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    Tuesday, February 11, 2020

    Dragon Ball Z - Vegeta watercolor painting by Hector Trunnec

    Dragon Ball Z - Vegeta watercolor painting by Hector Trunnec

    Vegeta watercolor painting by Hector Trunnec

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 01:31 PM PST

    LEGO Dragon Ball - Kami's Lookout [OC]

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 02:24 PM PST

    I did a bit of a redesign of Super Saiyan God, taking a little more inspiration from Journey to the West. Drawn in Procreate Pocket for Iphone

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 04:43 AM PST

    Kefla fanart by Natsumi Cyorisuke

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 11:57 AM PST

    Happy Tuesday DBZ Fam! Took a photo with SSGSS Goku at Tamashii Nations in Akihabara (he’s a lot taller than I thought) ^_^

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 10:43 AM PST

    Found this in the $3 bin at Walmart. Had to get it for myself for Valentine’s Day

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 07:02 PM PST

    My first serious take on SSJ Vegeta ! I'm new to animation, so pls go easy on me :)

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 05:53 AM PST

    Been a while since I drew the 'Ku. Tried something a little different!

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 11:45 AM PST

    Why so much dislike of the Buu saga?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 07:11 PM PST

    What about it do people dislike so much? Popular opinion seems to be to hate on it but I don't understand why since it introduced so many fan favorites and memorable moments (Vegeta's sacrifice, ssj3, fusion, spirit bomb actually working, etc.).

    submitted by /u/YesNoMan58
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    Goku forms by me

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 05:07 AM PST

    Could Majin buu survive the devilmite beam?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 05:00 PM PST

    We know that Majin buu has survived crazy explosions in the show like vagetas final explosion as well as exploding planets with no permanent effect and we also know how the devilmite beam works would that mean that buu is immune to the devilmite beam as he could just pull himself back together after?

    submitted by /u/toolaroola12
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    Remember when Dodon Ray was considered an extremely powerful and dangerous technique that rivaled the Kamehameha?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 09:51 AM PST

    And now when this technique appears (which is rare, mostly in video games), it's one of the weakest moves there is. What happened?

    Furthermore, everyone knows Tien for moves like Solar Flare and Tribeam, but Dodon Ray was his move too. It's so weird that it seems like this attack which was hyped up so much has been completely forgotten, left in the dust.

    submitted by /u/GlumPop
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    Could vegeta and trunks been as strong as goku and gohan

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 01:29 PM PST

    So back in the cell saga we know that vegeta wanted to train alone in the hyperBolic time chamber and goku and gohan trained together hense why they were stronger so the question is if trunks and vegeta actually trained together could they have been stronger or as strong as goku and gohan?

    submitted by /u/oso_baby1
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    [OC] Vegetto by me

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 04:29 AM PST

    A Dragon Ball play will be performed in march in Tokyo

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 05:30 AM PST


    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 06:00 PM PST

    I hope that namco bandai brings the budokai tenkaichi series back to life. These games were the best of the best.

    submitted by /u/yo438
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    Frieza by Me (speedpaint in comments) hope you enjoy!

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 05:16 PM PST

    How much is 1 USD in zeni worth?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 03:22 PM PST

    If you have ever thought how much zeni, in USD costs you're not alone. I am still trying to find out too. My guess is 45 zeni per dollar. It's just a guess. How did I get this? Well Pilaf, the leader of the Pilaf gang was explaining a math problem. He said you have a 1000 dollars, and you want to buy a bowl of soup for 450 zeni. The rest of it is not needed, but that gives me my guess. A regular bowl of soup at a restaurant costs 10 USD. So, 10 USD is equal to 450 zeni, therefore 1 USD is equal to 45 zeni. Of course, this is just an estimate, as Pilaf could've exaggerated the price, but it is all I have.

    submitted by /u/Bean_Benjamin
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    Help with pacing

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 06:48 PM PST

    Hey everyone, I've watched about the first 70-80 episodes of dbz and i find the characters really interesting. However, the pacing of it kills me. I feel like 79/80 episodes so far has just been goku traveling on snake way. What advice do you have to help me tolerate the pacing? Thanks so much!

    submitted by /u/austinpdavis24
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    Which Majin Buu Form Is YOUR Favorite And Why?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 06:17 PM PST

    (Note: Feedback is welcome, but I'd appreciate any/all discourse being respectful of each other's preferences. I will indulge NO insults or comment wars)

    Regardless of who's strongest, Kid Buu is still my favorite overall because he's the most unique villain in DBZ (arguably in the whole franchise). He's so different from other antagonists in multiple ways.

    Instead of a superhuman martial artist, robot, cyborg, bio-mechanically engineered monster or alien, he's a product of unknown, mysterious, ancient dark magic. And, being magical, he defies all logic.

    He's a different order of being or entity from anything the Z Fighters faced before (Goku comments in his fight with Majin Vegeta how Fat Buu's "chi feels kinda abnormal", I think it's because he's magic).

    His design is essentially a genie, and those black eyes (Insert Jaws reference here) + the pores lining his body complement his unsettling demeanor. The one detail I'd have changed for all Buu's is the ears.

    I know the round and/or cube-shaped holes on characters' heads (most often villains) are a trademark of DB, but it gets repetitive. I'd have given him short-medium pointy ears to look more like a genie.

    Obviously, not all genies share this trait but it is generally recognized as being relatable to the magical and/or fantasy genre. Back on topic, Kid Buu is also far & away the most evil character in canon.

    Even if fellow baddies (Frieza, Cell, etc) offered a team up, he'd want nothing from them except most likely to kill them. He has no heart, goals, conscience, remorse or much of any personality to speak of.

    Yes, he can laugh, joke, act childish and takes pleasure in destruction but I don't think he has any real feelings. It's difficult to explain exactly, but I don't think Buu in his basest form is capable of emotion.

    I'd equate his behavior more to a creature that merely mimics emotions derived from past beings he's absorbed & acquired memories from. He can display these behaviors, but they mean nothing to him.

    There is NOTHING inside him at all. He's chaos incarnate (even more so than Super's Destroyer Gods), an aimless force that burns everything around it without exception or restraint simply because it can.

    It's all he knows. He's more of an uncontrollable weapon or plague (in how he instantly gains strength & techniques from absorption, though it's unclear whether he recalls every skill after turning back).

    The closest comparisons are Janemba & Hirudegarn, but even Janemba was only a demon corrupted by 1,000 years of raw negative waste from departed souls. Kid Buu has no soul, which is scarier imo.

    What sets him apart from Hirudegarn off the top of my head is, he was strong enough to match & ultimately outlast Goku's SS 3. Without his allies' help + the Spirit Bomb, Goku would've 100% died.

    submitted by /u/harriskeith29
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    Could a fusion fuse with non fusion?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 06:11 PM PST

    Like think about it, Could Gohan fuse with Gogeta or Vegito? Could Goku fuse with Gotenks?

    submitted by /u/iifender
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