• Breaking News

    Thursday, October 22, 2020

    Dragon Ball Z - This is so beautiful!!! Credit: @AoLihui

    Dragon Ball Z - This is so beautiful!!! Credit: @AoLihui

    This is so beautiful!!! Credit: @AoLihui

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 02:51 PM PDT

    My shirt folded in a humorous way in my floor.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 08:05 PM PDT

    Farmer with a Sho... Kamehameha? by Me (@Chan_Neolaso)

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 05:51 AM PDT

    Android 18 by Sangsoo Jeong

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 08:13 PM PDT

    My glow art of goku ��.... Uploaded on my IG page

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    My collection so far only started in july

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 06:50 PM PDT

    Crackpot theory about how scouters work

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 05:18 PM PDT

    So I was thinking last night about how scouters explode all the time, and that got me thinking about how they actually work. That, in turn, led me to this conclusion:

    The most basic definition of a scouter, I think, would be "a device that measures the ki level of an individual." Working off of that, we have two main questions to answer: 1. How does it measure ki? 2. What is ki?

    I'll start with the second question. I won't be getting into the spiritual aspects of ki, only the physical. So, Ki is an energy that surrounds every living thing. It is typically depicted as a pulsing aura around an individual, and can be used to perform incredible feats of strength. I want to focus on the aura, because I think that's the key.

    Auras are shown multiple times to influence the world around them (blowing dust away, crackling with lighting, etc.) but these actions aren't confined to the area inside the aura. When goku went SSJ3, his ki shook the planet, but his aura remained normal size. For this to be possible, the auras must release some kind of wave around the individual.

    These waves are, I believe, how scouters measure power levels. Ki waves would, in theory, act like any other waves in the natural world. Like light and sound waves, they would have peaks and valleys along with varying speeds and densities. So, you would measure them the same way you'd measure any other type of wave.

    This leads me to the first question. Scouters must have some sort of device in them that is hypersensitive to ki waves, as a way to measure them. A scouter measures the density of the ki waves that pass by it in a certain amount of time (let's say half a second) and gives out a reading. The more dense the ki waves, the higher the power level. 1,000 ki waves pass by in 0.5 seconds? Power level of 1,000. And when the ki waves become so dense that the scouter can't read them fast enough, it overloads and breaks.

    This would also explain how scouters measure the increase of someone's power level. While you power up, you release denser ki waves, which the scouter picks up and reads.

    This is all just an idea I came up with at 5 AM, but I thought it was interesting and wanted to share.

    submitted by /u/Realkdoth
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    If Gohan and Videl had a son would he be able to transform into a Super Saiyan

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 10:19 PM PDT

    Is it possible?

    submitted by /u/Aisuyu
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    The reason the Z fighters couldn't catch up to Goku is because they don't know how to train.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 09:47 PM PDT

    The Z fighters always ended up having the same masters as Goku, but for shorter periods of time, and still ended up surpassing the strength that Goku had achieved from this training.

    They're stronger than Goku was after they finished training with Kami, and also after they finish training with King Kai. I think the turning point was when Tien says he can't surpass Goku by doing the same training as him which actually isn't true considering they get through snake way faster with the same exact training. But that at this point Goku is training on 100g's and has senzu beans with him. I don't doubt that if they trained the same way by pushing their bodies they would've been slightly stronger than Goku when he showed up on Namek even without Kaioken or Spirit Bomb.

    After that Goku gets zenkais and super saiyan so that's out of the question. But after the Frieza saga I just don't think they train themselves hard enough in general. Like, Goku almost died during the gravity training. Seems like they don't really push their limits unless someone is there to push it for them which is usually whoever they're training under. What's your take on this

    submitted by /u/aj-xp
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    What is your favorite dragon ball series

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 05:48 PM PDT

    Mine was dragon ball super and i would like to know yours

    submitted by /u/Asleep-Diver
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    I Played Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3 in 2020...... and it was Great

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 04:39 PM PDT

    Anyone still go back and play the Budokai games, cause I gotta say it is such a nostalgia trip for me personally.

    submitted by /u/IshyaBoyJimmy
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    Birthday tattoo of my favorite god of destruction. (1 session in, a color session in January) done by Devin Coley at Stingray Tattoo in Allston MA

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 06:12 AM PDT

    Korins job?If Kami was earths guardian and Mr. Popo his attendent then what was Korins job?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 11:56 AM PDT

    Wiki states Korin was sent to earth from the other world,neither heaven or hell,when it is not stated.

    He is also known as the God of fight but Master Roshi was known as the best fighter on earth when Goku was kid.

    Later in DBZ Korin doesent do as much as in Db, they go to Kami instead of him when there have problems.

    submitted by /u/Bardiyo
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    Inktober goku I did in my own style

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    Why do people get sad when someone dies in Dragon Ball? There are a few special cases.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 06:15 PM PDT

    It's doesn't make sense that people get sad when someone dies in the Dragon Ball Universe because they will most likely come back. There are a few special cases like with Android 16 and Future Gohan. I only got sad when Future Gohan died, when Goku went away with Shenron in GT, and that one stupid GT movie about Goku Jr. when he thought he wasn't able to bring Grandma Pan and that Puck dude back. Even when they make you think they're gone for good like in the Saiyan Saga or the end of the Cell Arc it still doesn't really make me sad. When Future Trunks's timeline got erased I didn't get sad, but actually annoyed. My point is, there doesn't seem to be a reason to get sad when people die in Dragon Ball. They most likely come back. That's really the only major problem I have with the show: the deaths don't effect me at all. When I watched clips on YouTube about Majin Vegeta sacrificing himself I see comments about people saying they actually cried. I didn't really know why because I knew he would come back when I saw him die the first time.

    Edit: just to clarify, I mean why do people IN REAL LIFE care.

    submitted by /u/Alpha_Shenron_01
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    How fast can Goku TRAVEL at the end of DBS?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    So I've been wondering how fast Goku is able to travel at the end of DBS, I don't mean in combat situations, I mean like traveling, so if he wants to travel to a different country, how fast can he travel??

    submitted by /u/falcon78961
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    Awesome Vegeta phone case that I bought

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 09:17 AM PDT

    Ever 10 years or so the Superman comics get rebooted (partially) because supes gains too many powers, skills, and experience for any new foe to be deemed a credible threat. Now that Gokus' most recent enemies have to turn into spacetime and entire PLANETS to be a threat...is it time?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 08:42 PM PDT

    He simply can't go higher than this in terms of power(I mean officially Beerus is stronger...but still). His only enemies at this point are literal gods in his universe. IMO the most recent chapter was one of the very worst I have read. And I don't think it's because the writers themselves are bad. I think it is because Goku and Vegeta are now simply so absurdly powerful (Vegeta now also has IT and several cool powers along with ascended blue) that they truly could pose as gods to most worlds convincingly.

    The stories are now starting to read like Dragon Ball Heroes fanfics(Ascended MUI goku vs Angel-god-planet-moro). Also...Goku/Vegeta HAVE to be absolute idiots every step of the way for anyone to work themselves up into a threat (By not starting out with Blue for a once universal threat, by NEEDING to play into the worst of shonen tropes).

    Compare it to the original Dragon Ball Series where kid Gokus ape form could be knocked out/down with powerful missiles...making it so brains needed to sometimes be used and there were credible threats all around the place on earth. Those episodes are MUCH better written then what is currently being written. Goku/Vegetas power greatly limits what the authors can even write without going into comical I AM A PLANET NOW absurdities.

    IMO its time for a finishing arc. Or perhaps a penultimate arc, leading up to a satisfying finish. It was a good run. But there becomes a legitimate risk of damaging the legacy of a series by continuing to make poor seasons. That happened with Smallville. It was good for 4 seasons. Should have finished at number 5 so it remained solid in everyone's memories. But they somehow extended it to 10 and it feels dragged out.

    An arc leading to a story where Vegeta is implied to be the next God of Destruction and Goku either retires from fighting (believing he is simply endangering people) or finally enters the afterworld with the Angels should be a nice closer.

    Really. They should it end it while they have a chance to finish off a good series and start working on something new.

    submitted by /u/Truman_City
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    Help for my galactic Prisoner cosplay

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 04:48 PM PDT

    I have an orange suit, like those ones who prisoners have (and it looks like it is the official color in 12th manga cover), with the mark draw with a permanent marker.. or could it better to sew it?

    What do you think? Sorry if it is kind an empty thread 😅 i was just looking for help.

    submitted by /u/1_dont_care
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    What was Chiaotzu's plan for trying to blow up Nappa?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 06:57 PM PDT

    It had to have been by far, the dumbest decision ever made by a character. Not only was blowing himself up an instant and at the time thought to be a permanent suicide, but there was literally no possible positive gain to be had from it.

    Say it had worked, and it even damaged or miraculously killed Nappa, then what? Surely they all could sense that vegeta was several times stronger, would've stepped in and annihilated everybody left standing instantly. Honestly, every one of the z fighters who tried to kill Nappa instead of just completely stall was an absolute buffoon, but Chiaotzu was by far the dumbest.

    submitted by /u/theorangemisfit
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    What Do You Think is The Best DBZ Release

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 03:06 PM PDT

    I Personally Would Say Either The Single DVDs Blu Ray Seasons or The Dragon Boxes But What is Your Favorite Way To Watch DBZ

    submitted by /u/Alternative-Lab2295
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