• Breaking News

    Saturday, February 20, 2021

    Dragon Ball Z - A guy from Brazil customized his car with Vegeta and his scouter

    Dragon Ball Z - A guy from Brazil customized his car with Vegeta and his scouter

    A guy from Brazil customized his car with Vegeta and his scouter

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 08:12 AM PST

    I painted Majin Vegeta as Lucifer from Alexandre Cabanel's famous painting, "The Fallen Angel" OC

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 03:12 AM PST

    Jiren pixel art by me

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 03:31 PM PST

    Vegeta i made with prisma colors.

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 04:45 PM PST

    Sayians having fun! Art from @boriroba

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 10:55 AM PST

    Turned my friend & his son into a SAIYAN! do you guys like it?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 09:41 PM PST

    Anyone else get exposed to metal bands as a kid because of the Funimation movie releases?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 09:08 PM PST

    I know some people really hate that Funimation messed with the music in both the show and the movies. But, I do like the Faulconer score a ton and it's how I like experiencing DBZ and my edited version of Kai.

    However, I recently thought about how movies like Cooler's Revenge and Lord Slug got me into metal bands as a kid. They'd play some popular songs when fights were going down, and it made me so hype. It helped me get into some bands I'd have never heard of otherwise like the Deftones.

    submitted by /u/Rjr18
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    Korean Dub Opening (PROTOTYPE OP Due to the Music only be remixed and sometimes it goes after the lyrics popped up)

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 08:45 PM PST

    Ninja Murasaki is Awesome

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 08:04 PM PST

    LOL Murasaki is hilarious. A ninja who believes in his own hype as a superior foe to Goku even though he knows he's in denial that Goku is far superior to him. He may have been a coward and screams like a girl when running away but he was seriously cool. Even though it was only filler, he managed to survive the collapse of Muscle Tower while still knocked unconscious by Goku, and that episode alone kinda made me wish he had his own saga built around him similar to General Blue. Just not long finished rewatching the Red Ribbon Army saga and forgot how funny he was

    submitted by /u/Global-Ant
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    Personalised Goku - By Me, 2021

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 03:36 AM PST

    Have we ever seen goku legs past the age of 12?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 09:32 PM PST

    We always see him shirtless but he's never took his pants off or even wore shorts throughout the series!!

    submitted by /u/NoJokeWavy
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    Fun Fact for super saiyan 4

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 01:56 PM PST

    Assuming super saiyan 4 is a 500x increase because it's the controlled state of a super oozaru.

    This would mean that oozaru 10x and super saiyan 50x, is a super saiyan 4 500x multiplier of base power

    The fun fact is. If Raditz went super saiyan 4 he would only be able to match up with first form Frieza

    submitted by /u/KingaCrimsonuu22
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    Drew ultra instinct sign vegito

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 09:09 PM PST

    Son Gokuu Character Analysis

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 08:48 PM PST

    Goku has always been one of my favorite characters of all time, and being in this fanbase I've seen some of the worst takes on his character. So that got me wondering why is it so hard for people to understand his character? He can't be that hard to understand right? Now there may have been things that came along and messed up his character like the English dub of Dragonball to Z, and DBS as a whole.(I'll explain why Super messed up his character later if you don't agree with that.) But even people who claimed to have read the manga still seem not to understand his character. So for a while now I've decided to study his character on the knowledge I already know. I thought I knew all about his character but now I think I truly understand the way his character is supposed to be, I also think I know why it is hard for people to understand him. Overall I'd say that he's pretty complex for a character, and especially for a shonen protagonist.

    When people think about character development they think about how a character is flawed and then the character gets put in situations that makes the character change for the better. A good example is Vegeta, he starts off evil and prideful but when he is put in situations that involved his family he starts to care for them, and he starts doing things for other people than just himself. This is a positive character arc. This is probably the easiest arc to understand,(besides the flat character arc) also Vegeta's change being so drastic makes it impossible not to see the change in him.

    Goku's character arc isn't like that though. The way I see it, Goku has a negative character arc. There are 3 types of negative character arcs and the one Goku fits is the disillusionment arc. Where the character believes the lie, overcomes the lie, and accepts the truth. Although the truth isn't a positive outlook it's a negative one. (Also I absolutely do not agree with TotallynotMark's flat character arc video. It seems like he tried to make it seem like Goku and Luffy had the same type of character arcs but they don't.) Goku may play a role in someone's development but he does not change the world around him. He's not like Naruto where he preaches and the antagonist starts to change into a better person.

    In a positive character arc the character believes a lie and then he discovers the truth and changes for the better. But with Goku it is the opposite he believes a lie, learns the truth, and he doesn't change for the better, he actually changes for the worst. Even with him changing for the worst, which I will explain in the next paragraph, I still consider him an overall good guy. I'm not saying he becomes some evil bastard like some other people think.

    This quote by Toriyama himself right here is honestly the perfect way to understand his character and development, "I've always been dissatisfied with the "righteous hero"-type portrayal they gave him. I guess I couldn't quite get them to grasp the elements of "poison" that slip in and out of sight among the shadows." This statement by Toriyama right here is the key to understanding his development. His development is very subtle so if you only pay attention to the fights you're going to miss key parts in his development. It also doesn't help that I see a lot of people cast off his development as just dumb decisions because they know he is naive. Another character whose development is similar like this is Gon Freecss. I'm pretty sure Togashi, the author of HxH saw that in Goku and did the same with Gon because they are very similar but still different. Togashi is most definitely Toriyama inspired. Anyway on to his development arc.

    I won't be going on about his development as a kid but just know that a lot of the traits he has as an adult he doesn't have as a kid. I'm gonna call this his Saiyan Nature vs Nurture arc, some may call it his Saiyan heritage arc but I think that name gives a limited understanding of it to people who don't understand his development.

    The Foreshadowing- The first signs of his development is in the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai. Kami has been released out of the bottle and now he can help Goku save the world. But Goku tells him he wants to beat him on his own. Now although Goku can be selfish at times people label his flaws as selfish way too much. At this moment right here he's being reckless and overconfident in his abilities. This is just the starting point of his saiyan influence taking him over. He also gives a senzu bean to Piccolo partly because he wants a rival, but also because he wanted to keep Kami alive so I don't really see this as a major problem, although him wanting a rival still foreshadows future events.

    Saiyan Nature vs Nurture arc - Now Goku has been living for 4 years peacefully. He hasn't fought and overall isn't training that much. When Raditz shows up at Kame House and explains his past to Goku this is where his conflict starts. His whole life has been a lie and now he founds out he's a saiyan. When facing off against Raditz, Piccolo asks Goku if he's excited. Goku repsonds no and that he's actually terrified. This obviously doesn't match up to how we see Goku in the future. Now once Goku dies and meets King Kai he reveals to King Kai that's he's a saiyan. Now some people get it wrong and say that he accepted his saiyan heritage right here. But he didn't. He accepted that he's physically a saiyan, I mean they both have tails and everything Raditz said made sense so why wouldn't he? But he still doesn't accept his heritage and tries to make himself look more human than saiyan.

    That's the lie he believes in. He believes he is nothing like the saiyans. Toriyama shows signs of how Goku is trying to separate himself from the saiyans, showing how Goku is different. But when the fight between Goku and Vegeta happens we start to see major development and things happen to show how Goku is not as different as it seems.

    Now at first Goku is pissed at seeing the deaths of his friends. He starts to humiliate Nappa. When Nappa starts to fight harder we see some excitement in Goku. But when Goku starts to fight Vegeta, Toriyama lets it be known that Goku is excited. When Goku starts to realize the kaioken isn't enough against Vegeta he gets a little nervous, but at the same time he starts to get excited and he doesn't know why. We get some more development when Goku realizes he's the one who killed his grandfather after Vegeta turns into a great ape. More of Goku's past is revealed to him to open him up more to accepting his heritage.

    The major development happens here: This is where Goku's elements of poison slip out of the shadows. Krillin is about to kill Vegeta. But Goku stops him. Up until Raditz showed up Goku had been the strongest in the world. Only Piccolo could challenge him. But now that someone like Vegeta has came by it would be just a waste to kill him off. He needs the chance to fight him again.

    Now people look at this and just shove it off as a dumb decision by Goku. That right there is a mistake to do. Toriyama is showing you how Goku is letting his flaws take him over. Goku tells Krillin that he knows that Vegeta is responsible for his friends deaths and he says that he knows what he is doing is wrong and selfish. Goku is well aware of everything that can happen if he lets Vegeta go yet decides to let Vegeta go anyway. Vegeta literally tried to destroy the earth and still wants to kill them. Crazy right? This is where he is starting to let his saiyan influence get the best of him. He's developing by giving into his nature and as a result becoming more flawed.

    Now unlike his counterfeit in Super he doesn't just laugh it off and act like it's no big deal. He reflects on what he did. When Master Roshi picks him up on the aircraft Goku asks did he make the right decision letting Vegeta get away, on the ship to Namek he starts to think he made the wrong choice letting Vegeta live when he's on Namek with Krillin and the others.

    What makes Goku and his development unique is that Toriyama shows how flawed he is. You're not supposed to always agree with what Goku is doing. Toriyama shows that we're not supposed to agree with him by having characters get on him for his mistakes all the time. (Cell and the senzu bean comes to mind.) Sometimes he makes the wrong decisions and that's fine. Real people make the wrong decisions all the time. Just not as major as his mistakes. Then again we aren't in a world where people can destroy planets.

    Now when Goku is in the hospital and gets the news from Master Roshi that Bulma said someone stronger than Vegeta is on Namek. He gets completely excited. Yajirobe asks Roshi is Goku crazy, but Roshi says it's his saiyan blood. Another subtle moment that can easily be missed even if you're paying attention.

    So before we talk about Goku going to Namek here's a brief recap of his development; Goku figures out he's a saiyan he tries to act more human than saiyan. The more and more these stronger guys come the more he starts to fall in his true nature. The more he starts to fall in his true nature the more flaws we start to see of his which will eventually lead to his "downfall."

    If we look into other negative character arcs like Gon Freecss and Anakin Skywalker, we see their flaws and mistakes lead them into some type of downfall. This usually happens to characters with a negative character arc. They usually make the wrong choice which is so extreme that it leads them to their downfall. The character pretty much gets punished for going down the wrong path. In Gon's case when he sacrificed his nen to kill Pitou he is about to die from the strain he put on his nen but he eventually gets saved, although we think he is going to die at the time. In Anakin's case when he goes to the dark side he gets his legs cut off and is left to die with his body burning from lava. He gets saved as well, and many years later after still going down the wrong path he overall gets a sad, but happy ending with his son Luke when he makes the right decision. So characters with a negative character arc can still redeem themselves. So will Goku keep going down the wrong path? And if he does keep going down the wrong path will he redeem himself or not? Well if you've seen dragonball which I'm sure you have since I'm on a dragonball subreddit you probably already know about it but I'm gonna talk about that now.

    Namek arc is my favorite arc in the franchise. If you haven't already you should read the manga version of it. (Mangadex has the entire db manga online for free.) It's much better paced and the art is overall better. Plus the story doesn't get messed up by filler. Anyways Goku is off to Namek. When King Kai finds out Freeza is on Namek King Kai tells Goku not to encounter him. Although Goku was excited to fight him, he still respects King Kai's wishes and agrees to try and avoid him. A major difference from his Super counterpart who completely ignored Beerus when being told not to ask Zeno for the tournament, but went ahead and did it anyway while even being threatened to be erased by Beerus during the process.

    Now Goku is getting ready to land on Namek and he says even after all the strong bad guys he heard were on Namek, he still has no fear. Another subtle moment in his development, compare that to how he felt when fighting Raditz and fighting Vegeta.

    Now after Goku easily takes out the Ginyu force Vegeta starts to think Goku's a Super Saiyan. This is where the major foreshadowing of ssj begins. In a certain sense ssj has been foreshadowed even before Namek because of the decisions and the way Goku acts at times. When he turns ssj it's like an embodiment of Goku's true saiyan nature.

    Now Goku is developing in other places as well. After gaining a soft heart from Kami he's struggling to kill unlike when he was a kid. As a kid him not having a full understanding on life is why it seems like he has no qualms on killing at times. Now that he does understand he's specifically struggling to kill people who can't defend themselves. If he knows that killing is the only way to stop them he'll do it. Sacrificing himself to kill Raditz is an example, and Freeza when he thinks he's killed him with the spirit bomb. But when people are down he just can't do it which understanding this explains the future event with Freeza.

    Fast forward to Vegeta's speech to Goku about what really happened to the saiyans and Goku seems to start showing some empathy for the saiyans, even Vegeta when he starts to cry and beg for him to defeat Freeza. Goku buries him and he mentions how he hated Vegeta while he was alive but he respected his pride. Goku says he'll share some of his pride with him too since he's a saiyan who was raised on earth. Goku wants to beat Freeza not only because he can't stand the evil things he's done but because what Freeza has done is an insult to him and his race. He's starting to accept his heritage more now but at this moment he isn't falling into his saiyan nature, just respecting his race.

    Now Toriyama builds Goku up looking like a hero on Namek. After hearing what Freeza has done he says he will beat him for all the saiyans and namekians. Showing that at times Goku can be heroic. Now when Freeza kills Krillin this is where it completely flips. Goku becomes a ssj not by hardening his heart like Vegeta says he should, but by him having a heart and showing more emotion than other saiyans is what gets him to transform.

    Now this is when his speech comes in, I don't have it word for word but he pretty much says that he's the Super Saiyan Son Gokuu that is pure of heart and awakened by rage. Freeza calls him hypocritical because he says he acts all high and mighty like the saiyans never killed before. He responds and says, "That's why WE perished." Another subtle moment that shows Goku accepts that he is a saiyan.

    Now the events after this is how he starts to fall more into his saiyan nature. It also seems like he has gotten over his conflict with killing because he tells Freeza multiple times that he is going to kill him. Once Goku realizes Freeza isn't bluffing about being able to go 100% he lets him power up. More of the poison Toriyama was talking about. Another moment where Goku is being completely reckless, King Kai tries to get him to finish him off right away but Goku says he wants to avenge Krillin. Instead of just killing Freeza he's gonna avenge Krillin by beating Freeza at his best, someone who sees himself as superior to everyone, especially saiyans. For Freeza knowing he has to live being bested by a saiyan is worse than just dying.

    Goku goes against the smarter decision once again by telling King Kai not to take him off the planet. It seems like Goku has let his saiyan nature take him over and even King Kai says Goku is not himself anymore. Goku quits the fight because he is satisfied after humiliating Freeza. Of course Freeza isn't just gonna let him get away and Freeza ends up fucking himself up by slicing himself in half. Now when Freeza begs for mercy and Goku gives him energy, this shows that his saiyan nature hasn't completely taken him over. Although he doesn't want to do it he gives him energy because he struggles with killing helpless people and leaving him like that would've been the same thing as letting him die. Once Freeza back stabs him he blasts back with the intent to kill him which is why he has a look of disappointment on his face because he gave him chance after chance. I'm specifically talking about his face in the manga because the anime just made him look angry.

    So which side of Goku won his Saiyan nature or his nurture? I'd say neither. At the end of the arc and for the rest of dragonball he is a mix of both his nature and nurture. But Goku already let his saiyan nature influence him too much by allowing Freeza to power up so his punishment would be dying on Namek when it explodes. His downfall was staying to fight Freeza and letting him power up to 100%. And it seems like he dies once Namke explodes but it's revealed that he survived.

    In my opinion, and I'm sure most people won't agree but that would've been the perfect end to Goku's character and dragonball as a whole. He would've been punished for going down the wrong path. It's not that I enjoy seeing Goku get punished it's just the way Toriyama wrote his character it would have made sense to end it right there. This is all just my opinion of course. It would've been a dark ending for sure, but writing wise I think it would've been really good. Of course some things would have to be tweaked here and there. But still you get my point.

    So what does Goku accepting his heritage really mean? It does mean that he acknowledges that he comes from the saiyans and he opens up to them a bit more even though he doesn't agree with anything they did. But it also means he accepts that he is going to be flawed. He knows that he is saiyan like. He knows that when it comes to fighting strong guys that his poison will start to come out. Which leads to his mistakes in the Android arc which at the end he ends up redeeming himself by saving the world. Which is why his decision to stay dead is good development not just because he realizes he's a danger to the earth because enemies are attracted to him, but because he makes bad decisions that risk the earth as well. This would be another good ending for the character but then the Buu arc comes along. His characterization in the Buu arc to me is fine and that's how he should've stayed like for the rest of Super. Of course he's not gonna ever get any of those perfect endings because dragonball will forever be milked. But he's changed in Super and here's why I think he's changed.

    Toei knows that Toriyama wasn't happy how he was portrayed in the anime. He had a couple moments that may have made him look a bit more heroic in the dbz anime but it overall wasn't that off from the manga counterpart. (unless he was talking about the movies then I'd completely understand.) My theory is that Toriyama didn't like how Goku had been viewed as a hero to so many people. Especially when he put so many flaws in his character. Now the reason I think people don't see these moments of Goku doing bad decisions to show that he is not a hero is because they are so subtle. Like Toriyama said they slip in and out of the shadows so these flaws aren't supposed to show until key moments.

    The problem with Super is that they are ruining his character trying to get Toriyama's point across and they aren't being subtle about it all. It's like his poison is out at all times. Nothing is secret about it. Which ruins the whole entire point of his character. The point of Goku's character is to let his poison slip at the right time. Because Toriyama made him this way it is hard for people to understand, especially kids. Just because he is flawed in both Z and Super does not make him the same character.

    Toei not being subtle about it makes him look like a dick. Goku would never actually go looking for a fight in Z. His poison would only slip once the fights came to him. I have no recollection of Goku coming out of nowhere talking about how he wants to fight strong guys in Z. Yet in Super anytime he's on the screen that's all he's talking about. Like hiring an assassin to kill him? Really? And they have him constantly repeat how he's not a hero. They're really trying to drive Toriyama's point across more which is ruining him. (Also instead of being the naive country bumpkin that he is, they just make him brain dead. I'm sure they do this for kids I mean look at the overall tone of dbs compared to Z.)

    But I think that Toriyama still has a good understanding of the character. I'm pretty sure Toriyama wrote Yo Son Goku and His Friends Return, Battle of Gods movie, and the DBS Broly movie pretty much by himself and Goku's characterization to me there was fine. But when Toriyama makes a draft and gives it to Toei it's just fucking terrible. And although his characterization in the manga is more tolerable it's still not right. Like making him give a senzu bean to Moro means he learned nothing while dealing with Freeza.( Which in Z he did.) Toyotaro was just thinking, "Hey he's gave a senzu before, I can do that again to drag on the fight instead of using more of a creative way to do so."

    I see what Toriyama tried to do with Goku and now I understand why he said he wanted people to think that he might not be a good guy at all. Although I still think he's a good person. I think if he wanted to get his point across more he shouldn't have had him do nearly as much heroic things as he did. If you haven't watched it you should go give HunterxHunter a try. Gon does the same things but for different reasons.

    I didn't mean for it to be this long and most likely it won't get seen by many because Dragonball fans can't read. But this is just my take on his character. I think people have a hard time appreciating flawed characters. Especially dealing with a protagonist who's journey is dealt with becoming more flawed and accepting that he is flawed. Toriyama making him pure hearted is adding even more genius to his character because it shows you that he's not pure hearted because of righteousness but because his intent is true. He has no malicious intent. His intent is simply to become stronger. That's pretty much all I wanted to say I'm just sick of hearing 1 dimensional character, flat character arc, or no development.

    submitted by /u/Kakathot_
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    So between majin buu, super buu, and kid buu who do you think made the best antagonist for the buu arc?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 08:43 PM PST

    So I've always like super buu but I'm not sure what the general fandom of idea of who the best is?

    submitted by /u/Mortalpuncher
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    Granolah Recurring Character?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 03:25 PM PST

    Hey, guys I just had a theory that probably plenty of you guys have, do you think that Granolah will be a recurring character and join the z-gang? The way I feel like this is that he is kinda like Vegeta in a way, and they are actually showing the lore of his character, which they never really do for villains. Also, his character design imo is pretty cool, so I think he will stay. If they do something stupid like his power corrupts his character, some generic shit like that, it will completely ruin this amazing arc.

    submitted by /u/Kash248
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    3 hours of work. Hope you like it.

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 11:59 PM PST

    Italian version of db

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 12:59 AM PST

    Theory based on Dragonball Super chapter 69 (spoilers)

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 08:55 AM PST

    So when it was stated that Namekians originally came from a different realm that got me thinking. Recently I have been watching Mistare Fusions Dragonball Dissection videos and a topic was brought up how Piccolo's demon nature was replaced by his Namekian nature, same thing with Kami being a Namekian rather than a God.

    So with the latest revelations it got me thinking. What if the Namekians were originally from the Demon Realm or another equivalent but somehow migrated to Universes 7 and 6 and were originally either a demonic, or a divine being or even both. During some time, their divine or demonic nature was replaced with the more Namekian nature that we have seen throughout the series.

    However, if a Namekian splits into a good and evil half like Kami and King Piccolo those 2 beings then represent the past demonic or divine nature that they used to half.

    Just a theory but it seems interesting.

    submitted by /u/Man0Steel123
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    What are some things in Martial Arts that isn't accurately represented in series?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 11:04 AM PST

    Since Dragon Ball is a Martial Arts fighting series, I think what I'm saying below is part of the series since it's, supernatural but:

    -Characters being able to fly just by simple martial arts training.

    -Ki energy can be used for anything, especially if you want to earn the power level of a god.

    -If you manage to build enough, you can destroy land masses and even entire nations too. If you're lucky, you might be able to destroy your very FIRST planet.

    What is yours and why?

    submitted by /u/Keyz051
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    how old was goku really when it was sent to planet earth?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 12:56 PM PST

    in the movie Bardock - The Father of Goku, we saw that the goku was just a baby born when he was sent to planet earth, but in the movie Dragon Ball Super: Broly, we saw that the goku was already quite grown up, and was old enough to remember your parents, and even tried to grab bardock hands, so how old was goku really when he came to planet earth?

    submitted by /u/snoke123
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