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    Sunday, April 26, 2020

    Dragon Ball Z - My attempt at base Vegeta...

    Dragon Ball Z - My attempt at base Vegeta...

    My attempt at base Vegeta...

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:51 AM PDT

    Just finished my Royal Saiyan Armor.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 05:35 PM PDT

    Gogeta and Vegito (@limandao)

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 06:09 PM PDT

    Got motivated to draw after starting the series over again.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 09:18 AM PDT

    Prince of the Saiyans by me (Pencil Art)

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 09:08 PM PDT

    Goku SSJ4 by @mattari_illust

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:34 AM PDT

    Goku's Power Pole I mad (string already broke)

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 08:16 PM PDT

    (OC) Tried to draw Goku in a different style

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:01 PM PDT

    Got me self a Awsome ごく らめん bowle

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:45 AM PDT

    Deep down do you guys think Vegeta feels that it's best that his race is gone?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 01:51 PM PDT

    After all these years, for someone to have so much Saiyan pride and a wife that gives him the ability to gather the dragon balls in one day he's never made an effort to bring them back. With him achieving Super Saiyan and SSG and being royalty beforehand, I think as a man who now has a more human and compassionate heart to go along with power, he would be a great King.

    I feel like Saiyans would stop being so barbaric if with one of the wishes he asks for the dragon to provide the planet with abundant resources. Sure he would have to probably rule with an iron fist at first because his people will say he's a weak King to have all of that strength and not use it to conquer all the universes, but I think he can change them by saying he was only able to achieve these heights by changing my ways, Saiyans with bad hearts cannot reach Super Saiyan and maybe they will be willing to listen as I bet the strongest Saiyan probably had a power lvl of lets say 45k when it was destroyed? I am basing that of no one of them should've been able to stand up to anyone on the Ginyu force.

    Side note....why won't Vegeta just refer to himself as King...you were prince, your father is gone so...you're king lol.

    submitted by /u/heavylifted
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    Forgot I had these. Purchased it on the day of release every month. Last one was delayed for 2 months for some reason. $75 a pop back then.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 11:24 AM PDT

    Goku SSJ3 Fan Art by Me

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:31 AM PDT

    Is it an unwritten rule in battle to not attack opponents while they’re powering up?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 04:05 PM PDT

    Just something I've thought to myself..I've noticed that nobody ever goes after whoever they're facing when they're charging up..it's almost like they're respecting their ability or give them the benefit of the doubt

    submitted by /u/THUGNIFlCENT
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    Is there a Consistency Paradox in Future Trunks’ Timeline?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 10:08 PM PDT

    A Futurama episode made me think of this, wouldn't there be a consistency paradox in the timeline Whis put Trunks and Mai in, because those specific versions were never born in that timeline so wouldn't their existence be contradictory to the timeline that they ended up in?

    submitted by /u/Rouchiha
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    Grand Kai Om Painting

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 12:33 PM PDT

    [oc] Long hair SSJ4 Gohan by me

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 09:03 AM PDT

    YOU FOOL!!! - I messed up the left arm tho, but I'm proud of it, so imma share it with you all ':D

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 12:13 AM PDT

    Wouldn’t it have been better for Goku to...

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:51 PM PDT

    Learn more about the mechanics of the Spirit Bomb to fight Moro or am I missing something? Please don't read further if you haven't read chapters 58 & 59. I just feel like rather than learning the initial step to UI, which is an insane buff, learn more on the process of gathering the natural energy around him. Not to mention I feel like they're setting UI to get trolled/lowballed in the coming chapters.

    Goku knows how to actively collect the energy around him, if he would have found a way to refine it he probably could have gotten to a place to where as fast as Moro could steal it he could get it back. Also Goku has experienced absorbing energy into his body on more than one occasion. UI is game breaking but, it seems like the process to set up the spirit bomb was the better way to go based on Moro's ability. Is there a reason why this route would be worse?

    submitted by /u/Rouchiha
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    Found old cards

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 08:19 AM PDT

    Does anybody know anything about these cards? I recently found them while cleaning and can't find exactly what I'm looking for. Here's a link to the image https://imgur.com/a/YC8EDyQ

    submitted by /u/barchetta03
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    Is anyone else surprised that none of the Z-fighters thought to bring Dende into the RoSaT with them?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:11 PM PDT

    Dende is still a healer, right? Wouldn't it have made sense to bring him in the RoSaT too? That way he could aid in recovery time to maximize training benefit.

    submitted by /u/_Continual_Learner_
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    Son Gohan Kamehameha by me ��

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 03:53 AM PDT

    Theory about Vegeta in the DBS manga [Spoilers]

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 06:54 AM PDT

    So we know Vegeta is training with the Yardrats, and we've already seen him learn some finer spirit control.

    With the emphasis on Goku already able to tap into (at least part of) UI at will, what if the mic drop Vegeta brings to the table is a brand new Super Saiyan transformation, one empowered by his newfound control/mastery of his natural spirit?

    SSB is just combining SSG with standard SS, so an entirely new form of Super Saiyan to that Goku does not have access to would be pretty new in terms of Goku and Vegeta's rivalry.

    This is all just bored brainstorming while waiting at a doctor's office, but I figured I'd float the idea out.

    submitted by /u/Spiderranger
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