• Breaking News

    Sunday, August 29, 2021

    Dragon Ball Z - My daughter found this in the paper this morning.

    Dragon Ball Z - My daughter found this in the paper this morning.

    My daughter found this in the paper this morning.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 10:14 AM PDT

    Here’s my drawing of Vegeta!

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 12:06 PM PDT

    A Trunks drawing I did

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 05:29 PM PDT

    Buu's Chocolate!

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 05:09 AM PDT

    [OC] DBZ Cell Saga, back again with more of my art!

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 05:53 AM PDT

    I drew a Gogeta

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 02:35 PM PDT

    [OC] Gohan's Awakening

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 03:49 AM PDT

    The Saiyin pride connection between vegeta and Goku is super cool

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 08:28 PM PDT

    I like how vegeta begins to respect Goku as a fellow Saiyin warrior in the Frieza saga and how Goku starts to identify with that side of himself in relation to vegeta, especially when the race is on the verge of elimination.

    submitted by /u/sus_sam
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    Redrew the classic Ultra Instinct Stare from It's first appearance!

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 05:09 PM PDT

    Been watching DBZ with my 6 year old son, drew this for school today haha

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 08:17 PM PDT

    [OC] Made this very worn Scouter

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 11:53 AM PDT

    Space Tarzan vs Space Djinn (by me)

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 05:22 PM PDT

    Do you guys think there should be a open world game based on dragon ball not Z?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 09:00 PM PDT

    Note(I think the filler should also be included)

    submitted by /u/Blood_Edge2044
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    I think Toriyama wanted another homage to Journey To The West with DBSuper

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 11:12 AM PDT

    Disclaimer: I haven't read the actual thing but watched some adaptations.

    Maybe this has been discussed before.

    I think Toriyama remembered the roots of Dragon Ball in Journey To The West and made some homages again.

    Because he went with the theme of causing uproar in heavens and challenging the gods.

    Its not very detailed but two points I can think of.

    Jade Emperor and Zeno are similar. The ultimate gods who take a liking to Sun Wukong/Goku.(In some versions the Jade Emperor takes a liking but in some he just keeps in check)

    The Four Generals are similar to the Gods Of Destruction.

    Journey to enlightenment makes me think of journey to get stronger.

    Makes me think theres a Buddha equivalent that he might show later. There has to be someone above Zenoh

    submitted by /u/TrueSaiyanGod
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    Settling What The Correct Term Is For #'s 17 And 18 Once And For All

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 06:38 PM PDT

    Growing up with Dragonball Z's English dub on Toonami, my fellow fans and I were used to calling them "Androids 17 and 18". I hadn't yet read the original manga or seen the Japanese sub back then. I can't remember exactly when I first learned the difference between androids and cyborgs, but I'd assume it was sometime between middle school-high school. To cite the current most accurate + relevant definitions that I could find from generally respected sources (Feel free to add your own):

    Android (Noun)

    Dictionary.com- "An automaton in the form of a human being."

    Merriam-Webster- "A mobile robot usually with a human form."

    Oxford- "A robot in the shape of a person."

    Yourdictionary- "A mobile robot or automaton, especially one that resembles a human."

    Etymonline.com- Etymology: "1837, in early use often in reference to automated chess players, from Modern Latin androides (itself attested as a Latin word in English from 1727), from Greek andro- 'man' + -eides 'form, shape'. Greek androdes meant 'like a man, manly;' compare also Greek andrias 'image of a man, statue.' Listed as 'rare' in OED 1st edition (1879), popularized from c. 1950 by science fiction writers."

    Cyborg (Noun)

    Dictionary.com- "A person whose physiological functioning is aided by or dependent upon a mechanical or electronic device."

    Merriam-Webster- "A bionic human."

    Oxford- "A creature that is part human, part machine."

    Yourdictionary- "A human being modified for life in a hostile or alien environment by the substitution of artificial organs and other body parts."

    "A person who is part machine, a robot who is part organic."

    "An organism, often a human, that has certain physiological processes enhanced or controlled by mechanical or electronic devices, especially when they are integrated with the nervous system."

    "A being that is part human and part machine. The term was coined by Manfred Clynes and Nathan Kline in an article they wrote about how humans can survive in space."

    Etymonline.com- Etymology: "1960, a blend of the first elements of cybernetic and organism."

    As for why they were all called androids in the English dub despite Toriyama apparently referring to them as "artificial humans" in the original material, I honestly don't know. My best guess would be that it was either a translation error (Even if Toei and Funimation knew the difference between androids vs. cyborgs, they very likely didn't care) or Toriyama simply changed his mind about what to call the characters later. Regardless, the meanings behind the words in relation to their concept are clear.

    By every definition I could find, #'s 17 and 18 (among Gero's other creations made from a human base in canonical and non-canonical materials) seem to more closely fit the term "cyborg" while entirely mechanical characters like #16 (presumably the only one of his kind) better fit "android". That said, there does appear to be some gray area in fiction regarding what constitutes a cyborg. If the "part human, part machine" detail is a requirement, then how much human is needed? How much machine?

    Which element is more important to the criteria? Ex- Is Star Wars' Darth Vader more of an ideal cyborg (being a human torso & head with mechanical limbs and assisted breathing) compared to General Grievous, who is significantly more heavily mechanized except for the head beneath his armored mask and a few visible organs housed in his chest cavity (assuming those organs themselves aren't artificial)? Is Terminator's T-800 closer to an android than a cyborg, since it's a completely mechanical robot wearing a "meat suit" composed of nothing but artificially grown skin and hair?

    If the term is stretched to the point that it may apply to literally any human being with one or more mechanical or bio-mechanical components, then is a person with a pacemaker or artificial heart a cyborg? What about someone with prosthetic limbs, metal plates and/or screws in them, or other similar attachments and implants? For sake of simplifying this topic, we can just compromise on a criteria that the subject in question must be an organism composed of organic matter (This can include non-human species like aliens) with a significant amount of machinery making up their being.

    Said machinery need not necessarily enhance the being in question, but is needed for them to function as is. I would normally end the discussion here and conclude that #'s 17 and 18 are by every definition cyborgs, except that I think Dragonball Super may have thrown a monkey wrench into that by adding to their lore. It's exposited that, when Dr. Gero kidnapped these twins for his experiments, he didn't just enhance their human bodies with bio-mechanical components as Bulma stated in DBZ's manga. Apparently, thanks to genetic engineering, it went far deeper than merely replacing parts with machinery and adding implants. Gero's procedure modified their DNA down to a cellular level.

    Basically, he didn't just make them part machine. He physiologically changed their entire form from that of a normal human. From then onward, it could be argued that #'s 17 and 18 were no longer "human" in the traditional sense. They could no longer grow hair (This was first stated by #18 in The History of Trunks when the young super saiyan sliced a few strands as she dodged his sword). They no longer required food, only water. They had an infinite supply of stamina & energy, though that power was generated by reactors and not by natural ki (I guess you could call it "false ki" or machine-energy).

    Like all of Gero's creations, save for Cell, they couldn't be tracked by an energy signature because they were evidently more mechanical than organic (There are the occasional organic beings who also can't be sensed like Babidi's minion Spopovich, deities with God ki or the Trio of Danger, but those are only special exceptions). Lastly, the twins still appear exactly the same as in their teenage years which may imply that they age much slower or not at all. Now, as of Super, it turns out that their biology differs from an ordinary human's down to their cellular and possibly molecular structure.

    That's a lot more extensive of a change than what we were led to believe in Z, when Bulma and her father reviewed Gero's blueprints to learn how to reverse-engineer the shutdown remote. Taking all this into account, I no longer believe "cyborg" is entirely accurate to properly describe what #'s 17 and 18 are. If it's canonical now that Gero altered them this thoroughly on such a fundamental level, then I would consider the term "artificial human" more appropriate. Because, while the siblings were made from a human foundation, literally everything about them was artificially changed by the mad doctor.

    There's virtually nothing left of the human biology they once had (Even the reproductive organs for #18 to have a child were presumably altered on a cellular level). The organisms that remain are now composed of largely manufactured DNA. They're superhuman, but not in the same sense as Yamcha or Krillin who achieved their power through years of training and retain normal human DNA. This was done through science. If we consider everything Gero did (genetic engineering, mechanics, bio-components) as "artificial", then I believe that would by definition make #'s 17 and 18 artificial humans. It makes the most sense in my opinion and can hopefully finally put to rest any confusion or debate.

    Comment below, do you disagree? What do you prefer to call #'s 17 and 18? Feedback's welcome!

    TLDR- I used to believe "cyborg" was the accurate term, but since Super's exposition about how Dr. Gero altered #'s 17 and 18 down to the cellular level via genetic engineering in addition to their mechanization, I now find Toriyama's "artificial human" descriptor more appropriate. 17 and 18 started off as normal humans but their entire being is canonically different now, manufactured down to their superhuman DNA. By definition, I would consider that an artificial person. I suppose you could lump #16 in by that definition too, depending on whether you consider a robot a person.

    Edit- It appears that I missed something. Quoted from vlorsutes: "They're still classified as being cyborgs by Toriyama. It's a matter of jinzou-ningen, or 'artificial human/person' being an umbrella term in Japanese that is used to describe androids, cyborgs, and other similar beings. It'd be similar to the word automobile, in that it describes cars, trucks, SUVs, etc. Cyborgs are artificial humans, when it comes to Japanese, but not all artificial humans are cyborgs. Rather than it being two different terms entirely, you have to look at it as a broad term, and then a more specific term, among multiple terms, covered under that broader term. What you're trying to basically say is the equivalent of saying, 'That car is not a car. That car is an automobile.' Yes, that car is an automobile, but it is more specifically a car."

    submitted by /u/harriskeith29
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    Do you guys think there should be an episode called goku’s origins where Goku meets his parents and his grandpa gohan?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 09:32 PM PDT

    Note:I think this episode shouldn't be filler

    submitted by /u/Blood_Edge2044
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    Goku vs. Frieza

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 07:58 AM PDT

    Made these planter pots with dragon balls! Thought I’d share!��

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 10:42 PM PDT

    Gogeta SSJ4 Fanart by me

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 06:34 AM PDT

    Which do you prefer? Fusion Reborn Gogeta or DBS Broly Gogeta?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 08:14 PM PDT

    For me, it has to be OG Gogeta. His get shit done attitude (not saying DBS Gogega didn't have this but OG Gogeta seems to embody this better) and how quickly and utterly he fucked up Janemba was a totally amazing to watch.

    Don't like how they nerfed his hairline in the DBS Broly movie and the orange paddings to his jacket looked better than yellow, but oh well.

    submitted by /u/illogicallogical
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    Question about Beerus' weakness.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 07:54 PM PDT

    There are 5 supreme kais in a universe. Why is Shin the one who is connected to Beerus? Wouldn't itake more sense to make it the DaioKai?

    submitted by /u/Lady_Monarch
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