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    Dragon Ball Z - Dragon Ball Chapter 69 Storyboards

    Dragon Ball Z - Dragon Ball Chapter 69 Storyboards

    Dragon Ball Chapter 69 Storyboards

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 05:07 PM PST

    My son at 11 months in 2015

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 04:17 PM PST

    I made these cute little Dragon Ball gummies

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 06:41 AM PST

    I did a quick sketch of kefla

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 07:09 PM PST

    Substitute Dad, art by Gerald Parel

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 07:46 AM PST

    Ultimate form over SS2 Teen? (Credit @princeofallsayian45)

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 06:15 PM PST

    My 6 year old daughter sent me this while I was at work and it absolutely made my day, she loves Beerus because he is a cat lol.

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 10:00 AM PST

    120 days into learning Blender, am I doing it right?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 01:19 PM PST

    What if Raditz returned Like this. Btw this is original fanart

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 11:04 AM PST

    Kefla cosplay [self]

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 01:00 PM PST

    These just arrived. Very excited to dive in for the first time!

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 12:23 PM PST

    Jiren made in Soul Calibur 6

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 07:47 PM PST

    I covered Super Buu's Theme on piano. Hope you like it!

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 03:26 PM PST

    Why Cooler is low key the best DB movie villain. And much more interesting a character than Frieza

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 04:04 PM PST

    So I just got back to watching Coolers Revenge the original English dub with the heavy metal in the background. And I have to say I am extremely impressed with his character and really really enjoyed the film. Cooler essentially is trying to take revenge on Goku due to a strong sense of honor for Frieza and his family. Even though he hates Frieza he still tried to kill Goku for daring to strike down one of his clan. I love Frieza to mind you this is just why I think Cooler is better

    First he is a working man who gets shit done as evidenced by him saying "I have seven planets to blow up, let him clean up his own mess." This implys Cooler is a person who is dedicated to his job and is totally fine with his brother suffer from his mistakes.

    Second his design is totally badass it reminds me a lot of Shredder from TMNT only different in many way. The spikes in horns complement the designs others in his race quite nicely. And overall he just looks much cooler than Frieza (pun intended)

    Third, it is strongly implied cooler had to train and work hard in order to achieve his fifth transformation when he says. "As you know I am in the third transform state but I have found a fourth beyond it!" this means his work ethic is much better than Frieza's and he actually had to try to achieve his power instead of being born with it like Frieza (cough cough who didn't work for shit cough cough)

    Fourth, he treated Goku with some respect. This is scene when Cooler says "well not bad rather impressive really." Frieza never even once acknowledged that Goku was anywhere near him in power and yet here is cooler giving Goku props which I appreciate

    And Fifth this is easily the biggest one out of all of them for me. He possesses emotional maturity. Now you need to understand this is not a quality a single other villain in the history of the franchise has possessed. Cooler is totally unique in that regard. What I mean is when cooler says

    "That stupid monkey why wasn't he destroyed with the rest of them? Oh wait I remember now, I remember!

    Has flashback to letting the saiyan pod escape

    "I don't believe it, I could of killed him... I let him go! I let him go! (Badass death screen)

    Now you need to understand owning up for ones mistakes is a quality a lot of men I have meet in my life do not posses. To see Cooler with that look of self reflection and regret on his face after realizing he is the one who screwed up puts him leagues above the other DB villains in my book

    The long and short of it is Cooler makes Frieza look like a little bitch by comparison. Honestly if he were to get his own arch like Frieza did I couldn't be happier. He always struck me as a man defending the honor of his fallen comrades that can own up to his screw ups. Where as Frieza was just a child struggling to hold onto whatever little pride he had left while mocking his foe like a boy on a playground. And I respect the crap out of him for it

    Oh and also this song kicks ass btw https://youtu.be/UsUdCcjvN3Q

    submitted by /u/Ajarofpickles97
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    New Kid on the Block (OC)

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 06:55 AM PST

    Vegetas Growth Overview

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 04:27 PM PST

    Sorry in advance I know this is a long one.. Everyone knows that Vegeta is perhaps the most relatable character in all of Dragonball. He doesn't have to be your favourite but you still understand him through his character progression and development. What makes Vegeta appeal to the masses is their own interpretation of his story arc and why he's one of the more interesting of main characters. Let's take a look at how I see Vegetas development.

    Vegeta was a cold ruthless killer when he was first introduced. He even struck fear into Nappa as his superior. He was cocky and confident. A side of him he held on to a very long time but also one that broke down as time went on. At first glance Vegeta was the top dog and acted like it. He just seemed like another villain of the day until we got to explore his story deeper. It turns out that Vegeta along with many other warriors were working for an even greater evil in Frieza. Vegeta all of a sudden was looked under a very different microscope. We wished to pay attention to why Frieza was important to how Vegeta is. Was he important? We would learn over time.

    Vegeta began to learn the secrets of his past. How Frieza actually blew up their home planet and killing their families. He was conned by Frieza into thinking that he was being recruited for his power. It was simply to hide him from the truth. Vegeta however held onto his ego and believed that he would be the one to avenge his race. That he would be the most powerful Saiyan. He was still thinking selfishly and it would come back to bite him in the ass. Frieza made short work of Vegeta as tears flowed from Vegetas eyes. The realisation for Vegeta that he wasn't the savior that he thought he was. He wasn't the great powerful warrior he had lead himself to believe crushed him. It lead to him revealing to Goku the truth about what happened to their home. Even openly admitting that he was taken as a child soldier and forced to do Friezas bidding rather than simply following orders.

    It was a sobering thought for Vegeta, one that came right before his death. However as we all know Vegeta was resurrected and Goku and Frieza went on to seemingly die on Namek. Thinking that they had died Vegeta reverted back to his old ways. To him he was the last one standing out of all 3 making him the most powerful being in the universe. This came crashing down when he realised that Goku was still alive. Hitting the panic button Vegeta went to train like Goku did. He had to hit the same level as Goku did. Better yet he had to surpass him in every way. It was during this time he met Bulma as well.

    Bulma tried to get him acclaimed to earth but in his stubbornness Vegeta flat out refused to change. He even ran away into space claiming that he was searching for Goku. In a way he was running away from a lot of problems as perhaps Bulma around this time was starting to grow on him. When Frieza returned Vegeta took charge but also had his doubts given the past. He was probably the best defense they had however so he lead the others into battle. During this time Vegeta had somewhat softened up. He would still get extremely upset and angry but he wasn't as prone to lashing out as he used to be. He was slowly growing as a person. He was getting comfortable in his surroundings.

    However Vegeta then went back into space to be alone leaving Bulma to look after Trunks. This could be seen as him running away from his problems once again. Focusing on surpassing Goku over his responsibilities as a father. This became a running theme over time where any time issues rose Vegeta would focus on training to take away from the issue at hand. It wasn't the most mature way of dealing with things but this hit its apex as the series went on. Vegeta even refused to train with his own son in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. He wanted to remain a loner. Not get close to anyone. To him that showed weakness. All leading to when Cell killed Trunks in front of Vegeta. It was here that Vegeta realised that he truly cared for Trunks. What he had bottled up inside of him was released in a blaze of fury. Vegeta actually had feelings. He even went so far as to helping Gokus son defeat Cell showing promise that he wouldn't let the anger get to him anymore. That he began to realise what mattered in life.

    Fast forward to the Buu saga and of course we have Majin Vegeta. He let himself be mind controlled because part of him felt like he wasn't happy because he wasn't what he used to be. He was ruthless and now he had feelings, a family. Things weren't so bad for Vegeta. To him however that was weakness because when the old Vegeta focused on himself he would train non stop and grow in power. Now Goku was seemingly out of his reach and he resented that. It was a step back for Vegeta who had grown so much over the years. His selfish need for power and strength took over but in time he once again realised that family was more important. However this time he wanted to be the hero.

    Having been a loner much of his life he never hugged his son. Never showed him the love that he truly felt and he showed this emotion through a final embrace as he didn't want his son to remember him as someone who never showed him affection. Vegeta then sacrificed his own life for everyone. He went out a hero dedicating it all to Goku and his family. He was doing something for someone else for a change rather than focusing on himself like he had done for years. This was Vegeta practically doing a 180 from what he once was when he originally debuted.

    He has shown bouts of stubbornness since but Vegeta has grown up accepting Goku as a Saiyan warrior who may actually be better than he is. He and Goku spar now to improve themselves and their feud is now more a friendly one of who can top who rather than born out of hatred. Vegeta in Super now is a family man. What really sticks out more than anything was that he refused to go train until his daughter was born. This contrasts what happened in Z where he left Earth as Trunks arrived. He went from refusing to be a father to doting dad. Bulma is now "My Bulma" someone who while Vegeta will never openly say he loves we can see just how much he cares.

    And of course in the Tournament Of Power Vegeta once again used his Saiyan Pride this time not for selfishness but so that he could gain the strength to help save the lives of others as well as spur on Goku to defeat Jiren. Now Vegeta works alongside others. He still has his anti hero vibe and at times likes to work alone but his heart now is in the right place and that's the biggest character development of all for him. Vegeta is one of the most fleshed out characters of the franchise and it will be even more interesting to see if he can grow further from here.

    submitted by /u/TheRV1HD
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    Attempted to draw blue Goku in yamamuro’s old school style

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 01:26 AM PST

    Here’s a Gogeta Blue I drew up!

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 12:33 PM PST

    Was I the only person that felt bad for ManWolf when tambourine went too kill him? He was genuinely the only one i actually about besides krillen and Girin

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 07:00 AM PST

    I drew Yardrat Goku

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 07:54 AM PST

    Hey which movies should I watch?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 08:07 PM PST

    Ok I'm binging the whole dragon ball series and I'm currently in dragon ball kai cell just reached his second from so no spoilers thx. I totally forgot there were movies so I did some research and found a lot aren't canon. So I'm asking reddit which dragon ball z movies you would recommend? I only wanna watch the good ones since most aren't important to the story overall.

    submitted by /u/Hi_pewdiepie240
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    Can’t wait to rewatch DBZ, especially without all the extra fillers.

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 05:47 AM PST

    Gotenks Twitter header for myself

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 07:50 AM PST

    Dragon ball z best to worst sagas

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 12:35 PM PST

    1. frieza saga : 10/10
    • By far the best saga in DBZ, best story, best pacing, best villain, SSJ reveal, best setting
    1. saiyan saga : 9.7/10
    • The introduction of the saiyan's, Goku's badass entrance vs Nappa, Goku vs Vegeta. Near perfection
    1. Cell saga: 9.0/10
    • Pros: Cell was a great villain pre-perfection. Gohan vs Cell might have been the best scene in DBZ history. Gohan goes SSJ2, SSJ Vegeta vs the androids, Trunks!,
    • Cons: the plot dragged on at times, Each Mr. Satan scene felt forced, Gohan turning SSj2 because of android 16
    1. Buu saga: 7.0/10
    • Pros: Kid Buu was scary, Mystic Gohan was cool for a couple of minutes, Vegito, Mr. Satan semi character development, Vegeta's sacrifice, Vegeta's character development
    • cons: Fat buu's antics got old fast, Gohan gaining so much power for no point, every Gotenks scene felt forced, uselessness of the supreme Kai, how pointless the z warriors became (especially Piccolo), Everyone easily becoming super saiyans, SSJ3'd design, Videl felt like a forced character


    submitted by /u/KingJonsnowIV
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