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    Sunday, June 20, 2021

    Dragon Ball Z - [VIZ] Dragon Ball Super Chapter 73

    Dragon Ball Z - [VIZ] Dragon Ball Super Chapter 73

    [VIZ] Dragon Ball Super Chapter 73

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 08:00 AM PDT

    Super Dragon Ball Heroes Episode 36

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 01:06 PM PDT

    If DBS won’t give Gohan his shine, I will. :) UI concept art by me

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 09:14 AM PDT

    The Earthling Trio, drawn by me.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 04:35 AM PDT

    Made this edit in iMovie. Enjoy and speak your criticisms.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 08:17 PM PDT

    Beerus, done by Oshi'nk, Belgium. Are you a fan of the god of the destruction ?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 01:51 PM PDT

    I drew Goku as an M&M

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 09:44 PM PDT

    Why when Vegeta discovers that he was bleeding, he immediately goes off ? Probably sound like a noob question but im watching Dragon Ball for the first time

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 09:44 AM PDT

    My Fathers Day Card drawn by my Fiancé

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 12:13 PM PDT

    My Fathers day suprise. A Shenron coffee cup! Happy fathers day to all my fellow DB series poppas out there!

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 08:02 AM PDT

    〝F〟 (by TAKUMI™)

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 03:55 PM PDT

    When I was drawing a pineapple I noticed something familiar about the leaves and just went with it

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 12:04 PM PDT

    DBS: Broly SSB Goku redraw!

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 09:56 AM PDT

    Why all the Gohan Hate!? Do people not understand his character? Or do they simply want him to be a mini - Goku?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 10:29 AM PDT

    Why all the Gohan Hate!? Do people not understand his character? Or do they simply want him to be a mini - Goku?

    What did I do wrong? All I've done is lived the life I always wanted.

    From the moment we meet Gohan as a kid the series takes the time to show that Gohan is NOT his Father. Episode 1 of Dragon Ball has Goku running around the jungle playing tag with sabretooth tigers while episode 1 of DBZ has Gohan running around scared in the jungle and fleeing from a sabretooth tiger till his rage moment.

    Gohan is a reactionary character who has never shown much interest in fighting unless he has too. Even Toriyama says Saiyan - Human Hybrids are less aggressive and battle hungry than their full blooded fathers but all people can say about adult Gohan doing what he's said he'll do since childhood is what a waste.

    Now let's be clear I'm not saying I don't want the guy to get his power back and play a more central role but what about Gohan not training and instead studying and enjoying life is out of character for him?

    He got married to a wonderful girl. Studied hard. Started a Career and a family rather than spending most of his time training and neglecting his family. Which is one of the fandoms biggest criticisms of his father. I really don't get this. Let Gohan live his life how he wants.

    He's still one of the most powerful people in his universe and he got back in fighting shape in less than 48 hrs when he had no other choice so SERIOUSLY WHAT'S THE PROBLEM.

    submitted by /u/GleemanRadio
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    What would happen to Buu if grand supreme Kai was removed?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 03:25 AM PDT

    Fanart I made for my futur animation

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 08:12 AM PDT

    I just drew the PERFECT picture

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 03:57 PM PDT

    Analyzing Why Goku Giving Cell a Senzu Bean Doesn't Mean He's a Bad Dad

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 10:17 AM PDT

    Analyzing Why Goku Giving Cell a Senzu Bean Doesn't Mean He's a Bad Dad


    Before I begin, I want to state that I am familiar with the interview that was recently translated where Toriyama calls Goku a "disaster father," and stated that " I think Gohan considers him a bad example."

    However, despite Toriyama's comments, in his work he doesn't show this, nor does Gohan show that he would consider him a bad example. To add to this, he says he "thinks" Gohan considers him a bad example, not that he does.

    Until his work shows something otherwise, we can go with what is shown in the manga.

    By many, Goku is often labeled and called the worst father ever.

    Out of other fathers in different stories who are really bad fathers, Goku is often compared to them and he is sometimes labeled worse than them - unfairly.

    The reason why he's called a "bad dad" is due to people mentioning how he "forced" Gohan to fight, and gave Cell a Senzu Bean.

    However, I want to look at the scene and show how it's not proof he's a bad dad.

    From my understanding, the argument that Goku shouldn't have given Cell a Senzu bean comes from people feeling that Cell was weaker than Gohan after Goku fought Cell.

    To add to this, some feel Cell gained a lot of the energy back he lost when fighting Goku, and Gohan would have had a better chance fighting Cell.

    However, that is not true.





    Despite Goku being at full power, and giving his all to Cell, it's not enough. However, Cell can keep going. Given what Cell, Roshi, and Vegeta had said, Cell was still super strong.


    At the same time, Cell did use a lot of energy as shown in the previous panel and what he is saying in this panel as well.

    However, he is still stronger by saying how it will slightly increase Goku's chances. He isn't worried - though Goku is tired. He still shows that he can take him on.

    So what can we get from here?

    Though Cell lost a lot of energy, he still had a ton left. He didn't lose that much where they could win. Cell could still beat everyone there.




    We now go into the "proof" of why Goku is a bad dad, which is the Senzu Bean scene.

    However, as mentioned before, we can see where the Senzu Bean didn't really improve Cell a lot, where it took away Gohan's chances of winning.

    Goku says he gave Cell the Senzu Bean to make the fight fair, overall because he knew Gohan can beat Cell.

    Cell was still powerful, and as we will see in another panel, he did not use his full power yet. The Senzu Bean just gave back the energy Cell lost when fighting Goku which wasn't enough to make Gohan win.

    When Goku was fighting Cell, and Cell used some of the energy he had to fight Goku, he had a lot left to fight Gohan. He didn't find it necessary to fight him with his full power until Gohan reached SSJ2, so he was fighting him normally.

    Cell could fight Gohan without using his full power when he was in SSJ1, and the Senzu Bean didn't improve much because he didn't use that much energy to fight Goku.

    After the fight with Goku he had a lot of energy left, showing how he was still stronger without the bean.


    Regardless of Cell losing energy from fighting Goku, as mentioned before, it took Gohan going SSJ2 to make Cell use his full power. Nowhere did he have to do the same with Goku when they were fighting, even when he lost some energy.

    Since that is the case, Cell didn't need to use that much energy in their fight.

    Goku really didn't take away enough of Cell's energy, where he was pushed to beat him.

    So then we have the question of - "Then why give Cell a Senzu Bean?"


    When analyzing the scene - Going back a bit to the beginning - it's acknowledged that though Cell had a lot of energy, there was a fair amount that he lost as well.

    Goku takes note of this during and after their fight. Cell also comments on this.

    While fighting, Cell attacked Goku with the Ka-me-ha-me-ha wave. Afterward, Goku questions Cell about it.

    He asks Cell if he would have destroyed earth. Cell responds to Goku letting him know that he would destroy the earth without even thinking about it. However, it would mean he wouldn't have fun.

    Going with what cell is saying - It implies if/when he stops having fun, he would destroy the earth

    It's fun for Cell now because he has a lot of energy and can win. However, there are different ways where it can stop being fun for Cell.

    One of the ways being - as the fight continues with Gohan, with the energy he lost when fighting Goku, he can lose more. That is when it would stop being fun.

    Because of this, it can be viewed where Goku gave Cell the Senzu Bean to prevent Cell from losing more energy.

    If he didn't give him one, it can cause Gohan not to enable SSJ2 (not getting angry), because Cell wouldn't want to continue anymore due to him losing energy (which would make it no longer fun).

    (This idea was inspired by my friends ZurkuXeno(no longer active), and loganflojack).

    Many feel that Goku forced, and made him fight Cell, however, that is not the case.



    Goku never forced Gohan to fight Cell. He requested that Gohan go against Cell. Then, he asked Gohan if he could, and then Goku questioned Gohan's feelings about the fight.



    Seeing what Goku, Gohan, and Cell are saying, Goku couldn't beat Cell. Gohan was the only one strong enough to do so. It's why he requested for Gohan to fight Cell.

    Something I want to mention is the fact that Goku tells Cell after fighting him he knows that Gohan can beat him. Goku cares so much for Gohan, he wants to make sure that he can take Cell on. Goku isn't always focused on fighting for enjoyment.


    Gohan tells Goku that he is willing to try and fight.

    He makes the choice to try and fight Cell. Gohan never said to Goku that he did not want to fight Cell, but Goku made him do it anyway.

    When you force someone to do something, you make them do what they don't want to. Goku did not do this with Gohan.

    This leads into the other argument of - "By Goku having Gohan fight Cell, he could have been wrong about him going SSJ2. The only reason Gohan went SSJ2 was because of Android 16."




    From these panels here, we can see how Gohan was starting to turn Super Saiyan 2, before Android16 spoke to Gohan. This shows that Goku was right. Even without Android 16's help, Gohan was going to go SSJ2. Android 16 made it come faster.

    Conclusion -

    The things Goku has done as a father is often disregarded, summarized as things a father should do for their kids. However, many fathers wouldn't do things Goku would do.

    Not only that, but it's not fair to label those things as - "things a father should do," not giving him credit, but only focus on the "wrong" he has done. It's then seen as fair to label him as a bad father.

    Though Goku is an anime character, if the roles were reversed and someone disregarded the good that we've done and only focused on the bad, it's something we wouldn't like at all.

    When someone does something wrong, people take an approach as if they've never done anything wrong in their whole life, and they have a right to look down on people.

    Regardless of how bad a flaw is, it's still a flaw at the end of the day.

    Not everything we will do is perfect, but in life, all we can do is learn from what we do, and try to be the best we can.

    This isn't an essay to show that Goku is the "perfect" dad, but no parent is perfect.

    I wanted to show how Goku giving Cell a Senzu bean shouldn't be proof of him being a bad dad. Even if it was, he's done more good for his family and friends than bad.


    I want to say thank you for your time reading.

    I would also like to say a special thank you to my friends for their help, time, and advice when making this project!

    I truly appreciate them!!

    submitted by /u/JonathanM2C
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    Made a Vegito Blue drawing on Procreate

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 12:58 PM PDT

    Why is Kid Goku's wack you again line so SAVAGE!? For the Love of Kami or King Kai Dragon Ball is the best.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 09:06 AM PDT

    I swear even when I'm watching the series sub on my blue bricks I ALWAYS switch back to dub for this line.

    Why is Kid Goku so Savage!? Love it.

    submitted by /u/GleemanRadio
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    In DBS Broly which line is it?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 04:13 PM PDT

    So in the Broly movie, Goku says either "Heads up Freeza" or "Guess what Freeza?" when they lead Broly to him, which is it?

    submitted by /u/DiscordDarkV2
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    Are there any fanfictions that has Frieza be set up as the main and final villain?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 04:27 PM PDT

    So I'm sure I'm not in the minority when I say that Frieza is my favorite of the dragonball villains . I wasn't really a fan of him being an ally in the tournament of power arc . So what I'm searching for is a fanfic that sets up Frieza as the main and final opponent. Let's make a comparison to blackbeard from one piece , he appears every now and then and disappears but he gets more power . Remember cyborg Frieza that got killed by trunks ? What if Frieza became cybernetically enhanced like the androids and what if he developed wizard powers like babidi or moro ? I can picture the final battle now , gogeta or vegito vs a much more powerful golden Frieza. What do you guys think ?

    submitted by /u/hasheemakill18
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