else, due to Krillin being the strongest Z fighter there, he had seen Piccolo kill Goku, unlike everyone else who just saw the bodies, his fear keeping him from saying that, but it wasn't holding him down now. "I suggest you stop now if you want to leave with your lives!" Krillin steeled himself, as Yamcha stepped beside him "Yeah! You don't wanna deal with us!" Tenshinhan stepped on the other side "It won't go down the way it did the first time we took you on" Piccolo stepped forward, and everyone was on edge, in battle position, even Master Roshi. Suddenly, as Piccolo charged his power, Gohan blasted out of his hand and in front of the Z fighters. "L-leave my friends alone!" Then, almost as genetic memory, he put his hands forward, than cupped them "Ka...Me..." The whole group joined his offense, even Tenshinhan, "Ha...Me..." Piccolo, desperately trying to recover put his hands above his forehead. "Masenko..."

    Everything stood so still it felt like an eternity "HA!" The beams clashed, both fighting for dominance, but it was clear who would win this from the beginning, as Piccolo started losing ground, everyone pushed harder "HA!". Then the Demon King was gone. Nobody saw him, except Tenshinhan. "He's still alive, but, we beat him". The Z fighters all celebrated and mourned the loss of Goku and Raditz, eventually going to Kami for training, and he explained the situation with the dragon ball's, Goku, and Snake Way. Piccolo would show up from time to time, but only after Gohan acknowledged him spying, but Piccolo was met with a friendly look instead of one of hate and malice, and so, whenever he got the chance, he trained Gohan personally. At King Kais... The journey had been Hell. Not literal hell, although they had seen that too, but they finally came upon the small planet after so long, and, with the saiyans set to arrive in the close future, they jumped up to find King Kai, and he (With que cards) greeted Goku generically until he expressed surprise at Raditz being there, then they were the toughest trial of all. Making him Laugh. And due to the 10x gravity, they weren't feeling too funny "Uh...hmm... a guy walks into a bar and...and.."Goku thought "..he ran into his lost uncle and he.." Raditz attempted to finish, and, they, unknowingly were tilting their heads to each other, then they bumped heads into each other, "AH!" They yelled as they jumped back, holding s bump on their heads "hehehe...hehheh...Ahahahahah!" King Kai let out a laugh "hah..alright...alright I'll train you!" They looked at each other in excitement "but...there are 2 more trials you must complete...eh...considering there are 2 of you, one can take each trial...uh...You" he pointed to Goku "You'll catch Bubbles" The monkey popped out from behind King Kai, and Goku was slightly upset at how easy the task seemed, "And, you, can hit Gregory" King Kai handed Raditz a Mallet, and Gregory, in the distance gave King Kai a not-so-nice look. And so they set out, the Z fighters training with Kami, and Goku and Raditz, with King Kai. The story continues, Next time! On Dragon Ball RV!

    Two Months.

    That's how long it took. It had been two months since they had gotten King Kai to train them (not to mention the six month journey there) and they finally completed the First tasks. The day was young when the saiyans were up, chasing around their respective adversaries, and the success of one spurred on the other. Goku looked beat, he felt worse than he did in his entire life chasing that monkey, and, as he was about to give it up for a while, he thought of his family, and what the saiyans, well the evil ones, would do to them if he failed, and suddenly, the way it did 8 months ago, his hair flared up, if only for a second, and he dashed at the monkey with newfound strength, (and yet, where had he felt this before?) when the dust cleared he was holding the monkey down and King Kai was looking in approval "Great job! it takes most people much longer than that to catch Bubbles". Raditz looked over and, as he saw his younger brother finish off this task, he rushed at Gregory, who didn't react fast enough.

    SLAM! Goku and King Kai looked over to see Raditz with his mallet planted firmly on Gregory's head."Wow! Looks like today is you guys' day! You'll notice that you haven't learned much Technique thus far..." King Kai paused Dramatically. "BUT! Due to this planet's gravity, followed by the weighted clothing you're both wearing, and the training, I estimate that both of your power levels, on the saiyan rating scale at least, are about 4000 for Goku and 5000 for Raditz" Upon hearing this, Raditz realized how much he had improved, He was equal to Nappa! This was Mindbending. "And now, i'm gonna teach you a technique that was created by yours truly and the first of my two most powerful, the..." He paused again, this time creating real tension and excitement " Kaioken" It sounded like an interesting technique, but when King Kai said the name, a red aura ingulfed him, multiplying his power, before he stopped "This Technique is best used in bursts to multiply your power, but, you must never go past the Kaioken x3, or the results could be devastating." The silence demonstrated the fear the Kaioken demonstrated in its use. "Well let's get started shall we?" King Kai said in an upbeat tone.

    About a couple weeks had passed...

    "Kaioken!" Goku and Raditz both used the Transformation, testing themselves for at least the 450th time. "Kaioken times Two!" Goku ramped up his power, further than he should, but Raditz took it to the max "Kaioken...Times...Three!" His aura exploded around hm before they both powered down. "Very Good. You two have mastered the Kaioken even beyond me, but now, there is one more technique for you to learn...the...Spirit Bomb" now THIS sounded like a devastating move. "But i must warn you, in order for it to work, you have to be pure of heart" After a look from Gregory and Bubbles, suggesting something, he added "Okay! Maybe not completely pure, just not evil! Anyway, you start by raising your hands, and calling out to the wildlife, or really any being around you, all anyone has to do to support your Spirit Bomb is to raise their hands and willingly give their energy to you, try to make a small one now." The saiyans both tried, and had very little success, all they could manage was a ball smaller than Gregory's head for less than 5 seconds. King Kai sighed "It's alright, we'll get there"

    A couple more days pass, its the day before the saiyan arrival.

    King Kai sighed in relief, the two saiyans had managed to make spirit bombs capable of great or destructive things, and they had finally mastered the technique "Well...i've taught you two all i can, now, you just have to head back, you even have an extra day to-" Then he stopped, and turned slightly paler than his normal light blue colouring "Oh no..." He said "What is it?" Raditz asked "Yeah King Kai, what's going on?" Goku inquired as well "I- i didn't account for the time it would take for you to get back to earth, even though you've been wished back to life, you need to run snake way again!" King Kai had no clue what to do "Go! Go! Hurry back now!" Goku and Raditz jumped off the planet, Raditz had a Solomn Expression "What's going on Raditz? are you alright?" "...Kakarot, you love your friends and family on earth very much...right?" Raditz asked. "Uhh..yeah...i do" Raditz made his decision "Kaioken Times Three!" Goku was too suprised to do anything, Raditz threw him toward King Yemma's palace, where Kami would be waiting. Goku, knowing his plan, used kaioken to fly farther, but not without giving Raditz his signature salute with an open hand.

    Meanwhile on Earth...

    It was time, and they were ready. Tenshinhan had woken early and was waking everyone up for the invasion set to happen any time soon, suprisingly, Piccolo decided to show his face for the last night at Kami's lookout. They were all on edge when they heard the pods crash and the city that was leveled, Piccolo flew off instantly, but not without a slightly warm smile at Gohan, then the rest of the Z fighters flew off...

    "Are you sure this is the dump we sent Raditz to Vegeta?" Nappa asked, curious why everyone was so weak "Yes! Of course i am Nappa, you idiot!" Vegeta was on edge and irritable due to the fact that he hadn't seen or talked to Raditz in a while "Well im just saying we'd know if he left or something if we listened to his scouter while he was here" Nappa said, the only time he was the voice of reason. "This way, The most powerful power level around is over there, it has to be him!" They flew off in the direction of Piccolo, Gohan, and the Z fighters.

    The encounter was more or less the one we all know, with Piccolo getting his revelation on being namekian and the saibamen being brought out, however...

    Tien readied himself, but the saibaman looked pretty weak, as it rushed at him, he gut punched it, and his arm was covered in the green blood it spit, then he jumped and quickly finished it with a- "Kamehameha!" the beam disintigrated the Saibaman, Nappa looked confused, but Vegeta knew the truth "They must be able to conceal their power, let's hope the next few are more careful, so, who's next?"

    "Ill step up to bat!" It was Yamcha, who everyone had faith in, the saibaman stepped forward "Kiki! Kikiyaa!" as it dashed toward him, but unfortunatly-"Kamehameha!' it was blasted to the floor, seemingly defeated, he almost claimed victory, but he had a quick flashback to something Piccolo said to him on the off day he would show "'It doesn't matter how the enemy looks, if it isn't blasted into a million pieces, don't trust it!'" Yamcha steeled himself for more, and, it happened, the saibaman got up and launched itself onto Yamcha..


    Yamcha maneuvered behind the Saibaman "Wolf Fang Fist!" in a flurry of barrage attacks, the Saibaman was killed. "Heh, alright who's ne-AGH!" Yamcha made a sort of choking sound as it was seen that a Saibaman, wanting to get the jump on him, blasted a beam right through him, and upon seeing this, Krillin's anger flared "You...You no-good, rotten, lying, BASTARDS!" He charged a beam, the saibaman got ready to dodge a blast to the chest. "KA! ME! HA! ME! HA!" He blasted it, but to the sky, the saibaman laughed in saibaman, due to the fact that he "Missed", but the beam split off into 5 pieces, each one blasting a saibaman (excepting one in hiding) and both saiyans, and after the dust cleared, the saibaman were gone, but the saiyans stood as if it was nothing. "Heh, alright, now you've officially pissed me off" Nappa said as he stepped in to fight, everyone was mortified as he charged his attack, he was mad, and for this one, he wasn't holding back like he planned to "BOMBER!" Nappa's attack was aimed at Gohan, Krillin planned to move him as he was stuck in place, terrified, when he was surprise attacked by the last saibaman, which tackled him into Tien and Chaotzu, "D-damn it!" Tien said as he blasted the saibaman, they were too far and too late "DX!" Nappa blasted at Gohan, in that moment, Piccolo made a decision, he ran in front of Gohan and shielded him from the attack...

    Piccolo hit the ground. "M-mr Piccolo? Mr Piccolo!" Gohan yelled as he ran to his side. "Heh..heh..damn it...who would've thought that the Demon King would learn to have a soul...but can't you feel it? Your Father's energy i mean..." he coughed blood. Gohan managed to sense it, but it meant nothing to help Piccolo now, "Be good Gohan.. d"

    Than the Demon King was no more. "Im tired of playing this game!" Vegeta shouted out of nowhere "We just want to know one thing, Where. Is. Raditz!?" Everyone tensed at this, even Nappa. "..Wait... that look, you mean he's.." A beep on his scouter. "Sorry i'm late guys!" Goku touched down, then realized the seriousness of the situation, Yamcha was dead. Piccolo was dead, "..." Goku looked at Krillin, and pointed at Nappa "Is that the guy who did this?" He said calmy, somewhat hiding his rage "Yeah, and he almost killed Gohan, lucky Piccolo was here." He walked over to Nappa, who just laughed "A power level of 5000? Tough, but you won't beat me!" Nappa ran at him "Kaioken!" Goku almost instantly flew behind him and knocked him into the air, landing him slightly in front of Vegeta, his spinal cords likely being severed, than Tien, Chaoutzu, and Krillin Blasted him with all they had, leaving him dead. Vegeta wasn't bothered very much by this "Kakarot! I demand you tell me where Raditz is now!" "Oh..Well, he'll be here in, uh, in hour or two maybe" Goku said "Really? wh- i mean, why the hell didn't anyone say this from the beginning" Vegeta says, almost slipping into happiness too far.

    They wait. Raditz touches down. "Kakarot what did i miss? why is Vegeta just waiting?" "I was waiting for you! We need to go to Namek soon! Frieza is going to take the Dragon balls for himself when he finds out, this is our chance to finally overthrow him!" Vegeta said "O-oh, well i guess i should ask Kakarot what i came to ask.." Goku listens intensely "Dragon balls? we can use those to bring back our friends!" "Well, if you wish to come with us, we'll have to compete with Freiza's army" "Shoot, that sounds awesome! and i could bring my friends too! right guys!" Goku looked to his friends "Yeah, we'd have to bring back Yamcha and Piccolo, they're one's of us" Tien said "Yeah!" echoed Krillin. "Buuuuut we might have to wait on Bulma for a ship"

    There is a dead silence

    Raditz asked "Whats a Bulma?"

    The group had went to Bulma, explaining the situation, and Bulma had the brilliant idea of using the saiyan pod, or at least modify it, but due to the fact that by the time they'd got to her, it was late. So Goku decided that Raditz and Vegeta could stay over at his house for one night, you can probably imagine that chichi wasn't very happy with this, but she was happy to meet Raditz, however she wouldn't give Vegeta the time of day, however, he didn't care. But, in the dead of night, Goku awoke and walked outside, he couldn't sleep and didn't have much else to do so he started to train, by himself he couldn't do much, but he was bored, so he did it anyway. Not too long later, Vegeta also woke up, and seeing Goku, he felt a small bit of anger, this was the brother of Raditz, but he was such a disgrace as a saiyan warrior, to have made friends with those he should've destroyed? It made his blood boil, he fired a weak energy blast at Goku, who dodged it, but barely, he turned to Vegeta "Hey! What was that for Vegeta?" Vegeta simply scoffed at him "A true saiyan would initiate battle first and questions after, you are a disgrace to the human race, but as the prince of all saiyans, I will destroy you!" Vegeta's power flared as he rushed at Goku. Goku couldn't react fast enough and was sent flying. "What the hell I'd this? This isn't the strength you beat Nappa with!" Vegeta yelled at him. Goku shook it off, Vegeta was this strong? He knew he have to push himself to his limit to win, he charged his ki, an aura flaring around him "KAIOKEN TIMES THREE!" He burst into Kaioken, and the battle was on...

    Not too long after Raditz woke up, seeing the commotion and seeing they were about to blast each other, dashed in between them, they both looked in horror, they couldn't stop their blasts, Raditz raised his hands in both directions, instantly flaring into Kaioken x3, but that wasn't enough, the beams started to overtake him, but the explosion alone would kill the three of them, and everything miles around. "Kaioken...Times..." his power started to rise "FOOUUR!" His aura flared as be blasted both beams back, hitting, but not killing the two, all three dropped to the ground, and would stay until someone found them...

    It was pretty early in the morning when Chichi and Gohan saw them all there, Chichi, despite being very mad, called the Z fighters, and all three of them had to be hospitalized, they all explained what happened, Goku with enthusiasm, Raditz and Vegeta with shame. Bulma showed up to the hospital to show the three and the Z fighters that she'd found the saiyan pod, however, upon pressing a button, it self destructed, as she lamented, Mr Popo had showed up, to deliver help from Kami, he stated that the ship Kami came to earth in was still intact, and after Bulma looked around, it'd only take a day or two to fix up. So the remaining Z fighters managed to convince Chichi to let Gohan go with them, as they knew how strong he was, and they all rested, knowing the journey ahead would be filled with danger, but they all were up to the challenge. In the morning, Bulma had readied the ship and, with books packed in his bag, Gohan had walked up to the ship, he was excited, and so was Chaotzu, but Tenshinhan and Krillin were wary, if this planet was strong enough to make those saiyans need help, what could they do? But nonetheless, they got in the ship. and Bulma took off. Meanwhile in the hospital...

    Vegeta heard something from his scouter, a familiar voice, yes, of course, it was Cui, his rival. He picked up the scouter. "Cui! What the hell do you want?" Vegeta barked, despite being weak right now, he kept his pride up. Cui chuckled "I don't want anything from you Vegeta, I was just making sure that you knew you'd narrowly escaped death, you see, Lord Frieza was not very happy with you after you took a detour to whatever backwater planet you're on. However, with the mention of these 'Dragon Balls' he was more than willing to spare you, and take a trip to Namek of course, goodbye for now Vegeta, I hope I'll see you there!" Cui laughed and cut the communication between them, leaving Vegeta with his thoughts, there was no doubt that Frieza had to be overthrown, so he went back to resting, knowing what must be done next.

    Vegeta awoke in his hospital bed, he yawned and looked around, Kakarot and Raditz appeared to still be sleeping, but he knew that he had to get to Namek, before Frieza could get to the Dragon Balls! He tried to get out of bed, but was met with immidiate and intense pain, he laid back down, sighing. "Damn it..." He decided he simply had to wait until he was healed.

    On the ship...

    Bulma was getting annoyed.

    She looked around the room, and all 4 of her fellow passengers were sitting down, legs crossed, eyes closed, they'd told her they were doing 'image training', but she was left out with nothing to do on this ship, it really grinded her gears, she walked over to the front panel to check how long their journey would take. 3 weeks, she sighed, this was gonna be hell. She walked over to her 'room' to take a nap.

    3 weeks later

    Goku woke up to the sound of Yajiarobe's voice."Hey! Goku! Wake up!" Goku sat up, shaking his head "Huh? What happened?" Yajirobe pulled out a bag of Senzu Beans. "Corrin just grew a new patch of these, he told me to get some to you guys." Goku smiled as Yajirobe tossed one into his mouth, Goku crunched down on the bean and was instantly healed, he stood up, smashing through his cast, Raditx and Vegeta, who had awoken due to the noise, seemed shocked "W-what!? How the hell did you do that Kakarot?!" Vegeta barked at him, Goku just chuckled and tossed one to him and Raditz. "Here! Have one!" They both ate them and similarly broke out of their casts. "Th-this is incredible!" Raditz said. "They're called Senzu Beans, and they can heal anything!" Goku said, a grin on his face. "Well, that means we MUST get to Namek, now!" Vegeta exclaimed, Goku thought for a minute. "I think I know where we can get a ship." He said. Raditz and Vegeta followed him to Capsule Corp where was standing out front, near a giant spaceship, Goku touched down right in front of him "Bulma told me you'd be here sometime or another. This baby's something I've been workin' on for quite a bit, and it'll getcha to Namek no problem!" explained. Goku smiled widely "Thanks Mr. Briefs! This looks awesome!" Goku started to run in, while looked at Raditz and Vegeta "I made sure to put in an enhanced gravity setting, y'know, for your training, it'll go all the way to 100x Earth's gravity, but you two make sure that Goku doesn't do that until he's ready, got it?" Raditz nodded while Vegeta scoffed and mumbled under his breath, suddenly, the ship started getting ready to take off, Raditz and Vegeta looked over to it, and they both had to quickly dash there to make it inside. "Kakarot, you idiot!" Vegeta yelled at him "Sorry about that guys!" Goku said, while laughing a bit, Vegeta facepalmed, this was gonna be a long trip. Meanwhile…. The ship had touched down onto Namek, with Bulma pretty eager to get out. "Finally! We made it!" She immediately got out and started looking for where to place a capsule, Krillin, Gohan, Chaotzu, and Tien all stepped out, looking around. "Wow…We're really on a whole other planet!" Chaotzu said, excitedly, but suddenly, the 4 tensed, they could sense energies approaching, and suddenly, 2 Frieza Force soldiers landed near their ship "Well, I guess now we know what those puny battle powers were!" The two laughed and were about to strike, Gohan and Krillin were ready to fight them, but Tien Z-vanished right in front of one and had both of his index fingers to their heads "Dodon-PA!" He yelled, 2 yellow beams shot out of his fingers, killing the soldiers instantly. The rest of them were shocked. "Woah…Nice job Tien!" Said Gohan. "Jeez, leave some for us next time, will ya?" Krillin joked. Bulma seemed to have found a cave to place her capsule in, and she was currently in the house when the 4 were currently sensing multiple energies about to pass, they suppressed their own and watched a small fleet of Frieza soldiers fly by, with Frieza himself there, and they sensed his deadly power. "Oh man, That guy…Goku's not even close to that strong…he's a monster!" Tien nodded, and looked to where they were headed, and they appeared to be flying to a small Namekian village. "Come on guys, we have to follow them!" The gang did to discover that they were raiding villages for their Dragon Balls. They watched in terror as the whole village was murdered by a big pink alien, Dodoria, and only a child and an elderly Namekian was left, and as the child was endangered, Gohan's anger was flaring and he wouldn't watch any longer, he dashed at Dodoria and slammed him into a wall, the other three flew to his side and they all fled from the Frieza Force Elite, Dodoria followed them, however, he was gaining on them, so they flew to the ground and continued running, Dodoria blasted a huge mouth beam around the surrounding area and it all exploded, however, he missed the group, but he flew back to Frieza, assuming they were dead. At their hideout, the Z fighters discussed with Dende, the Namekian child, who told them about a Dragon Ball that was with the Grand Elder Guru, but it would take some time to get to where he was "I'll go. Alone, you three stay with Bulma." Said Tien, shocking the others "B-but what if something happens to you?" Chaotzu worried. "No way you're going alone, Tien, I'm coming with you." Krillin interjected. "Fine, you guys protect Bulma, okay?" Tien asked. "Alright." Gohan said, and Krillin and Tien took off with Dende for Grand Elder Guru's place. Once they arrived, Nail, a warrior Namekian, was outside the little house "What are you doing here?" He asked, and Dende stepped forward "We must see the Grand Elder, these people are here to help us, and our planet is in great danger!" He explained, Nail eyed the two, locking eyes with Tien for a moment. "Fine. Come in" He said, and they all stepped in. "Greetings" said Guru, from his chair, Dende explained everything that was happening currently to Guru in Namekian, and Guru nodded "I see. I can tell than you two are pure of heart, so you may take our Dragon Ball, but aim at the end of my life, and when I die, they will be useless." Tien mumbled under his breath "Damn it." As the Grand Elder spoke to him and Krillin "Would you two step closer for a moment?" He asked, and they did, confused, suddenly, they were hit with a massive power boost, they stepped back, looking at their hands "Wha- what is this?" Krillin asked incredulously "I have unlocked all the power hiding within you." Tien closed his hand into a fist. "This is incredible." He said. "Now go. Protect the Dragon Ball." Guru said, and the three flew off, back to Bulma's, however, Tien spoke to Krillin. "It's gonna be a hard time getting the Dragon Balls back from Frieza, huh?" said Tien. "Well, yeah, but these Power Boosts should help us out!" Krillin exclaimed. "Well, I think I might have a plan to get back those Dragon Balls, and it involves that Dodoria guy." Tien, Krillin, and Dende stopped flying for a second "I'd be doing it alone, and it could get us all the Dragon Balls, so go back with Dende, and if I don't come back in 36 hours, then I'm dead. Got it?" Krillin was shocked at Tien's bravery, and simply nodded "Y-yeah! I believe in you Tien!" He said "Thanks, Krillin" Tien said as he flew off in the direction of Frieza's HQ

    submitted by /u/33msider
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    Budget Problems

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 06:31 PM PST

    Since the start of DBS i've had this burning question about the budget of the show. If Dragon Ball as a franchise is so huge and known worldwide as one of the (arguably) best anime series, how is it that super got shafted with a low budget and harsh time constraints which effected the overall quality of the show. I would expect that a new entry in such a monumental series would've had money thrown at it as well as the best animation directors money can buy handling the show at all times. With a lot of other shows, it seems the overall quality goes up with newer seasons if said show is popular (Stranger Things, for example). Can someone please enlighten me?

    submitted by /u/Pamnza3
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    What if: Vegeta cared about Raditz? (Chapters 1-4)

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 09:53 PM PST

    Alright, as I stated in an earlier post, here are the first few chapters of What if Vegeta cared about Raditz, it's all 4 because they're part of the first "saga", also, before we start, just know these power levels are made up and slightly changed from he original, so, here you go!

    Chapter 1: Enter The Saiyans

    What if Vegeta cared about Raditz.

    This is a what if fanfic, detailing the differences in dbz if Vegeta actually cared about Raditz and what he would do differently, so without further ado, let us get started

    Prince Vegeta was having the time of his life.

    Going from planet to planet, deciding if they were suited to be sold by the Frieza force, eating all the planet's best food from the chefs who did their best to save their planet, decimating all their strongest fighters who desperately fought to save themselves planet, and afterward, they would normally get rid of all life on the planet and sell it, but, if it proved to be lacklustre, or they destroyed the place a little too much, Vegeta and his comrades, the last remaining Saiyans, would have the pleasure of blowing up the planet. And the best part of it all? Having his caretaker Nappa and his best friend Raditz along for the ride with him. Although to most races of people this would come off as cruel, but for the Saiyan, this was just a little fun. And although Vegeta was a proud Saiyan through and through, he had one weakness, one sensitivity, one thing he cared about so much that it could break him if it was ever removed from him.

    His best friend. Raditz.

    He had met Raditz on Planet Vegeta shortly before they were going to experience their first mission on planet Bas, Raditz (as he was meeting the prince of the entire Saiyan race, while he was but a mere low-class warrior-type Saiyan) was shy towards Vegeta and while in public, or in front of his caretaker Nappa, he acted like a typical Saiyan. "Hey, you, low-class!" Vegeta barked while looking Raditz up and down. "Y-yes Prince Vegeta" Raditz replied in a small voice, intimidated by how aggressively Vegeta was calling upon him. 'What's your name?" "R-raditz Prince Vegeta" Raditz answered meekly. "Well, greetings Raditz, I am, as you know, Vegeta, the prince of all Saiyans! It is nice to meet you Raditz," Vegeta stuck out his hand to handshake with his fellow peer on this mission. "N-nice to meet you too Prince Vegeta" Raditz said as he shakily reached out his hand and shook hands with the prince, hoping it wasn't a trick and he wasn't going to break his arm or something. "And enough with this 'Prince Vegeta' nonsense! It's getting annoying, Call me Vegeta!" The small Saiyan Prince went off, his ki flaring for a moment, which was enough for one of the older Saiyans being sent to execute the mission while the looked over and in the split second his scouter was locked on to Vegeta , it exploded, causing him to quickly pick it up and, when Vegeta looked around to see what happened, left immediately, not wanting to face the wrath of the Saiyan prince. "Hmph, strange, anyway, call me Vegeta,"the prince said in a much friendlier tone. "O-okay Vegeta" Raditz said slightly rattled from the sheer power being put off from the small princer. as they walked up to their quarters on the ship, wondering what had changed between the no less than 5 second interval that caused Vegeta to suddenly act nicer, it was strange, but for now, he had to sleep, it was a long ride to the planet Bas.

    Chapter 2: Warming Up

    Raditz shook in terror as Vegeta slowly walked toward him, with every step he killed another member of the crew that was sent to Bas, even his caretaker Nappa, and, when everyone else was dead, Vegeta raised his hand up to Raditz's head, "low class scum" he heard Vegeta mutter as the blast was fired, vaporizing him.

    Raditz woke up with a start. He had a nightmare.

    Quickly checking to confirm that, yes, he was alive, he decided to get up and check the ship's progress, he walked to the control room, he learned it had been 8 hours since their departure and they were about an eighth of the way there, he decided, since he alone was awake, decided to go train in the new training room recently created, the model 3, which had a new feature, an instant healing tank, if you fell and were too hurt to move, it would automatically open the built in healing tank and place you in, as well as alert the captain of the ship to what happened. He walked around the corner to the room and immediately stepped back around, it was the prince, Vegeta, and he was training, but Raditz was too slow. "Hey!" Vegeta called out, who's there!". Raditz slowly revealed himself from behind the corner "Oh, it's you Raditz, come on in, you can join me in my training!" This took Raditz off guard, why did the prince want to train with him? "Wha-? Okay..." He said as he slowly walked in. "Finally! I've been getting absolutely nowhere by myself! But maybe a good punching bag is all I need!". In shock and terror of this statement, Raditz stepped back, his eyes widening, it was a trick after all! Vegeta never had good intentions for him, all he wanted was a chance to watch him suffer! "Oh calm down! I was just joking around, I actually do think I can go farther with a training partner," as Vegeta said that, Raditz looked up, the grin he saw as evil in his panic was replaced by one of mischief, one that showed his true intentions of innocent fun. "W-wow, you really had me there for a second! Hahaha..." Raditz said in a small voice as he added an awkward laugh at the end In a failing attempt to mask how terrified he was. Vegeta just strangely looked at him while getting into his fighting stance "Well, come at me, and don't worry, I'll hold back about 75% of my power, you should be able to handle that!" Raditz did the math, Prince Vegeta's power level was about 6000, 25% of that is about 1500, which was bad for Raditz because he topped out at max power around 1450, but he got into his fighting stance anyway, he was ready to try with all he had to impress his prince.

    Chapter 3: Going Too Far

    The prince powered up to the 25% power he said he was going to use and Raditz used his full power, but yet he still had a power level that was lower than Vegeta's by 50. Vegeta was slightly excited, but it would take more than Raditz's full power to impress the prince. Vegeta charged at Raditz, who barely managed to dodge the punch that could've levelled the tallest tower on planet Vegeta, and attempted to counter with an uppercut that... Actually connected, sending Vegeta slightly into the air. This gave Raditz hope, he could do this! He could win against the prince of all the Saiyans! Vegeta recovered, flying slightly back and setting on the ground "Huh, wow, guess you're stronger than I thought, this could be fun!" He said with a friendly, yet challenging grin. Raditz decided to keep the battle a ranged one he fired a few yellow ki blasts that the prince swatted away with some difficulty, as they were neutralized by the walls of the training room, Vegeta dashed forward, and went to punch Raditz again, Raditz dodged, only to realize a second later that it was an afterimage and he got punched to the wall, and then, Vegeta started talking. "Huh, guess I was wrong, you are just some low class scum!" The whole sentence surprised and hurt him, but the last part really hurt, and he was crying out on the inside.

    He had been right all along. The prince never wanted to befriend him.

    He hated him.

    But Vegeta kept going.

    " I can't believe you thought that I, Vegeta, the prince of all Saiyans, would want to be friends with a low class piece of garbage like you!"

    This was when Raditz had enough. The prince had seemed so nice,he tricked Raditz into actually wanting to be friends with him, and then betrayed him. With this betrayal, Raditz anger was flaring!

    He rushed directly up to the prince with incredible speed, and punched him so fast he just looked like a blur of blue Saiyan armour and spiky black hair as he crashed into the training room wall. Raditz was surprised but felt no remorse, until the prince spoke again.

    "Heh, I knew you had it in you..."

    This struck Raditz with confusion.

    "As my father told me when we used to train together, rage is the key to a Saiyan's power, but... I should've braced myself for it more, you hit me with more then I thought you had in you"

    As Raditz realized what he had done, he felt like a monster, he had just struck down someone who, so far, had never had any bad intentions for him, and he hadn't felt bad about it. "However..." Vegeta said while getting off and wiping the blood from his mouth, "now I'll show you my full power!" Vegeta powered up, his ki rising, and Raditz calculated his hit on Vegeta to be about half Vegeta's full power level of 6000, and Raditz couldn't even tap into the full power of his little rage boost, putting him at about 2200 power level.

    He was in trouble.

    Vegeta charged at Raditz full speed and punched him into the air, as he jumped after him, Vegeta unleashed a flurry of punches, and with the final hit he punched Raditz into a wall.

    Raditz was battered.

    He was sure at least 45 bones were broken, he was writhing in pain on the floor as Vegeta rushed to help him up "Oh god!" he flew over as the robotic arm lifted him into the healing tank. "Raditz! I'm sorry!" Vegeta panicked as the liquid in the tank rose. As Raditz's vision started to fade as the sedatives took effect, he sent one last smile at the worried prince

    Then it all went black.

    Chapter 4: The Making of 2 Friends

    Raditz woke up to voices, loud voices, voices that hurt his already pounding head.

    As the liquid in the tank slowly bubbled downwards and the sedatives wore off. "Prince Vegeta!" Nappa exclaimed "What the hell happened to him!?". "Uh... I had a little sparring match with him, guess his weak body couldn't handle it!" Vegeta boasted with a small bit of laughter. Raditz stumbled out of the healing tank. Nappa shortly laughed at Raditz "Hah, wow, didn't see you as such a weakling to lose when prince Vegeta was obviously holding back on you!" Nappa quickly looked at Vegeta " you were holding back right?" Vegeta looked slightly worried "O-of course I was!" Vegeta looked straight at Raditz with fear and desperation "Right Raditz?". Raditz easily caught on and decided to help the prince because of the kindness he had showed him so far, "Yeah! The prince was just way too strong for me!" Raditz said. Nappa looked at the two with suspicion for a second "Alright, I'm going back to sleep, only about 48 hours to Bas!" He said as he stretched and walked back to his quarters. "Thanks for that," Vegeta said gratefully. Raditz "I-it was nothing," said Raditz in a tiny voice. "Well, we should get back to sleeping, it's a pretty long way to planet Bas" "Y-yeah, we should" Raditz awkwardly said as he walked back to his quarters and went to sleep.

    Raditz slept peacefully almost the whole way there, he woke up and realized he wasn't tired, so he decided to put himself into stasis until they reached planet Bas.

    He woke up. No one was there. He looked outside, they had made it to planet Bas, he walked outside, and he saw Vegeta watching Nappa and the rest of the older Saiyans destroying planet Bas and it's people, he walked over and sat about a metre away from Vegeta. "Oh, hey Raditz, why are you so far away? sit over here!" He said with some loud authority in his voice. "O-okay Vegeta" he said as he moved to sit beside Vegeta.

    It was a pretty fun day.

    They got to watch as the planet was decimated as they ate some of the food made by the chefs of Bas, and at the end of the day, all life on the planet was exterminated and they flew home, on the ship, with about an hour to go before they were home, Vegeta approached Raditz "Hey, Raditz," said Vegeta "Y-yeah?" Replied Raditz, slightly shakily. "It was nice to get to know you on his trip, and...um..." Vegeta trailed off. "What? What is it Vegeta?" Said Raditz with concern "I...I... I wanna be friends with you when we make it to planet Vegeta!" He exclaimed, saying it quickly because he could barely believe the words were escaping his mouth. Raditz was silent. Vegeta was slightly nervous. "I-I'd like that" said Raditz. Vegeta looked back at him "So it's settled then!" He said excitedly while extending his hand to fist bump him. Raditz bumped him back. "Yeah!" Raditz said back with the same level of excitement. Shortly after they fist bumped hit ship landed "Okay, let's get back to our quarters and 'wake up'" Vegeta said while doing finger air quotes. And they walked to their quarters, only to walk out with everyone else, and Raditz and Vegeta left the ship, different from when they left.

    Not as allies. Not as enemies.

    As friends.

    submitted by /u/33msider
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    Ik it’s low quality but I just quickly wanted to hand draw what I think Gogeta (and Vegito) should have for hair. The fusions look too much like vegeta’s hair with ONE or TWO bangs.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 10:46 AM PST

    why did vegeta have so little respect in frieza's army when he was frieza's strongest fighter due to great ape??

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 07:16 PM PST

    18,000 x 10 multiplier for oozaru form puts vegeta at a max of 180,000, in which he maintains his sanity and he can transform into at any time.

    ginyu was not even this strong. zarbon and dodoria should have been licking vegeta's oversized great ape boots

    submitted by /u/Ganneron
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    Fu or Hearts

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 09:14 PM PST

    I know this isn't canon so power scaling for heroes
    is commonly questionable and inconsistent.

    For hearts: Based of Gogeta fight. Hand to hand combat, never laid a finger on him. Gogeta dodged every swing. They had two or three push offs, which Gogeta won every time. The only adversity Hearts applied to Gogeta is when he gravitated an asteroid towards him. Gogeta was struggling with that attack until Jiren and Hit helped him. One notable victory is he destroy Zamasu at ease.

    Fu: Only seen pieces of him in action. He did trade blows with Vegito and managed to hit them with a sword attack, even though it didn't do much. He's not a fan of fighting. Because if this, it's unsure if his power boost against Vegito was his max, considering he told Vegito he never had to power up until now and that could indicate he hasn't reached his full potential. His notable defeat was taking down Cumber's Oozaru. Before Oozaru, Cumber was standing his ground against Vegito. Again, I feel this is inconsistent power scaling in Heroes.

    Who takes the dub?

    submitted by /u/jctriple3
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    What do you imagine a good Dragon Ball Broadway musical would be like?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 08:20 PM PST

    If Dragon Ball were to receive a good Broadway musical, should the story be completely new or an adaptation? If so, which arc(s) would be adapted? Would any of the anime's theme songs/character songs be inserted into the musical?

    What do you imagine a good Dragon Ball Broadway musical would be like?

    submitted by /u/quirky-artist-charli
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    I’d like to think that piccolos insane boost from nail was from the fact that he was half a soul until nail was fused into him.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 10:16 AM PST

    Piccolo existed as the evil half of kami. Being half a soul probably stifles your potential to grow and maybe your lifespan as well.

    Kami thought that he might die of old age, yet he was a couple hundred years younger then elder guru who laid a hundred eggs, which sources say laying eggs lowers your lifespan.

    That could also explain piccolos insane growth during the 3 years of androids training. He went from 2nd form frieeza to manhandling doctor gero

    Some people think dr gero was as strong as final form freeza, others say he's stronger then yardrat goku, either way at minimum his power rose by about 120x if you lowball, in 3 years.

    submitted by /u/Skeletore-full-power
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    Who rocks ssj god better goku ir vegeta?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 10:20 AM PST

    Bith goku and vegeta have obtained God forms but who looks bettwr in the god form

    submitted by /u/drisslah
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    What if Vegeta in RoF fought Frieza first?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 01:16 PM PST

    How do you guys think the fight would have played out if Vegeta fought Frieza first instead of Goku?

    submitted by /u/BlessB3434
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    An Example of How Silly Power Level Multipliers Can Be

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 07:14 PM PST

    So, given the Oozaru forms multiplier of x10, we can get some absolutely silly power progression results. Remember the insanity that went down on Namek?

    Vegeta (18,000) started out rivaling Cui, but got boosted past him and Dodoria (22,000) However, he gets absolutely shattered by Zarbon, before boosting past him to a point where even a power unlocked Gohan being 10 times as powerful as when he got there, not even being a threat.

    This doesn't amount to much however, as the Ginyu force arrives, with all of them bar Guldo being able to mop the floor with Vegeta, brutally showcased by Recoome, with Ginyu himself at 120,000. Only after possibly the largest zenkai boost in the series does Vegeta shoot past everyone in Frieza's control except Frieza himself and King Cold to 250,000.

    Well its unfortunate Vegeta got his tail cut off, because at 180,000, the Vegeta that landed on Earth would have decimated everyone on Namek up to Frieza as a Great Ape

    Just a realization I had when rewatching the Saiyan Saga. Power levels are dumb

    submitted by /u/TheJamaicanGamer
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    Dragon Box Z: So expensive, but so good

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 09:16 AM PST

    If you are able to get the chance in your life, you need to watch just a little bit of the dragon box. It looks so much better than a stream. When it is completely uncompressed, the quality is phenomenal. It is a night and day difference and the colors and grain of the original anime show it's beauty. If you have only seen a stream or the orange bricks, then I would take the time to at least see a friends dragon box dvd or try out the Level sets blu rays, they also capture the glory of the show. Physical media definitely has an advantage, and I think it really shows with this series.

    submitted by /u/tootitanddootit
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