• Breaking News

    Sunday, July 25, 2021

    Dragon Ball Z - Fun fact: Cell is the only the Z villain out of the main 3 to

    Dragon Ball Z - Fun fact: Cell is the only the Z villain out of the main 3 to

    Fun fact: Cell is the only the Z villain out of the main 3 to

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 12:37 PM PDT

    -Not be a galaxy/universal threat feared across planets like Frieza and Buu. (He only threatened Earth)

    -Not to get killed by Goku.

    -Successfully kill Goku.

    -Never be mentioned by Beerus, Whis or any of the Kais.

    -Die in every form. (Imperfect by Future Trunks) (Semi-Perfect explosion) (Perfect by Gohan)

    -Still be dead as of Super.

    -Never be wished back or redeemed as an ally to the Z-Fighters.

    -Never get considered as a ToP candidate.

    -Not get comically bitten by Goku.

    submitted by /u/DeeDoof
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    The Androids, by me

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 06:54 AM PDT

    My wife drew this for my friend.

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 02:34 PM PDT

    The nimbus took me so long (OC)

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 06:09 PM PDT

    New movie is about Gohan theory

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 09:01 AM PDT

    The teaser was very short and featured Goku but I think we have some information that points to Gohan being the protagonist in the upcoming film.

    - The title: SUPER HERO. This one is kinda obvious, Gohan is the one character that actually acted as a Super Hero.
    - The concept arts: they showed us not a single art of Goku and Vegeta. What we got was Piccolo, Krillin and Pan, characters that are close to Gohan.
    - Pan herself: Gohan's daughter is now a bit older and is stated that she has a major role in the film.

    And that's it for now. Maybe the "hero" in the title are the new duo that showed up in the concept arts, or even Goku idk. Maybe Pan's role will be linked to her grandpa not her father. However, this seems like a great opportunity to give Gohan a big moment.

    submitted by /u/GugaSR
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    Vegeta! Procreate by me

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 07:57 AM PDT

    Broly would be so happy with the life Goku has

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 04:13 PM PDT

    Favorite OG Z Dub quotes?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 12:27 PM PDT

    Despite the dub being very inaccurate and the cause of a lot of issues in terms of misunderstanding this franchise, we can't deny some of the dialogue was great. My 2 favorite quotes are these:
    1. I don't understand why you call Saiyans by such mindless names. The only thing it does is reveal your own fear and ignorance. I guess name calling is your only attack because you're too weak to challenge me any other way. - Goku
    2. A good fighter knows his mental and physical limitations. But, a great fighter will figure their way around them. - Gotenks Boo

    submitted by /u/Saiyan_Gods
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    Favorite moment and why? (Ball, Z, Super, Movies etc.)

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 12:46 PM PDT

    Personally I love when Goku has to finally put the boot down on Frieza. "You fool!" Chills every time

    submitted by /u/redditinorbit
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    It’s weird how Goku stayed in contact with everyone after he died in the main timeline, but he didn’t do that with Trunk’s timeline.

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 10:56 AM PDT

    Made this for a mates homescreen for his phone (didn't do whole drawing wouldn't fit on his screen so I sorta minimised it to look smoother)

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 03:40 PM PDT

    SDCC "Super Hero" Panel: Clarifications from Herms

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 11:44 AM PDT

    Our friend Herms had a chance to review the SDCC panel and make some clarifications to the oversimplified and sometimes outright incorrect subtitles that accompanied it, and he's posted those clarifications in a Twitter thread.

    Rewatching the DBS panel, there's a few things I want to note about the subtitles. They're fine overall but there's a few things I think are oversimplified or left out. Going through roughly in order of importance…

    When discussing the artwork for New Character 1 and 2, in Japanese Hayashida says how it's Toriyama's original artwork, unlike the Piccolo/Pan/etc images that have been developed into full-fledged anime designs. The subtitles instead say it was made before movie production began

    Now, it might indeed be true that Toriyama would've made the initial artwork before movie production began, but that's not really what Hayashida is talking about. He's contrasting this image with the earlier ones shown of Piccolo and co, which weren't Toriyama's original artwork

    While making this point, Hayashida and the interviewer refer back to the Piccolo and co designs a few times, but this always gets left out in the subtitles, leaving it unclear that those are examples of the "anime designs" based on Toriyama's original art.

    Again, the designs for Piccolo and co (and Piccolo's house) were all based on Toriyama's original designs of course, but it's only for the new characters that we're shown Toriyama's untouched original artwork. That's what Hayashida is saying here.

    A related mistake (or oversimplification) occurs when describing the design of Piccolo's house. Hayashida says how this is an image board made by remaking Toriyama's design for anime use. The subtitles instead say Toriyama sent them the image board, which was then redesigned.

    In other words: Toriyama doesn't make image boards. The anime staff makes image boards based on what Toriyama sends them. Also, the term in question is 美術ボード (art board), if that makes a difference for the production-minded among you.

    Speaking of this scenery image, when the interviewer tries guessing where it is, he notes it looks like the sort of place where battles are often fought in the series. In Japanese Hayashida says "let me tell you the answer" then reveals it's the area around Piccolo's house…

    …The subtitles have Hayashida's answer as "you're close", making it sound like a battle will indeed happen there in the movie, which I wouldn't really say is implied by Hayashida's Japanese answer (or at least not nearly as much).

    When they discuss Kuririn's eyes being de-skinned, Hayashida says it was Iyoku who requested during the development process to fix the eye coloring to match Toriyama's. This gets glossed over in the subs.

    Iyoku says that the most important thing Toriyama did for the movie was make the script. The subtitles have this as "creating a story is the most important part of making a movie", without specifying that this is what Toriyama did.

    Still, Toriyama writing the script gets mentioned again later on anyway, so it's not like the subtitles omit this aspect entirely. But it still seems odd to make the initial statement so vague.

    On that note: Iyoku says Toriyama began the new movie's script while DBS: Broly's production was still ongoing. The subtitles say he was "on the set" of DBS: Broly, but his physical presence isn't really implied by the Japanese (and do animated films really have "sets"…?)

    I mean, I'm sure Toriyama visited the Toei studies at some point during DBS: Broly's production, but I think most of his script-writing was done at home (and again, they don't mention him being "on set" in Japanese)

    When talking about how Pan plays an "integral part" in the movie, the word used is 活躍, the same word Toriyama uses to describe the "unexpected"character in his comment. Maybe a sign that Pan is indeed who Toriyama meant? But not hard proof, of course.

    There's various other minor stuff, but those are the only things I noticed that seem worth mentioning.

    Reminder that you can find all of the available information about the new movie on our wiki. This clarification thread will be added alongside the link to the SDCC panel.

    submitted by /u/Terez27
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    How does the ethical and moral values of sayians compare to those of Earthlings?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 11:47 AM PDT

    From what I understood from the Bardock movie the Elite sayians are more violent and more cruel than the average sayians which are much weaker than elite sayians. So I was wondering if these weaker sayians which compose the majority of the sayian race are as nice and ethical people as the average Earthling despite that even the weakest sayian is far stronger than a human.

    In one episode when android 17 killed doctor gero Vegeta said that the saiyans are capable of killing anyone that make them pissed off. But Doctor Gero in fact kidnapped those teens to become cyborgs they are not related in any way. That is why 17 killed Gero.

    Vegeta became a normal family guy in DragonBall GT after many years living on Earth despite being more or less as powerful as Goku.

    submitted by /u/Sabrine_Crystal_1992
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    How to add ssj4 to the canon of dragon ball

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 07:56 PM PDT

    So how to get ssj4 in Dragonball canon so this my idea Vegeta and his family like their vacation go to the zoo he see's a monkey acting wild in a cage and he thinks about how he used to turn to the ozaru and thinks about using it again because of the strength of the ozaru but for good and to make it more powerful so after coming back he tells his plan to Goku to train in the time chamber and he wants Goku there as well to help him if he goes wild.While in the chamber he tries to put super Saiyan on top of the ozaru and Goku seems terrified.Vegeta finally puts super Saiyan on top and Goku see's him become smaller and and it's different he has a tail and longer hair he has achieved ssj4.

    Ok so we can't call it ssj4 cause technically that's super Saiyan god so please give a new name for super Saiyan 4

    submitted by /u/Repulsive_North_5235
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    If you were going to remake DBZ what would you change?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 06:58 PM PDT

    Dragon Ball is one of the shows with the most wasted potential that I have ever seen. It really bugs me how bad toriyami and others botch things are waste characters. How would you do it differently?

    Couple things I thought of. Doesn't account for any plotholes yet as I only recently thought of this stuff. . Master roshi, oolong and Yajirobe go with the others to Namek. The purpose is to keep Master Roshi from falling behind everyone else in power to such an extent that he did. Same for Yajirobe but to a much less degree he doesn't need to be as strong as Roshi. It'll keep oolong relevant to the story and he can help hunt for dragon balls with Bulma. Roshi would be with Gohan and Krillin while Yajirobe can be the muscle for Bulma and Oolong.

    .Shorten the timeskip between Frieza's defeat and Future Trunks' first appearance. Also shorten the timeskip between Future Trunks' Arrival and the Androids appearances. Make Frieza's arrival on Earth only a few months after Goku fought him on Namek. Goku has a history of learning stuff quick so he didn't need to be on Yardrat so long. Actually show his time there and introduce some Yardrat characters. After Trunks warns them of the upcoming android attack only have a few months go by. Bulma and Chichi get pregnant so Trunks and Goten are born sooner. Assuming I don't omit Goten's existence anyway. I'd probably have some backstory for Frieza and show King Cold and Cooler so we know his family but don't actually have King Cold go to Earth with Frieza. King Cold should be saved for a future arc possibly even an earlier version of Resurrection F. I include Cooler because there's a good chance he'll be made canon in Super eventually. What few read this will probably think it sucks but wasted potential in dragon ball is something that's been bugging me a lot lately and I wanted to discuss this with someone. I even somewhat made my own super arc a few years ago that I never finished. It involved a new kind of God, hell and eventually an otger world tournament.

    submitted by /u/Libertyprime8397
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    How well sayians age compares to humans?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 02:36 PM PDT

    I know that sayians age somewhat slower than humans( Goku and Vegeta in DBGT look younger than humans of the same age) and I read in the Wiki that despite of this the maximum lifespan of sayians are actually similar from those of humans but they deteriorate pretty fast after middle age. But Goku still looked like 25 in the beginning of DBGT when he was already over 50.

    If Vegeta did not killed Nappa I think that we would have an opportunity of seeing an old age sayian( which was never shown anywhere since a lot of sayians die in battles and most of them were wiped out after Freeza blew up Planet Vegeta). Nappa would be around 80 years old If he was alive in GT.

    But If we saw a sayian who was 80 - 90 years old or more would they naturally look younger and be healthier or move better than a human of the same age? Or not?

    submitted by /u/Sabrine_Crystal_1992
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    Best DBZ Kai villains

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 05:39 PM PDT

    1. Majin Buu he was the best out of all the other ones he was so powerful his transformation took a long time Goku even had to go Super Saiyan 3 it was so crazy.

    2. Cell he was powerful too but not as much as Majin Buu he had five forms but not that powerful

    3. The Androids Android 19 And 20 was not powerful they were just stupid like why would u want ur self to be an creator of a android THEN be a android like bro???? 19 I have no words but 16,17,and 18 was godly like they were so good Goku in Super Saiyan blue going against 17 was tough 18 u know... She on fire but she's weak and if u don't know what I'm talking about 😑 um BRO WHERE ARE U 18 she hot 🔥🔥🔥 then 16 he pretty strong to. But that's all I can remember right now

    submitted by /u/SwiftTango
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    Android 21 by me

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 11:58 PM PDT

    Dragon Ball Games?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 12:23 PM PDT

    I just finished watching the original Dragon Ball anime and am 20 episodes in Z. I've been holding off playing some games I've picked up such as the Budokai series and Kakarot so I don't get any major spoilers, so I was wondering: out of all dragon ball games which ones (if any) can I play now without any spoilers? Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/throwaway-myass
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