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    Monday, February 10, 2020

    Dragon Ball Z - [OC] KEFLA by me

    Dragon Ball Z - [OC] KEFLA by me

    [OC] KEFLA by me

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 04:53 PM PST

    Kefla by @click_burgundy

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 04:20 AM PST

    Lastest addition to my collection, Tsume Arts - Piccolo's Redemption standing at 38cm tall this piece much like Piccolo is a Beast! I love it.

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 05:22 PM PST

    Kefla by Echo Saber- In celebration for yesterdays DLC reveal

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 12:52 PM PST

    My versión of Kefla

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 07:44 PM PST

    LEGO Goku I got in NYC

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 12:02 PM PST

    Burst Open And Mix!

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 03:28 PM PST

    Happy Monday DBZ fam!

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 05:30 AM PST

    Majin Buu and Beerus enjoy a dessert feast on my toy shelf at work

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 01:34 PM PST

    My boyfriend bought me Piccolo as a surprise present today! I’m so so happy!

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 01:02 PM PST

    “Figured” I’d share my collection on Merch Monday

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 07:28 PM PST

    Merch Monday!

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 08:08 AM PST

    Bulma Drawing(By Me)

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 03:09 AM PST

    "Slow down, Goku!"

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 09:23 PM PST

    My brother picked this up from goodwill for like 2 bucks so I decided to start my billionth rewatch

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 08:57 PM PST

    Took a picture of a goku figure under black light.

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 08:37 PM PST

    chi chi praise...

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 02:58 PM PST

    I don't understand why everyone hates chichi. She had to grieve over her husband being dead and her never knowing when he'd be back. Her son was taken away from her for 2 yrs. When everything chilled down after the frieza ark. Her husband again was being selfish and decided not to come back to earth because he wanted to learn some new fighting style. Also let's not forget the fact if future trunks had came back all of his friends would have died. Also chic hi had to take care of a son for about a good 7 to 10 years. And then had to most likely fend off prevy men. Also let's not forget she lived all by herself. People always try to compare her with bulma but there's a big difference. Bulma is a women with loads of money. Also she never ever had a child young while chichi did. Actually bulma was in her late 20s when she had a baby. Chichi was in her early 20s two very different mind frame.

    Chichi is an incredible women that doesn't get that much praise. To be a single mother and get her son into a good school that's alot. And most people don't understand why goku deals with her. He does it because one he's put her through so much and two he loves her truly.


    And i dont even like people calling bulma a slut. She was surrounded by pervy men throughout and she never ever slept with any one of them except her boyfriend, and later Vegeta. Some people call her hands me down material for vegeta but she was alright.

    submitted by /u/FineeeeeeeAsFuck
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    Custom style Black vs Broly

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 05:56 AM PST

    Got any weird or interesting Dragon Ball headcanons? Why not share them here?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 10:22 AM PST

    Just as it says. If you have a headcanon that you think is interesting, why not share it with the sub?

    Here are some of mine:

    -Frieza wiped out his own race, just like he did the Saiyans. This is why outside of Xenoverse (which has time travel malarkey) and Heroes (in which they're in-universe game avatars), the only members of his own race we've seen are members of his own family. Even in non-canon supplementary material.

    -Manwolf from the 22nd World Tournament was originally one of Baba's fighters, and left to settle his grudge with Master Roshi. Grandpa Gohan was his replacement.

    -Majin Buu was originally a part of a far larger and more powerful being that Beerus had to deal with millenia ago. The reason Buu became so powerful as "Fit Buu" wasn't due to the two hour training regime, but because he's been slowly regenerating back to his original state all these years. This is also why Kid Buu could be controlled by Bibidi in the first place; he used to be MUCH weaker.

    You guys have any?

    submitted by /u/Davidk9292
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    Just added Gogeta to the collection

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 08:44 AM PST

    Why do people keep saying Cell would’ve been weak in ToP?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 11:31 AM PST

    He has all the best parts from every race in DBZ. Also pre DBS, he was stronger than Frieza so he gets a innate higher power boost. Zenkai boosts and near limitless power like Saiyans. The mutant and unexplainably high power level like Frieza. The regeneration of Namekians.

    And his "Perfect" form isn't a power level cap but just the fact that he's reached his perfect form. Clearly he has shown to go higher power wise with his Super Perfect form. And he's also never trained like Frieza so who knows what he'd be capable of.

    Plus, the banter, oh boy could you imagine Cell talking trash to Gohan but having to work with him. Commenting on how weak he's become since they last fought and how once this is over they'll finish their fight. Then just to give him some type of props when Gohan sacrifices himself and made everyone proud. I think Cell is the least popular of the major villains and I definitely wouldn't mind him getting a decent power boost.

    submitted by /u/Kiddplay13
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    My figurine collection!

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 07:44 AM PST

    My Criticism Of Super Saiyan Blue

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 08:34 PM PST

    My Criticism Of Super Saiyan Blue

    Here are my unfiltered thoughts on the topic. Apologies for the length, feedback's welcome:

    (Note: This should go without saying, but I'd appreciate any/all discourse being respectful. We all have our preferences, and I will indulge NO insults or comment wars)

    Let me clarify that I LOVE this transformation's concept: Mastering ki control to essentially maximize the Super Saiyan form's effectiveness to a new level while eliminating waste of excess energy.

    I saw it as the logical next step from the Mastered Super Saiyan state introduced by Goku & Gohan in the Cell saga. It made perfect sense in context, so much so that I prefer it over Super Saiyan God.

    In fact, I'd argue that this could've been a form all its own, completely unrelated to God ki (I personally never liked the idea of God-tier transformations or the SS God ritual, but that's a whole other topic).

    Lastly, I'm a big fan of the calmer, more serene aura that transitions from the flaming ki we're familiar with to energy that moves almost like liquid (until characters start powering up, of course).

    My one nitpick is the color choice. Yes, I know this sounds petty or superficial but just hear me out. One primary reason many fans loved the original SS form growing up was the image itself.

    It was more than just a power boost or plot device to defeat the current big bad. It was symbolic, not only to Goku's character development and what had pushed him to that point but to fans as well.

    This quote from Youtuber Emma Frost is my favorite: "I always thought that the SSJ transformation is a symbol of being your own torch in your darkest hour and that you need to be your own hero."

    An equally apt but more visually focused description is from Paresu/Valese in GT, as she reacts to Goten transforming against Baby: "Wow, what's happened to him? He looks like a beautiful angel."

    There's a reason this form got so popular that it not only became an icon of the franchise and set a new bar for anime transformations, but many now consider it their definitive version of Goku.

    Appearances aren't everything in visual storytelling, but they DO matter. They influence how we resonate with stories. That golden hair & fiery aura directly contributed to SS's impact on viewers.


    It was anger, passion, courage, power, hope and heart personified. Even nearly 30 years after its 1991 debut, Goku's transformation on Namek is praised as a turning point for how DB was perceived.

    Needless to say, every transformation sequence after that had a tough act to follow, the ones that came closest to matching its impact in my opinion being Future Trunks unlocking SS and Gohan's SS 2.

    Like it or not, EVERY form since SS has essentially been competing to stand out. Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan (So glad they changed that mouthful of a name) was perhaps the best opportunity.


    To stand alongside the most influential transformations, however, it needed to accomplish three things: A) Signify that the character has reached a new level, a league of its own from past forms.

    B) Reflect character development. C) Complement past forms in its appearance, so as to feel like a natural progression or evolution. Unfortunately, these criteria had been slacked on since the Buu arc.

    It began with Goten & Present Trunks achieving SS so easily with no struggle or personal development whatsoever, then Goku surprising us with SS 3 for shock value, which Gotenks quickly later unlocked.

    With the exception of Majin Vegeta unlocking SS 2, most power boosts in the Buu saga either had no character development at all, rushed through it for plot convenience, and/or had it happen off-screen.

    SS God similarly took no meaningful adversity or development, instead being handed to Goku via his comrades in a plot-device ritual solely dependent upon having a set number of "pure hearted" saiyans.

    Again, that's a discussion for another day. Point being, SS Blue was the franchise's first transformation in some time that we actually see the characters work for, where we witness their struggle play out.

    At least, that's what we got in DB Super to an extent, following the form's premature debut as another obligatory plot device to defeat the latest baddie in Resurrection F (Gotta sell that merchandise).

    My reasoning for why blue wasn't the best choice for this form to complement past super saiyans comes down to the color contrasting too heavily from the original golden blonde we'd grown to love.

    It tried so hard to stand out that it ironically put itself in the original's shadow as a result. From a psychological standpoint, one could relate this to the history behind hair colors in anime as a whole:



    Granted, this is not to say or imply that blue can't complement fire or fiery imagery. Ex- Avatar: The Last Airbender's Azula organically fit into the firebending hierarchy with her fire being blue from sheer heat.

    As fans know, this was done to visualize her firebending + lightning mastery while giving her a unique profile among firebenders. Attention to detail was also paid to how her fire turns orange as it cools.

    The difference is, Dragonball's SS Blue is NOT a transformation characterized by burning hotter or brighter. The characters themselves explain how it denotes ki control, a state of CONSERVING power.

    It is a form intended to show the respective character calming & containing their energy rather than burning it up. Much like Mastered SS, it is built upon a foundation of balance within oneself.

    The color is also too solid and often dark without the ki aura, creating too dense of a texture and an obvious similarity to Sonic the Hedgehog's quills (as hard as I've tried, I just can't stop seeing it).


    Were it constantly a light color (bright blue, sky blue, cyan, electric blue) even without the aura like standard SS variants, I may be more forgiving but the impact still wouldn't match the blonde imo.

    What I would've personally preferred is to make the form silver or white. That would've read better to me (among others) as a complement to the golden color rather than a contrast, a fitting evolution.


    While we did get this in a way once Goku mastered Ultra Instinct, my reaction was honestly "Too little, too late." By that point, the color choice felt less symbolic and more just to make Goku look cooler.


    Ultra Instinct is not a SS form, so it had no narrative relevance in that context. I actually thought Goku's standard Ultra Instinct looked perfect as it was and would've preferred it remain as such.

    If the desire was to differentiate the mastered version, they could've just changed the aura's animation, spiked up Goku's hair more, and/or made his eyes white (Ex- Legendary SS Broly, False SS).


    This could've not only visualized a significant power up, but also signified Goku's mastery of moving, fighting and reacting without thinking. His eyes would just roll back, as he wouldn't need them.

    Fans had already debated for years before Super that Goku's strongest form would eventually be his base-form, negating the need to transform at all, and Ultra Instinct was the prime chance to do that.

    Unfortunately, that opportunity was wasted and what we got felt like more flash than substance. SS Blue & Ultra Instinct are still awesome abilities regardless, but they didn't live up to their potential imo.

    Okay, rant over. Comment below, do you disagree? Would you have made any changes to Super Saiyan Blue or Ultra Instinct? What is your favorite Dragonball transformation?

    submitted by /u/harriskeith29
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