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    Friday, March 26, 2021

    Dragon Ball Z - My Goku (Super Saiyan / God / Blue) Fan Artwork! Hand Drawn, Self-Produced 3D piece!

    Dragon Ball Z - My Goku (Super Saiyan / God / Blue) Fan Artwork! Hand Drawn, Self-Produced 3D piece!

    My Goku (Super Saiyan / God / Blue) Fan Artwork! Hand Drawn, Self-Produced 3D piece!

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 06:27 PM PDT

    Got a new Tattoo yesterday I thought y'all would like!

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 03:57 AM PDT

    I recreated some scenes from the History of Trunks in full CGI. Hope you like it, I put a lot into this. Full Res version in comments.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 10:56 AM PDT

    Been on a DBZ thing lately, saw Spirit Bomb making the rounds, so figured I’d get the set.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 01:04 PM PDT

    I made a tutorial for my 5 favorite DBZ themes (jp), enjoy :)

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 04:25 AM PDT

    Figured you guys might like my Trunks tattoo I got last weekend!

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 05:14 PM PDT

    I absolutely love Kid Goku so I decided to make this for my next shirt design!

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 08:35 PM PDT

    OC Goku and his first archenemy by me

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 07:48 AM PDT

    I just finished Dragon Ball Super (Anime)

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 03:00 PM PDT

    I can see why it is divisive, but man I loved this show so much. I genuinely think it is pretty comparable in quality to Z, albeit slightly worse. While there is a lot of stupid stuff (I fucking hate the Pilaf Gang), and the pacing is pretty bad (You could easily cut like 30 episodes of just by removing pointless filler and fluff; but man there were so many great moments in this show. The entirety of the final battle against Jiren, from Vegeta's futile last stand to Goku and Frieza working together to protect their universe, was easily my favorite fight scene in all of Dragon Ball, and probably one of my favorites in all of anime too. Goku getting Ultra Instinct was amazing as well, and is probably my favorite powerup in the series. I liked many of the new characters as well. Beerus, Hit, and Goku Black/Zamasu were all really cool characters, with Whis in particular becoming one of my top 3 Dragon Ball characters. And while not being a new character, Super turned Android 17 into one of my favorite characters. Zeno was funny too, especially after there were two of them. If I had to do an arc ranking it would be:

    1. Universal Survival Saga (While there is a lot of stupid stuff, most from the annoying "magic girl" parodies who really overstayed their welcome, the inclusion of the best fight in the entire franchise brings this arc up a lot. Each universe being erased had an appropriate amount of weight, especially Universe 6, which almost made me cry. I liked that everyone got time to shine, and I loved how there were actually team-up battles. The two the come to mind are Goku, Frieza, and Android 17 vs. Jiren and Goku, Vegeta, Frieza, Gohan, and Android 17 vs. Anilaza. Like I mentioned earlier, I really liked how Ultra Instinct was introduced. I thought Jiren was a better villain than a lot of people seem to think, even if he was far from great.)
    2. Universe 6 Saga (Lots of great fights, especially Goku vs Hit. Beerus using his wish to bring back Universe 6's Earth for Champa was a nice moment too.)
    3. Future Trunks Saga (Great villains, mystery, and setup let down by a pretty bad conclusion and Goku being even more of a dumbass than normal)
    4. Broly Movie (I thought Broly was a pretty interesting character and I liked Gogeta)
    5. God of Destruction Beerus Saga (I liked all of the antics of Vegeta trying not to anger Beerus. I liked Beerus and Whis being introduced, and I REALLY liked the Goku vs. Beerus fight. I really like when main characters lose a really important fight for some reason. However, it was let down by pretty bad pacing and the inclusion of my most hated characters, the Pilaf Gang)
    6. Resurrection F (I loved all of the training with Whis, and I thought Super Saiyan Blue was a really cool powerup. Frieza returning was pretty cool as well. I liked that both Goku and Vegeta got a chance to beat Frieza up, and I thought the part where Whis reversed time was pretty cool. Everything else was a bit luckluster though.)
    7. Copy-Vegeta Saga (The only good part was Vegeta simultaneously rooting for his clone because he wanted to prove he is stronger than Goku and for Goku because he doesn't want to die. That was funny. The rest sucked though.)

    In conclusion, this series was so fun. I'm just sad that I've gone through the last of the good stuff in Dragon Ball, as all I have left is to watch GT.

    submitted by /u/ObberGobb
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    You already know how it is

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 09:05 PM PDT

    Just finished my 6th session on my DBZ sleeve. Almost done only two more sessions!! Upland, CA #mrpinksxx

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 08:32 AM PDT

    When Piccolo Was The Strongest Z Fighter

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 01:51 PM PDT

    I don't know why but I was just thinking and feeling nostalgic about Dragon Ball Z and thought about when Piccolo fused with Kami and became the strongest of the Z fighter and could hold his own against the Androids. I miss moments like those when a series could focus on a range of characters instead of one or two getting development.

    These days anime just has terrible pacing it like a kid that can't sit still. One moment we're here and then the next we're there, Like How? I like to use Inuyasha as an example the original I Thought was Well Paced then you get to the Final Chapter it felt hard to follow and rushed after killing like 10 big bads episode after episode ... The same comparison can probably be made with Z compared with Super.

    submitted by /u/Amazing-Tomatillo-23
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    Goku Mastered Ultra Instinct

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 05:29 PM PDT

    Cell is my favorite villain.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 08:56 PM PDT

    I just wanted to say cell is my favorite villain. The reason is because with buu and with freeza it seemed like there was only one person who could fight with them. But with cell all the sayians were somewhat close. Vegeta was able to injure him, even though it was a few shot. Trunks was strong enough but not fast or skilled enough to beat him. Goku did things right but just couldn't quite match him and then finally gohan put it all together to win. The part I enjoyed the most was trunks vs cell. Obviously cell could whooped him but I think for fun he he fought trunks like trunks wanted to fight. Since there was no real threat he just muscled around with him. But to me it showed they were all close to being able to match him but no one but gohan brought it all together to be able to win.

    submitted by /u/hosemeier
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    I drew Black Goku in a hypothetical Ultra Instinct form

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 02:07 PM PDT

    When will the REAL hero come into play?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 08:37 PM PDT

    I know that Dragon Ball Heroes is all about fanservice, and I get that a part of that is making Xeno versions of characters that have non-canon abilities, like SS4 Xeno Vegito, and other such stuff.

    As such, I have to ask:

    When will they bring in Xeno Hercule?

    You might think "Dude, that's crazy. He's a weakling, he'd get torn apart against the demon gods", and to that I say "Not if he actually uses ki."

    It's been shown multiple times that Hercule is the strongest Earthling that doesn't use ki, and there have been multiple instances in video games and other Dragon Ball-related media that shows that, if Hercule were to actually train and learn to use ki, he'd be immensely powerful. Not as strong as Goku and Vegeta, but still a strong force to be reckoned with.

    Maybe they could use that gag of God Hercule from early on in Super, and make it so he actually does get a blonde form.

    submitted by /u/ArthurNEMordonuts
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    DBZ and DBS Time Lines Explained and Paradoxes Resolved! Long Post!

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 07:48 PM PDT

    Spoiler warning! Go no further! Get ready for confusing terminology!

    This theory has 6 total time lines (TL) minus the erased TL bringing us with 5 that. Characters are referred to with a number that indicates which TL they came from.

    We start in TL 1 with Trunks 1 and Cell 1. Trunks 1 unknowingly creates TL 2, but TL 1 remains the same so he assumes his intervention failed. Trunks 1 find Dr. Gero's lab and self destructs the androids. Trunks 1 attempts to change the past again by destroying the androids before their are built since he now knows the lab's location, but Cell 1 kills him and creates TL 3 instead.

    Trunks 3 attempts to save the future like Trunks 1, but like him unknowingly creates TL 4. Since Cell 1 is in TL 3 the creation of TL 4 copies Cell 1; TL 4 Cell 1 becomes Perfect Cell.

    Now for DBS... The paradox of future Black creating the events that lead to him needs resolving. To resolve this I'm assuming that events like Goku 4 meeting Zemozu 4 are hard coded into time lines, in this case TL 4. Since TL 3 was created before, is years ahead of, and is connected to TL 4 TL 3 spawns a future version of Zemozu 4, which is Black 4, due to the hard coded meeting of Goku 4 and Zemozu 4 in TL 4.

    When Beerus 4 erases Zemozu 4 Black 4 is unaffected due to the time ring which resolves the paradox by creating TL 5 in which Zemozu 5 isn't erased. Black 4 is now Black 5.

    TL 3 is erased. Whis 4 and Trunks 3 time travel to a point before TL 3 was erased creating TL 6.


    Maybe Trunks 3 and 6 will use the Potara earrings to become Potara Trunks!? Potara Mai?

    Universe 12's time machine may mean there is one extra TL out there. TL 0? Maybe TL 0 created TL 1? Maybe TL 1 created TL 0? Depends on which TL Universe 12 created the time machine in. Either way to keep things simple let's say Trunks 0 never time travels.

    Since Trunks 3 knew where the androids would appear and in TL 4 Dr. Gero as android 20 attacks instead this indicates that Dr. Gero had attacks on civilians planned to lure out Goku in all TL. This was probably meant to end after Goku's death since humans are Cell's power source. The androids in TL 1&3 probably found out about Cell and betrayed Dr. Gero then killed Cell's power source, humans. If so can TL 1&3 17&18 really be blamed? Not like Cell would let the humans live.

    submitted by /u/Prolore
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    Tournament of power attire

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 07:39 PM PDT

    Why isn't Goki wearing a custom gi from Whis and why isn't Vegeta wearing another set of the clothes Bulma made for him? 🤷🏻‍♂️

    submitted by /u/AlarmFine3578
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    Could improve, but here is my art of Goku and Krillin after The Tournament of Power

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 04:51 AM PDT

    Will I be confused if I skip DBZ filler on my first time watching?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 09:35 PM PDT

    I'm not asking if the filler is worth watching or not, I just want to know if I can simply skip the filler and pick up where the canon left off beforehand. Like I noticed when I skipped episode 10 and watched 11, I didn't know how Gohan was suddenly able to use his power to start a fire, and wasn't acting like a baby anymore suddenly.

    submitted by /u/DR_45
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    Draagon Ball Z Broly movie 8, 10 and 11.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 02:00 PM PDT

    I'm going to say this before hand for the DBZ Broly fans, I'm not going to talk friendly about Broly, but I'm not going to do so without arguments to back it up! I don't like echter one of the 3 movies, and "dont like" is a soft way to put it.

    For context about how and when I have watched these movies, about a year ago I watched them for the first time. And I already didn't like them back then. Now I'm watching all of the movies, specials and crossovers from dragon ball again, including these 3, and It was even worse than I remembered them to be... After watching them I chose to watch them again in Japanese the day I finished Bio Broly. I nearly got brain damage for doing that but I wanted to make sure that I didn't dislike it because of a Dub change.

    I'm going to Start with talking about what I did like about them, because this will be the easiest and shortest to tell. Movie 8, Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan. I like how the movie starts, with kaio sama telling us that the south galaxy was being attacked by a Super Saiyan and the interraction with Goku and Chi Chi. And ofcourse Kuririn singing, easelly the highlight of the movie. Although I don't understand why his Teleportation/Instant transmission is slower now, so he can't instantly teleport next to Browly. But this does get him to do some detective work what I do like. I also LOVE the psychotic and uncontrollable background, and it does fit with him. It creates a great story for him and his father. And I like how Paragus had to controll his power with a machine, and how they escaped plannet Vegeta. I Also like the reson for Paragus to take revange on king Vegeta, although I don't like the motivation for Broly.

    Broly is mad at Goku because Goku cried next to him as a baby. How does he know that it was Kakarot, how does he remember, and how does he recognise him? I do understand why he doesn't care to take revange on king Vegeta because he tried to kill his father, but he also tried to kill him. But these are the minor issues I have.

    Lets start with "the Legendary Super Saiyan", a name I don't like. This is still a minor, but itchy problem I have. I don't like how the ignore the fact that we already called the yellow form the Legendary Super Saiyan. I would accept it if they would write it as if they were mistaken. That the form they know isn't the real legend. But they act like they have never seen the legend before. Kale and DBS Broly don't have a official name for the form, but if they do get this name please give us a real reason and explain.

    Vegeta, aka the pussy. Why the hell is he such a pussy in this movie! It just doesn't fit him! Pride saiyan warrior straight in the trashcan. You can't say that he is nearly crying and trembling because he encountered the "Legendary super saiyan". Why would he immediately go with Paragus to hunt on the Legendary Saiyan to kill him, just to give up immediately after he found him! Even if he felt his Chi, it doesn't fit his character. The Vegeta we know fights even though he knows he can't win. HE EVEN TOLD THE OTHERS TO RUN. Like he knows they die anyway if they run. Yes, later on he did join the fight for a short time, but it already was to late. That doesn't and didn't make him less of a pussy.

    And what is endurance and power in this movie? After Goku, Gohan and Trunks got there ass whooped, Piccolo gave them a senzu. From here on They started fighting again with no changes. Vegeta also joined somewhere in that fight. After nearly everyone got so tired that they could barely even stand, they gave the little energy they had to Goku. Gohan, Trunks and Piccolo gave the little energy they had to Goku, who also was low on energy. They only helped him to survive, and stand up. But it didn't do more than that. Then Vegeta gave the little energy he had to him, it looks like Goku instantly got to max power, or just a little higher. How? I don't know. But whith this power he is able to catch Broly's attack to the shock of Broly. When this happend my mouth was wide open from disbelief. Later on Broly attacked 1 more time and Goku dodged it, and LITERALLY ONE SHOT BROLY WITH A PUNCH IN THE STOMACH! Just so you know, a full powered Goku, Gohan and Trunks as super saiyan with piccolo couldn't even damage Broly. (52:28 of the movie is where they got a senzu and started fighting again). They couldn't even tickle Broly, and Goku (who should be low on power) just one shot Broly. And NO he doens't have a weak spot because of a Stab wound. We didn't even see a scar.

    Even though it really looked like broly died, I guess he didn't because... yeh, movie 10 - Broly second comming. I'm not going over the entire movie, I already wrote a whole book here. But how did he get in to a space pod in time in his shape, before the comet collided? and how did he get on Earth with it? I also have problems with that movie, and Bio Broly. But not as much with Bio Broly, it was just boring. But I have told enough. I hope you understand why I have the problems I have with these movies. And I would like to know why some of you like the movie even with all these problems? Please share it if you feel like I got some thing wrong, or if you whant to explain why you like some thing that I don't.

    submitted by /u/TheDutchMan_
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    Why do people think that Goku going SSB means he's going all out?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 06:54 AM PDT

    I've seen this brought up before numerous times on the topic Super's "plotholes," like SSB Goku vs Android 17.

    My question is why? Why do they think Goku is suddenly using every ounce of power he has when he goes SSB? The whole point of the transformation is that its perfect KI control, so it's quite obvious he's balancing his power against people who are definitely weaker than him.

    Android 17 is not equal to SSB Goku, he can just put up a good fight. Same with Ultimate Gohan, or Krillin.

    submitted by /u/sekaisubarashii
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    When goku loses god form against beerus in their first fight he still fights at around the same level as an ssg while in ssj form and beerus says something like goku has absorbed the god form into himself. But then if he can utilise the strength of the god form just in ssj why does he ever go ssg?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 01:09 PM PDT

    Also what ever happened to saiyan beyond god?

    submitted by /u/Trauf27
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