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    Thursday, May 13, 2021

    Dragon Ball Z - Dragon Ball Super Chapter 72 Storyboards

    Dragon Ball Z - Dragon Ball Super Chapter 72 Storyboards

    Dragon Ball Super Chapter 72 Storyboards

    Posted: 13 May 2021 06:12 PM PDT

    Statements on a potential new anime

    Posted: 13 May 2021 03:44 AM PDT

    [OC] A quick Cell drawing I did way back at the beginning of quarantine. I always really liked his first form

    Posted: 13 May 2021 11:46 AM PDT

    West City Vice (by me)

    Posted: 13 May 2021 10:01 AM PDT

    It never really dawned on me that the sons of king piccolo and Goku grew up to be such great friends/brothers/best dad

    Posted: 13 May 2021 07:14 PM PDT

    Just finished my 7th session on my DBZ sleeve. Upland, CA #mrpinksxx

    Posted: 13 May 2021 12:22 PM PDT

    Goku drawing by me

    Posted: 13 May 2021 04:55 AM PDT

    Dragon Ball x Invincible mash up by me

    Posted: 12 May 2021 11:07 PM PDT

    Vegito fanart by me

    Posted: 13 May 2021 11:50 AM PDT

    Why do you love Dragon Ball ?

    Posted: 13 May 2021 09:18 PM PDT

    Why do you guys love Dragon Ball ? I love Dragon Ball because I never had that much friends but I always wanted to have friends whom I can go a adventure like how kid Goku did and learn so many things about the World he fought for his friends and Dragon Ball has played a big part in my Life. Dragon Ball is just pure love for me. I wanted to write a whole story of mine 😅 but I wonder will you guys love it or not. Tell me why do you love Dragon Ball ? And what makes it different than other series.

    submitted by /u/Alzy_Welzy
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    I have a theory on Super Saiyan Ikari

    Posted: 13 May 2021 09:34 PM PDT

    We have a Full Power version of Super Saiyan 1 — Super Saiyan Grade 4.

    Cumber has demonstrated Super Saiyan 3 Full Power.

    Super Saiyan 4 Full Power (or Super Full Power Saiyan 4, weird word order).

    We also have experienced Perfected Super Saiyan Blue, which is just Super Saiyan Blue Full Power.

    Ultra Instinct with white hair is, to me, akin to the Full Power version of UI.

    We haven't seen a Full Powered version of Super Saiyan 2. I bet we could say Super Saiyan Rage is this. The power jump from SS3 to SS3 FP is large like SS Ikari.

    submitted by /u/ChiefWamsutta
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    What if Goku and Piccolo went into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber first?

    Posted: 13 May 2021 05:56 PM PDT

    How is the series affected?

    submitted by /u/USSJ307
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    I liked the old Broly's limiters, were like ornaments, he looked like a Prince. The new Broly's scars look cool too. Here I mashed up both the old and new Broly. Hope it turned out well. Thank u.

    Posted: 13 May 2021 03:12 AM PDT

    Some people say that the Sayian and Namek saga is just one big saga because of how it's so connected. But if it is really just one big saga, where do you rank the saga in anime history ?

    Posted: 13 May 2021 12:59 PM PDT

    I think we can all agree that the Sayian and Namek Saga are 2 of the best saga ever done in shonen history. Some people even think that it's just one big saga. Just like Water 7 and Enies Lobby in One Piece. Even if in fact, it's not one big saga but 2 separate saga, it's true that the 2 sagas are really connected to each other. You can't understand a saga without the other.

    But if it's really just one big saga, where do you rank the saga in anime history ? For me i found that a little bit too op lmao i mean you're mixing two of the best saga of all time into one big saga. I don't think it's getting topped in these conditions. At least in shonen.

    submitted by /u/No_Plantain_5495
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    Dragonball OG show.

    Posted: 13 May 2021 09:38 AM PDT

    How cool would it be to get a show on the original masters of Dragonball? I'm talking Roshi, Mutaito, Shen, Kami, Korin, Master Chin, and King Chappa. I think it would be cool because it would show the masters as they're learning their techniques, not some outscaled power level destroy planets stuff.

    submitted by /u/Handofyahweh
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    How it all started, OC 2021

    Posted: 13 May 2021 07:26 AM PDT

    I just had a thought about Frieza's empire..

    Posted: 13 May 2021 03:43 PM PDT

    From what I understand King Cold and Frieza sent saiyans and mercenaries to conquer worlds to sell to the highest bidder. (Does the same relative idea happen in universe 6?)

    But what we never got to see was who were those highest bidders?

    I don't ever recalling a multi-planet ruling class auctioning for worlds. Being a main antagonist and stuff.


    submitted by /u/Marooki
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    Why would he use Kakarot?

    Posted: 13 May 2021 07:56 AM PDT

    Sorry if this has been asked before.

    At the end the dragon ball super movie Broly, Goku turns and says "my names Goku. But Broly? You can call me Kakarot"

    Apart from fan service. Or a callback to the original Broly movies. Why would Goku say this? Yes, they're both saiyans. But that's not a point of pride for Goku like it is for Vegeta. So it's not like he'd use it as a "you earned it" He never introduced himself as Kakarot to the U6 saiyans. So it's not racial. He's never thought of himself as Kakarot at all. He's Goku in his own mind.

    I don't know why this bothers me. It just seems so out of character. It's a cool moment sure but canonically nonsensical. Does anybody have any insight I might be missing? Do any other out of character moments spring to mind?

    submitted by /u/myster__synester
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    I hope the next movie focuses on Freiza and his race

    Posted: 13 May 2021 06:46 PM PDT

    I know a lot of people probably want to see new characters but I think it'd be good for the next movie to focus on Freiza and his race. It's a topic I've long wanted to see explored and I'd love for Cooler and Kuriza to be brought into canon. I can easily see Freiza being a deadbeat Dad and not really having a relationship with Kuriza. Who he could approach wanting to rebuild the family empire and making all sorts of promises and Kuriza could agree but clearly have a plan of his own.

    I also like the idea of Cooler being Freiza's half brother and having a back story where as a child his mother was killed by King Cold and he was forcibly taken in and repeatedly told he was only supposed to motivate Freiza. I can also see Freiza betraying Cooler and leaving him for dead only for Cooler to become one with that Big Gete Star.

    As for the plot I think it would be great to focus on Freiza's past and him seeking revenge on Goku. Only for it to end with Freiza being shot in the back by his own son and taken to Cooler who drains the power from Freiza's golden form and uses it to make a new body similar to his final form.

    For the ending I'd like a stale mate where Kuriza fights Vegeta to a stand still and Cooler despite being stronger than Goku decides to let him go asking "If I gave you time could you get stronger?" and for the movie to end there with Cooler and Kuriza leaving a beaten and battered Goku.

    I just think it'd be a nice change to have Goku lose at the end and or be spared by the villain so he can train and provide a better challenge. At the same time I like the idea of a movie focusing on Frieza showing him being a entitled brat and it culminating in all his actions causing his final death. There's also something very brutal about Freiza being killed by his own son and brother that'd love to see play out.

    submitted by /u/EmperorJoker
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    What has the series come to when goku and piccolo get drivers licenses and start racing? they can fly for crying out loud lol

    Posted: 13 May 2021 06:02 PM PDT

    Android Question

    Posted: 13 May 2021 12:46 PM PDT

    How long will 17 and 18 live?

    submitted by /u/CoziestDuke7444
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    Just a theory.... A DBZ THEORY

    Posted: 13 May 2021 03:49 PM PDT

    If Yamcha had a transformation that =SSG Goku what would it be called (seriously I wanna know)

    I'll call it either "Mountain Lion"

    "Inferno Illusion"

    Or "Raging Demon" based off of Akuma

    submitted by /u/Killa_J
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    Reviewing Dragon Ball Multiverse

    Posted: 13 May 2021 09:13 AM PDT

    For those who don't know, Dragon Ball Multiverse is a fancomic sequel to Dragon Ball. It ignores Dragon Ball GT and Dragon Ball Super (it came out in 2008, well before Super was a thing). The general gist is that our heroes are invited to a big tournament between 20 universes, facilitated by a species that discovered multiversal travel. You can read it here. The normal chapters are separated by special chapters that cover the backstories of different universes. Most of them are sub-par honestly, so I would recommend skipping all the special chapters on a first read through. I won't be talking about the special chapters here, only the main ones. This post will contain spoilers for Dragon Ball Multiverse.

    The First and Second Rounds, drawn by Gogeta Jr

    So, the start is all quite rushed to be honest. It feels very much like the story wanted us to get to the tournament as quickly as possible, without giving us time to breath. We don't see anything of the characters living their lives. We don't get an explanation for why others, such as Mr Buu or Krillin, don't go to the tournament. We don't see the characters reacting to the existence of the multiverse. We don't get any new kids or partners despite it being 10 years after the EoZ. It just wants to put us in a specific situation, that of a set of characters in a Multiverse tournament.

    The first round itself is also bit hit and miss. Several of the fights are simply that, fights. They have little character involved and all they are is a series of reasonably good fight choreographies. There's not really any tension. There is little in the way of 'twists', or enjoyable character interactions in-fight. Conversely, the best round 1 fights are those with at least some of these aspects. Fights such as Vegeta vs King Vegeta, which shows just how much Vegeta's changed. Where he compares himself to the 'barbaric' version of himself that he's fighting, and then to another version that killed Freeza and became emperor of the universe. He even says he found inner peace on Earth. And then you have Bojack vs Pan where we get the reveal of Pan as a super saiyan (she looks so cool too) and all of the drama related to her death.

    The big fight of the first round is Vegetto vs Broly. It's given a sufficient amount of hype. You have the initial 10 pages acting as a teaser for it, and you also have the characters talk about how strong Universe 20 Broly must be. The actual fight itself is... decent. The most interesting section is definitely that where Vegetto fights as a super saiyan and they go back and forth, ending with an Instant Big Bang Attack. Super Saiyan 3 Vegetto's finisher is also quite cool.

    Overall though, I think the fight is just too short for the amount of weight it's supposed to hold. It spans about 37 pages, the equivalent of 3 chapters in the original manga. Expanding the section after Vegetto transforms into a super saiyan 2 would've been beneficial here. It is however followed up with a fun series of events in space, where U4 Buu attempts to absorb Broly, and Vegetto, Gohan and Son Bra (Vegetto's daughter) attempt to stop him. Unlike many of the tournament fights so far, this has real tension. We have a goal that the heroes are aiming for (stopping Buu) and we have complications (that Vegetto is exhausted and Bra can't control her SSj2). It's also interspersed quite well with a tournament fight, Yamcha vs #18.

    Character introductions throughout these chapters are reasonably good. The different universes are shown to us through the perspective of our heroes and provides us information that lets us become attached to the different fighters. Universe 13, where Vegeta killed Freeza, is a good example.

    The second round begins much the same as the better fights of the first round. They have some sort of point to them, whether it's South Kaioshin coming to grips with how Fat Buu absorbed the Kaioshin in his universe, or our Pan turning into a super saiyan against Kakarotto. However, there's a noticeable decline in art quality throughout this. Possibly an omen of Gogeta Jr leaving the project.

    A few chapters were made in between the leaving of Gogeta Jr and the finding of a new permanent artist. They were alright. However, this middle section does include Buu trying to take over the tournament, an event which was extremely rushed. Something that should've been a major conflict was turned into a minor one lasting only 13 pages. It would've been better to either expand this or exclude it.

    Gogeta Jr's art was definitely solid. It was clearly the dragon ball art style, and it was done well. At the same time though, it lacked much of the... flavour that Toriyama was able to give his work. I'm no expert but I suspect the consistency of the line thickness played a factor here, with Gogeta Jr mostly sticking to a single level of thickness. Another thing to mention, is that the level of detail that Toriyama drew in his backgrounds is just far higher than Gogeta Jr.

    Asura's Multiverse

    Starting with Asura, the tournament fights reach a whole new level of quality. The action and art is far more dynamic and the fights themselves become far more interesting. And then, mostly thanks to Buu, every fighter in the third round has something new to show both their opponent and us. We get Uub using the Kaioken and the Galactic Donut, Kakarotto turning into a Golden Oozaru, Cell using Piccolo's gigantification technique to fight Hirudegarn, and a new kind of fusion dance.

    It's just a whole new array of things and it's all extremely well done. The only fight that I think is done less than well is Bra vs Cold. The plot and the characters are simply too in her favour and makes her feel like a pet character.

    Artwise, Asura seems to add a slight degree of shading to his work in comparison to Gogeta Jr, and I think it really works in his favour. The level of detail in his drawing also appears greater to me, though his backgrounds still fall short of Toriyama. Despite considering Gogeta Jrs work to be very solid, I would say that Asura's is at least a notch or two above. It can be absolutely phenomenal. (Should note, that link is from part of a special chapter Asura drew.)

    Babidi's Revolt

    Throughout the tournament we've been given many individual plot threads. Yamcha's attempt to redeem #17 and #18, who's body is Ginyu in in U8, Gohan offering a deal to the U13 saiyans which is currently leading to a Mystic Raditz, and so on. But following Majin Buu's defeat against Uub, we also had Babidi secretly taking over many of the evil people in the stadium. This comes to a head just before the start of the quarter finals, where Babidi teleports all the competitors not under his control to a (very, very) far away planet with a toxic atmosphere.

    And thus starts the Budokai Royale as the remaining people attempt to resist and stop Babidi. As a whole this battle royale is extremely good, and something that the Dragon Ball manga had never done before. The fights are visceral and act as an opportunity to see these often ignored character act in a desperate situation. Whether it's Goten immediately moving to save his universe which is being held hostage or holding down Kakarotto so an ally can hit them both, Piccolo dunking on Freeza and Coola and developing a Makankosappo cage or the universe 9 humans fighting a Cell Jr. You also have Videl facing opponents in the stands and even standing against Nappa to save Bra.

    The whole thing is just extremely chaotic, as a battle royale should be. Piccolo Daimao is even killed due to getting hit by an attack thanks to a random varga whistling.

    The star of this royale is definitely Gohan. After his Videl is safe from the Cell Jrs, he immediately heads to Babidi to resolve the situation. If it wasn't for a well timed vision by Bardock, Gohan would've ended it all there. He shows growth in not falling for Buu's absorption a second time. And Gohan reveals just how terrifying his power can be when he's not holding back. He even gets to show his compassion to Bra.

    The final fight of the battle royale ends up (mostly) being two Gohans and Cell against Majin Bra (the daughter of Vegetto, not Vegeta). The overall build up to this was not bad, as Bra has been quite a jerk at minimum. It's not all that surprising she could be taken over. But the immediate buildup is just fantastic. Gohan's terror and sorrow at the thought is just palpable. Even Cell's return from near death is wonderful, and reasonably foreshadowed given some of his previous actions being otherwise confusing.

    The battle itself involves a series of tag teams against a foe far stronger than any of them individually. Of particular enjoyment to me is the Kamehameha-shield combo done by Gohan and a warrior of Universe 19.

    Unfortunately, the fight really fizzles out and loses all tension after Majin Bra steals the senzu from Piccolo. Until then the heroes were able to put up a fight and try their best against her, but after it's pretty much just Majin Bra slaughtering them all. That simply isn't very interesting. Having our Bra talk her counterpart into submission was certainly an interesting idea, but it doesn't come off great in my opinion. It's alright. The 'cleanup' chapter that follows this has a major issue. It redeems Son Bra not through her admitting wrong so much, but through painting her father, Vegetto, in a bad light. On the positive side, we get to see Dabra and Buu live together in the Demon Realm after coming out of Babidi's control.

    Final thoughts and Extras

    Multiverse is a wonderful comic, with some decidedly less than wonderful parts. The character of Son Bra can be irritating and comes off as a creator's pet. It's clear she can make a great villain, but the battle against her became very disappointing. Many minor characters get a great showing, like the alternate universe version of Yamcha and the multiple version of Videl including our own. And many new characters are fantastic such as Universe 4 Buu. At the same time, there is a severe lack of Goku and too much of a focus on Vegetto's universe.

    The artwork has varied from solid under Gogeta Jr, to wavering while they were looking for a new artist, to incredible under Asura. And Asura's actually managed to improve over the course of the comic, despite already starting at such a high level. One major disappointment I have however is that the majority of the story is all in the same location. The tournament grounds does get boring over time. And this isn't necessarily negative, but the comic portrays the super saiyan aura much more like it is in the anime than in the manga.

    The series has been going on for many years and its put out a bit under 1,000 pages of the main story. This is higher than all the arcs in the first part of Dragon Ball, but less than most in the second part (the Z part). We've gotten hints of (presumably) the main villain, Xxi, that are great at creating mystery and intrigue. And yet, much of the interesting parts of the series is located in its second half, from the second round onward. And the first round is almost as long as the second and third rounds put together. I think a tournament with 64 participants, with each match given attention, was simply too much. Reducing it would also have allowed extra room for other developments to get the space and pacing that they needed.

    To anyone who's read all this, thank you. It got quite long.

    submitted by /u/BurningInFlames
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    Fancasting Vegeta

    Posted: 13 May 2021 10:54 AM PDT

    Wich actor could greatly portray the prince of thw Saiyans?

    submitted by /u/MATTMURDOCKPUPPY69
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