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    Dragon Ball Z - My Little baby saiyan

    Dragon Ball Z - My Little baby saiyan

    My Little baby saiyan

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 01:52 PM PDT

    Don’t you love Piccolo

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 06:35 PM PDT

    In every z movie Piccolo appears the second Gohan is about to die he just appears out of no where with no explanation of how he knew where Gohan was or how he got there Piccolo is more of a dad then Goko

    submitted by /u/Topperthejoker
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    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 07:51 PM PDT

    What if Tarble was sent to earth also? Part 1.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 10:58 PM PDT

    What if Tarble was sent to earth also? Part 1.

    I have been thinking of doing a What if for awhile now. And settled on this topic. We are going all the way back to the very beginning of Dragon Ball in this chapter. Like or let me know in the comments if you want, a part 2.

    For those that are unaware, Tarble is Vegeta's younger brother. How would him being on earth affect the story?

    A small pod travels through the emptiness of space. The young boy was sent away from home for being too weak and not being aggressive enough. "He is a poor excuse for a Saiyan. I don't care where you send him, just get him off the planet and out of my presence." King Vegeta barked as his son Vegeta IV watched on.

    The three and a half year old's ship would soon be landing on the destined planet far from his own. It burst into flames as it entered Earth's atmosphere, splashing down into the ocean causing a small wave to crash into an island nearby. The wave made its way into the little house on the tiny island.

    "What is going on out there, why is my house getting soaked?" The old man that lived there yelled as he stomped outside in his flip flops, shorts, button up shirt, and sunglasses. His bald head glistening in the afternoon sun.

    He then saw the cause of the wave. A spherical spaceship has crashed into the ocean, and he watches as the hatch opens up. He looks closer and sees a toddler inside as it starts to take on water. His eyes widen as he realizes the boy is awoken and beginning to drown.

    The old man starts to swim out and try to rescue the young child, just as his head dips below the surface. The boy is pulled up and he spits out water into the face of his savior. "Hey, what was that for? The old man asked.

    "I sowwy," is all the boy could say, as he was out of breath. "It's okay. Let's get out of this water, and dry you out." The old man said.

    When they reached the shore, the old man said. "I'm Master Roshi, what's your name kid?" The boy looked up at him not remembering his own name and his stomach growling.

    "Oh, you must be hungry. Hmm, let's see, what do I have that's quick? Ah, how about some instant ramen? Well have a seat and I will cook it up nice and fast." Roshi told the boy. He then noticed the boy had an unusual monkey tail, but kept it to himself. After a few minutes there was water boiling in a kettle which he poured over the opened packages of noodles.

    A little while later he gives the young boy some chopsticks and a package of ramen. To which the toddler struggles. "Oh, you don't know how to use them? Here watch me." He started eating his soup, showing the boy how to do it. The child watched and followed the movements the old man had done. Tasting the soup for the first time, he began to scarf down the soup and smile.

    Roshi's eyes widened as the child ate all of his soup quickly, then looked back at the man and asked, "More?"

    Roshi smiles and opens another package and another and another. "Wow, you really like ramen don't you? So… Do you remember your name yet?" The boy shook his head and began to sniffle a bit.

    "Don't cry, we'll come up with something to call you." Roshi looked around the room at the empty containers. "Your name will be Ramen, how's that sound? You like that?"

    The boy nodded and smiled, pointing to himself. "I Ramen!" He said enthusiastically. "You, Roshi!"

    Roshi smiles at the alien boy and says. "Yes, but call me Grandpa Roshi, I will raise you to be a great martial artist.

    A few months later while the full moon was out, the pair took a walk to train in the light that it gave off. When the youth looked up at the moon something strange began to happen within him. Both eyes turn completely red without pupils. Fur starts to appear, and his clothes rip as he grows to an immense size, he has turned into an Oozaru.

    Roshi feared for his life for the first time in years.

    He didn't know what to do. The ape boy was on a rampage, about to crush the tiny house. At that moment Roshi ran through the giant legs and shot a Kamehameha at the tail, he had felt a surge of ki coming off of it. He hoped that doing so would work. He watched as the child started shrinking back to his normal size.

    Ramen was exhausted, and fell asleep in the old man's arms. Huddled up to feel safe and warm. Roshi held him in his arms and took Ramen back inside.

    A while later the young boy's tail grew back. So Roshi had to tell him never to look at the full moon like that again. He told him what could happen if he didn't listen to those instructions. He was uncontrollable, but maybe another time they could try to control the form. It was more powerful than he could ever imagine.

    The years pass and the boy grows stronger than Roshi could ever imagine, he has surpassed himself he thought. The old man knew he would have to train as well just to keep up. The now fourteen year old kid surfed through the air on a cloud called the Flying Nimbus.

    Soon Turtle makes his way onto the island. "Roshi, Ramen, come with me. I want you to come see the people who saved me." Turtle said to the pair.

    "Alright, alright. Let me climb on your back then. Ramen, don't fly too fast in front of us." Roshi laughed as the boy sped off on his cloud. Wishing he could still use it. But he was no longer pure of heart.

    Some time later they arrive at the shore. "Ahoy there sorry I kept you waiting, I had to go get my master." Turtle says. "So which one of you saved my friend?" Roshi asks as he notices the boy who had saved his friend also has a monkey tail. "Thank you young man. For saving my friend. What is your name?" Roshi asked.

    "It was my pleasure, I'm Goku, and this is Bulma." The young boy Goku answers. As Ramen circles the group on his cloud. Goku sees his tail. "Hey, you have a tail just like me! That's so cool! Don't you think so Bulma?" He had a big smile on his face.

    Bulma and Ramen lock eyes, the two teenagers smile at one another, this goes on for a little while, until Goku interrupts. "Hey Bulma, what's wrong with you?"

    "Goku, shut up. We were having a moment, and you ruined it!" Bulma shouts. Roshi then speaks up. "I am master Roshi, and this is my grandson Ramen. I wish there was something I could repay you with. I would love to give you this Flying Nimbus, but it belongs to him." Roshi said as he began to think.

    "Ah, that would make our quest go even faster to get the Dragon Balls. Wouldn't it, Bulma?"

    "Yes it would, you don't suppose you could go with us, Ramen?" Bulma said as she batted her eyelashes at him.

    He blushes back at her, "Well I think I could go, what do you think grandpa?"

    The old man scratches his chin. "Hmm, yes I think you could benefit from going on an adventure. Take this ball as well, and take care of each other."

    Goku hops onto the cloud with no problem, being pure of heart. Bulma however struggles to climb on, her hands and feet passing through the fluff.

    "Can I get a little help here? I seem to be the only one not able to get on it."

    "Oh, don't worry you aren't the only one. I have to let grandpa ride on my back sometimes. So I can do the same for you." Ramen smiles as he holds out his hand for the young girl. She smiles and immediately grabs it. Blushing at him.

    On their adventure, they meet the shape-shifting pig Oolong, The bandits Yamcha, and Puar, who went to shape-shifting school with Oolong. With Ramen being stronger than Goku and them teaming up together everything seems to be going smoothly. They have gathered five out of the seven Dragon Balls, when they find themselves on Mount Frypan. The Ox King is hostile, until he finds out the boys know Master Roshi who was his teacher. And Gohan, who was a fellow student.

    Ox King asks them to go get the Bansho fan from Roshi and to pick up his daughter Chi-Chi on the way. Ramen tells Goku that he can borrow his Flying Nimbus and that he will stay here to talk to the king about his grandpa. Goku takes off and finds Chi-Chi who grabs onto his tail when getting on the cloud. Which makes him pass out. Unbenounced to them Yamcha was watching, and took note of the weakness.

    Goku and Chi-Chi arrive at Roshi's place where he figures out that he threw the fan away due to spilling soup on it. He calls up a turtle that can fly by spinning and heads to the flaming mountain. He puts out the fire by using a Kamehameha. Which interested Goku who imitates and does one himself.

    They are given the Dragon Ball and then head out to find the next one. While they are on the way, Mai and Shu manage to steal the Dragon Balls, taking them to emperor Pilaf. The group of Ramen, Goku, Bulma and Oolong meet up with Yamcha and Puar. The group gets to Pilaf castle when most of them fall into one of the traps set.

    Pilaf summons Shenron the Dragon. But Oolong thinks quickly and steals the wish, asking for girls' panties. And they appear on his head.

    Goku looks up at the moon from the cell that those who were caught were put in. "No, Goku, don't look at the moon!" Ramen yells a little too late. He turns to the group and tells them to run as the castle crumbles around them. Goku has transformed into an Oozaru, crushing everything in sight.

    Ramen knows what he has to do, he looks up at the moon and transforms into an Oozaru as well.

    "Oh no, Ramen has turned into a gigantic ape as well!" Bulma screams.

    "Don't worry Bulma, I have trained in this form. I can control it, unlike Goku. Just stay out of the way." Ramen says in a deep booming voice.

    He turns back towards Oozaru Goku and walks over to him. Goku is out of his mind and unable to think clearly in the form.

    "Goku, listen to me. I know you are in there. You can control this!" Yelled Ramen. Goku leaps at Ramen trying to attack the other giant ape, who side steps the assault. In one swift motion Ramen grabs Goku's tail, forcing the younger one down to the ground stunned.

    "Goku, calm your mind. You are better than this. I know you can do it." Ramen's voice thundered.

    Bulma ran to the two Oozaru yelling out at Goku, her face near his own. "You can do it Goku, I believe in you! Don't give up, you can conquer yourself!"

    At that moment Goku snapped back into reality and stood up. He was still in his Oozaru form but calm. And his tail being a weakness was gone as well. He looked at Ramen's form and then himself and realized he had killed his own Grandfather. He knelt down and put his face in his enormous hands crying. "I am the monster that killed grandpa Gohan!"

    Ramen put his hand on Goku's shoulder. "Yes, I am sorry to tell you it is true. We are cursed with these forms. But now that you have control over yourself, we can use the power of it."

    "I think it's time for you to be trained by my grandpa, master Roshi. There is a lot he can show you. What do you say, Goku?"

    Goku nodded, and once the sun came up and the moon disappeared from the sky, the two monkey boys headed over to Roshi's island. Once there they trained together growing stronger each day.

    submitted by /u/sword2185
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    Why did Bulma faint when Majingeta killed all those people during the world tournament?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 09:10 PM PDT

    Just finished watching this arc

    submitted by /u/AYISIYO9
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    Looking for a decent fanfic

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 08:23 PM PDT

    In the mood for a fanfic Looking specifically for romance. Preferably between Gohan and Videl. But any of the couples are accepted. Just hoping it stays true to their characters.

    Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated

    submitted by /u/Lady_Monarch
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    Was Nappa born bald or did he just shave it off?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 01:38 PM PDT

    Once Vegeta and Trunks emerge from the hyperbolic time chamber Bulma asks why Vegeta's hair has not changed. He says that a pure blooded saiyan's hair does not change from the day he is born, so was Nappa born bald or did he just shave it off?

    submitted by /u/Tropicalisland2005
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    When can we expect more news on the new movie? like a teaser trailer or a reveal trailer?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 02:58 PM PDT

    is there an event we should look forward to?

    submitted by /u/BigHat-Logan
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    Super Saiyan 4 feels like some edgy fan fiction and I love it

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 02:18 PM PDT

    I always loved how SS4 looked like some edgy fan fiction transformation. That's all.

    Hopefully we'll see it in some form or someone who looks that way in the next movie or what-if.

    submitted by /u/SexyElf77
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    In dragon ball why is goku afraid to let piccolo drop the kami bottle?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 05:32 PM PDT

    Title says it all

    submitted by /u/Glass_Pies
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