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    Dragon Ball Z - Why didn't Freeza take Namek seriously for immortality?

    Dragon Ball Z - Why didn't Freeza take Namek seriously for immortality?

    Why didn't Freeza take Namek seriously for immortality?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2022 10:04 PM PST

    From an in-universe perspective, why would Freeza not take the trip to Namek to gain immortality seriously? When you start to add up some facts together, you start to realize he took the minimum effort possible to gain a wish that would serve him for eternity. Some specific points in him not taking it seriously are as follows...

    1) He had a limited amount of scouters that all become destroyed early on in the arc. These scouters were extremely important to the cause as we see play out in the story. Why would he not have plenty of backups in his ship? I didn't count every single scouter depicted, but I think there were less than 10 in total with his entire group of henchmen. Not even Freeza himself wore a scouter.

    2) Why would Freeza not bring the Ginyu Force with him at the start? This is no casual undertaking on Freeza's part. You would think he would not want to risk anything and bring his best men with him at the start. Dodoria and Zarbon aside, most of his henchmen were weak and couldn't even deal with the younger Namekians. In addition, it seems like he didn't bring that many generic henchmen either. Maybe around 20 in total, according to the manga. He owns 79 planets and around 20 soldiers is all he wanted to bring with him?

    3) Freeza was aware Vegeta rebelled against him and sent Kiwi directly after him. Thanks to Kiwi's scouter, he would have had an exact coordinate on Vegeta's location. Zarbon stated Vegeta and Kiwi were roughly the same in power and never alluded that Kiwi could actually kill Vegeta, but instead could cause some damage to him. In this instance, why would Freeza not take any risks and simply send both Zarbon and Dodoria to back up Kiwi? At this point, Freez and crew are not savvy that Vegeta is stronger than Kiwi, but Zarbon does acknowledge they should be roughly equal. Zarbon says Vegeta should not be able to get away "unscathed." He is accepting of the fact Vegeta may win and getaway. Then what? Why ignore the Vegeta issue if you know there is a possibility he may beat Kiwi?

    4) Same situation with Krillin and Gohan. Zarbon sent some scouts in their direction and was monitoring their movements. Krillin and Gohan were suppressing their ki and then raised it very quickly and took out both the scouts in an instant. Zarbon and Freeza found this both bizarre how they were able to conceal and raise their ki in such a short amount of time. Freeza did say next time they show themselves that they should be eliminated. But why next time? They should have a coordinate lock on where the action happened due to the scouters. Again, it just seems like Freeza keeps looking the other way anytime something alarming pops up.

    From a real-life perspective, I know there would be no story if Freeza did the smart thing and was prepared. You could chalk up Freeza's actions due to being overconfident, but it still feels off. He is a galactic emperor and I doubt he conquered planets with such minimal effort.

    submitted by /u/OrangePeaks
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    Why isn’t the dragonball manga as detailed as other mangas ?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2022 07:55 PM PST

    A good example of a really detailed manga with great art would be one piece why isn't dragonball like that?

    submitted by /u/dagodie
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