• Breaking News

    Friday, July 30, 2021

    Dragon Ball Z - Let's be honest, we all wanted to see this fight at some point (FanArt by MohaSetif)

    Dragon Ball Z - Let's be honest, we all wanted to see this fight at some point (FanArt by MohaSetif)

    Let's be honest, we all wanted to see this fight at some point (FanArt by MohaSetif)

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 05:54 AM PDT

    Bulma [ by HAREN (Kim Han seul) ]

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 12:41 PM PDT

    Found an underrated artist on IG @shinsokunotaka

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 01:48 PM PDT

    Check out my tattoo!

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 04:06 PM PDT

    UI Goku (Drawn by Me)

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 09:29 AM PDT

    I decided to try my hand at art again, and my first sketch was of Goku! Let me know what you think (OC)

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 12:57 PM PDT

    So I found McDonald's in DBZ Lord Slug

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 08:40 PM PDT

    I redrew the promo art for the new movie

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 12:02 PM PDT

    Portrait of Sangoku from Dragonball GT - handmade

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 09:44 AM PDT

    Not Canon but if this happened - wild

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 09:35 PM PDT

    Is super really that bad?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 01:07 AM PDT

    I know this is a db sub so bias will happen but...

    Is super really that bad? I love db so much and i think ultra instinct is so cool but the only thing ive seen of super is clips (the final blow against jiren, goku grinding on keflas beam etc). But ive done my research and i see a lot of people say that it has bad fanfic writing and bad animation? How much does the blu rays fix? Is it really that bad? If it is? What other db content do you recommend past z and gt?

    submitted by /u/anonuntilspoken
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    How do I cosplay as Younger Master Roshi ?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 06:05 PM PDT

    Hello people, I am trying to look for to cosplay as Younger Master Roshi from Dragon Ball and not Dragon Ball Z and if you remember how younger Master Roshi looks like, he appeared in the time room episode in Dragon ball, I'm looking for stuff to make my cosplay of Master Roshi when he was young man in Dragon ball.

    submitted by /u/MetalGearSolidusSnek
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    Opinion on Super’s version of Android 17?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 01:03 PM PDT

    I I personally like him a lot and appreciated how he actually did shit in the grand scheme of things. How you guys feel ?

    submitted by /u/ReviewAlarmed
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    Skipping Dragon Ball to Drgaon Ball Z For Epic Training Scenes

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 08:22 PM PDT

    I have limited time to watch anime. Noticed dragon ball has 150+ episodes. While I've enjoyed the first few episodes of dragon ball, what I'm really interested in seeing the epic training / fights / masculine / competitive energy I've gathered is highly present in Dragon Ball Z. Would it be worth it to skip straight to Dragon Ball Z?

    submitted by /u/Chameleon432
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    What if Tarble was sent to Earth? Part 3.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 08:14 PM PDT

    What if Tarble was sent to Earth? Part 3.

    (In this What if, Tarble was raised by Master Roshi, and named Ramen. Who is Tarble you ask? He is Vegeta's younger brother who was sent away for being too weak. He featured in the movie, Dragon Ball: Yo! Son Goku and His Friends Return!!)

    (Goku's training with Kami was much earlier in this timeline. Read parts 1 & 2 to catch up. I took quite a bit longer to work on this part than the other ones. And it turned into a long chapter, almost 3000 words. As always, comments and critique is welcome.)

    As Goku and Ramen punched King Piccolo's head off of his body, Ramen's mind flashed back to what had happened a little while before.

    "Bulma!" he screamed as Piano, the pterodactyl headed son of Piccolo, tried to kill her. Ramen was quick, and saved her from the monster. Taking very little damage in the process.

    "Babe, you alright?" He said as he walked over to her. They had started dating during the time Goku was training with Kami.

    "I...I'm okay. Thank you, Ramen." She said as she gave him a quick kiss.

    "That really scared me. I don't want to lose you. In fact there is something I have been meaning to ask you… Will you marry me?"

    Bulma looked back at him in shock, then smiled. "Yes, yes of course I will!" She exclaimed.

    "Good, I have to go take care of King Piccolo now. I'll be back soon. Okay?" Ramen said.

    Ramen's mind snapped back to the present as Goku explained that Kami and Piccolo might have been linked. Kami had said an ancient evil being had been split from him and had been sealed away. This must have been him. We have to go to the lookout to make sure.

    Ramen told him that they need to go get Bulma and Roshi first. They head over to the tournament grounds, then make their way to the lookout. Bulma on Ramen's back, and Roshi on Goku's.

    They make it to the top of the lookout and find Mr. Popo standing there. Goku looked around and couldn't sense Kami. "It's true isn't it Mr. Popo, we killed Kami?"

    "I am afraid so, young Goku." Mr. Popo sighed. "But I need to show you something. Bulma, would you come with me? I want to show you Kami's house. It might be from space. Goku told me you were a great scientist. So you should be the one to go with me." He hops up on his magic carpet and holds out his hand.

    She looks at Ramen and Goku as if for encouragement. They both nod and she gets up on the carpet as well. To which Popo takes off immediately. They make their way to the ship in the Yunzabit Heights. On the way he had explained that Kami accidentally said words from his native language sometimes and that he had figured out Kami's language. He steps up to the ship and says. "Piccolo, which means another world." He said turning to Bulma. The door of the ship descends to the ground.

    They step on the platform, and Popo says "Piccolo" again. And the platform ascends back into the ship. Bulma's eyes widened at the sights inside. There was a large chair and a console in the middle of the ship. "I think you are right, this isn't a house. It is a ship!" Bulma said excitedly.

    "Well, there is power to the ship. The lights are on. How does this thing work? I don't see any buttons... Maybe it is voice activated? Tell it to fly somewhere." Bulma said.

    "To where?" Said Mr. Popo.

    "Wherever, for starters, how about Jupiter?" Bulma asked.

    Popo spoke and the ship responded in Namekian. "It said, roger." Popo explained.

    The ship whirled up and blasted out of the atmosphere and was at Jupiter in ten seconds.

    "We did it!" Exclaimed Bulma.

    "Yes, yes indeed." Popo said.

    "Now take us back. And then I will take it to Capsule Corp. Will you teach me all the commands Mr. Popo?" Bulma asked.

    "Of course I will." Said Popo.

    They made their way home and over the months Bulma worked on the ship, changing it to respond to English, with various other upgrades, while also planning for the wedding. Ramen and Bulma get married with all their friends and family present.

    Months later on a calm day a spaceship enters the atmosphere. Ramen is at Capsule Corp spending time with his wife, who is pregnant now. He feels an evil presence coming to earth.

    "Honey, I have to go. Someone just landed not far away. I have a bad feeling. Stay safe." He said as he gave her a kiss, and flew away. Goku, Tenshinhan and Yamcha met him there. Just as the ship's door opened.

    "I don't understand it master, we are here at the allotted time that the Dragon Balls should reappear." Angila, a pale blue demon clan member said as he stepped out of the ship.

    "Are you sure your calculations are correct?" A large man dressed in orange and purple stepped out of the ship. A small patch of green peeking out from his helmeted face.

    "It appears we have some company, Lord Slug." Angila said as he looked upon the four fighters standing there. "Shall I send in the soldiers? From our research they are very weak, a few soldiers each should overwhelm them."

    "Yes, send them all. I want to see how they do." Slug chuckled.

    Hundreds of soldiers in black and white armor, run out of the ship and attack the z fighters.

    The fight goes on for a little while with all of Slugs soldiers defeated.

    "Well, it seems we made another calculation error. Wings, Medamatcha, take care of them." Angila said.

    The pair step out and rush towards Ramen and Goku, who have transformed into their Wrathful forms. Their hair raised up, eyes turned yellow, and muscles bulked up. It is the Wrathful form but in a calm mind.

    Wings and Medamatcha smile and each punch Ramen and Goku in the gut. Knocking them on the ground in pain.

    "Now, where are the Dragon Balls? It's pointless to resist." Angila stated.

    "They are no longer working. Kami died when King Piccolo was killed." Yamcha blurted out. Tenshinhan sent him a look of disgust.

    "Oh so those two old Namekians are dead? That is rather unfortunate. I guess we'll just have to go to Namek then. I would rather not have to do that but I really do wish to be young again. I will just have to find a way to get their Dragon Balls." Slug sighs and turns back to the ship, unaware that Ramen and Goku had split a Senzu bean. They snuck onto the ship and stowed away inside. Their power levels are suppressed.

    Tenshinhan smiled as he had seen them sneak into the ship. After Slug and his crew left, Tenshinhan spoke to Yamcha. "Well it seems your outburst actually gave us a clue to where another set of Dragon Balls are. Let's go tell Bulma what happened." He says as he took off toward Capsule Corp, Yamcha followed close behind.

    The two fighters arrive at Capsule Corp and explain everything to Bulma. Her face shocked that her husband was beaten so easily. She walked to Kami's ship, smiled, and opened the door.

    "Computer, show me a map to Namek." She said to the console. And it responded "Roger, Miss Bulma." The ship's newly installed screen showed a map and the time it would take to get there.

    "Wow, only six days. With the information I gathered from the ship's Ramen and Goku had arrived in, I was able to upgrade this ship. The original engine would have taken almost a month." She looked at Yamcha and Tenshinhan.

    "Well give me a few hours to get the ship prepared. We are going to Namek, boys!" She said excitedly. The two men leave and come back after a little while and the three take off to the planet.

    A few days later, on a planet near Namek, Slugs ship lands and his minions get out to gather some supplies. Ramen and Goku peek out. "Is this Namek?" Goku asked. "I don't know, let's check it out. But stay near the sh…" Ramen said as the two were beaten nearly to death by Angila.

    "Stay out of our way. That is your last warning." The blue child of Slug said.

    The pair of Saiyans awoke a little while later in a hospital on the merchant planet, Walnuut.

    Goku wakes up to see himself in a hospital bed and sees Ramen in the bed next to him. He groans as he grabs two Senzu beans out of his bag, and eats one. Getting up and walking over to Ramen. "Hey buddy, you awake?" Goku asked.

    "Well, I am now, Goku." Ramen laughed, then winced in pain. "You got anymore Senzu beans on you?" He asked.

    "Yeah, I have it right here for ya." Goku said as he placed the bean in the others hand. The man stood up and they walked out of the room. The nurses were shocked that the two were up and moving so well. The pair set out to find someone to help them off the planet.

    A day later, Bulma and crew land on Namek, almost landing on the roof of the village elders home. The villagers are amazed to see the spaceship that looks like their houses.

    They are even more surprised when it opens and the three humans descend on the platform.

    "Yes, this planet does have Dragon Balls!" Bulma exclaimed as she looked at the Dragon Radar.

    Moori the village elder approaches the group. "Hello, what brings you to our humble planet?"

    "We were hoping we might be able to use your Dragon Balls. We had a set of them on Earth, but Kami shared a lifeline with his evil side, King Piccolo. When Piccolo was killed we no longer had the ability to bring back our friends. Can you help us?" Bulma asked.

    "Don't forget that there is an evil group coming to get the Dragon Balls as well." Tenshinhan said bluntly.

    "I was getting to that, eventually." Bulma snapped at him.

    "I see, your intentions are pure. We will give you our Dragon Ball. Molu, can you grab it for them?" Moori turned and asked. "I am Elder Moori, This is Molu, he is a dragon clan member like myself. And this is Lusc, he is part of the warrior clan. The two of them will help you with gathering the Dragon Balls." Elder Moori stated.

    "Thank you so much!" Bulma said excitedly. "And thank you two for coming with us." The group of five took off for the next Dragon Ball.

    After gathering three more they came to Elder Guru's house where Nail was standing guard. "Molu, Lusc, what are you doing? Why have you brought them here?" Nail demanded.

    "Nail, let them in. Do not delay them." Guru said. Just as he finished, Tenshinhan and Yamcha felt Slugs presence. "They're here now. Man I was hoping we would finish before they got here. Those guys are crazy strong." Yamcha whined.

    The group steps in to see a large Namekian sitting on a throne. They proceed to explain everything to Guru.

    "Come here everyone. I will unlock each one of your potentials." Guru said as Malu stepped up, and then he continued to do the same to the others. Bulma explained to Guru about the situation with Kami and King Piccolo. And not having Dragon Balls anymore.

    "I see, that is a dilemma. If you bring back Kami, there is the chance that Piccolo will try to take over the earth again. Might I suggest you find a replacement here on Namek?" Guru said, looking at Molu.

    Bulma looked at Molu, smiled and said, "We definitely will look for a suitable successor."

    Lord Slug and his minions disembark from the ship. "That is strange, it appears someone is gathering the Dragon Balls already, Lord Slug."

    "Interesting, let's go get one of the ones they haven't collected. I have a plan to go incognito." Slug grinned. They went to the village, where they stole the Dragon Ball, then massacred everyone there.

    "These clothes will be just perfect for my plan. Give me the Dragon Ball and leave but stay close. It will be better if it looks like I'm scared of you." He said as he changed into the clothing and took off his helmet. His antennae unfolding from his head, revealing he is a Namekian.

    Slug laughed and smiled menacingly as he held the Dragon Ball in his hands. He concealed his Ki. And set out to find whoever had the large group of Dragon Balls.

    Ramen and Goku thank the merchants for the ride as they land on Namek. Waving goodbye to the crew as they leave. They suppressed their Ki before coming to the planet, in order to not alert anyone to their presence. They lock on to Tenshinhan and Yamcha, heading in that direction.

    Bulma's group nears the second to last Dragon Ball, they find Slug in his disguise. "Oh, thank heavens I found you. My village was wiped out by a group of monsters. I alone survived, with the Dragon Ball." He said laying it on thick.

    "You poor man, we will help protect you." Bulma said.

    Before he was able to respond, his minions ambushed the group. Being chased by Nail and several other warrior Namekians. Slug hid behind Tenshinhan who was severely beaten along with Yamcha and Nail.

    Molu tries to heal Tenshinhan, as a blast is thrown towards him. At that moment Ramen and Goku rush into the fray, blocking the energy, they are both using the Wrathful form.

    "Ramen, you are here! I'm so happy to see you!" Bulma yelled towards her husband. Molu then begins to heal Tenshinhan, as Lusc approaches Nail.

    "I'm not strong enough to take them on Lusc, I want you to take my power for yourself." Nail said to Lusc.

    "I… I can't, It is forbidden. Besides Molu can heal you." Said Lusc.

    "You must, to avenge our brothers. Please, take my power." Nail said, struggling to speak.

    Lusc sighed and nodded, he placed his hand on Nail's chest and closed his eyes, absorbing him into himself. He felt a surge of power rush through his body. Yamcha was then healed by Molu, as Ramen, Goku, and Lusc, took care of Slugs minion's, wiping them out for good.

    "Where is Slug? I haven't felt his presence yet. Is he here?" Goku asked.

    "He was, but his Ki disappeared a little while ago. We don't know what happened to him." Tenshinhan spoke up.

    "Well since we don't know where he is. Let's go get that last ball to wish everyone back." Bulma said.

    They proceed to the next Dragon Ball and summon Porunga. The giant dragon shocked the earthlings. His power and size overwhelmed them.

    "What is your first wish?" The dragon's voice boomed.

    Molu turned to the group. "Well?"

    "Please bring back all those that King Piccolo and his servants killed." Bulma said.

    Molu translated and asked for the wish to be granted.

    "I cannot grant that. Only one person can be brought back per wish." The dragon explained.

    They then wished for Krillin and Chiaotzu to be brought back. Leaving one wish left.

    Seemingly out of nowhere, Slug dropped the disguise. "You will give me eternal life, now! Or the girl dies!" He yelled, revealing who he really is. No longer hiding his Ki.

    "That's not going to happen, Slug." Ramen stared him down. "Tell the dragon to leave. We will summon him when we need him." He said, looking at Molu.

    "Fine, have it your way." He sent a Ki blast at Bulma. Ramen rushed to save his wife but he was too late.

    Goku, just being a little faster, took the blast head on, collapsing immediately. Ramen picked him off the ground, holding his friend in his arms.

    "Goku, Goku, wake up!" Ramen sobbed. Goku's body then faded into nothingness. Ramen looked down at his now empty arms.

    "Slug, you monster. I'm going to make you pay for that!" Ramen let out a huge scream as his hair flashed golden yellow, his eyes turned blue, and he exploded in a golden aura. The ground beneath him shakes and pieces float in the air. Lightning strikes all around, and he walks towards Lord Slug slowly.

    The fight went on for a while, with Ramen having the upper hand now. They exchange blows back and forth.

    Lord Slug is having a hard time keeping up. He lets out a Darkness Blaster from his mouth. Ramen then counters with a Kamehameha. There was a beam struggle between them that lasted for a little while, Ramen pushed it forward and Slug tried holding it back. Slugs arms were scorched to the point that they couldn't be used anymore.

    He groans he regenerated them, opening him up to a kick to the face, sending him careening into a nearby rock formation. He stands up pushing the ruble off of himself.

    "This ends now! Ka-me-ha-me-haaa!" Ramen shouted, using the Super Kamehameha. Slugs face was in utter shock, as he was disintegrated completely.

    Ramen, having won, returned to his base form and walked over to Bulma, gave her a big kiss, and kissed her pregnant belly.

    "I'm never going to be too slow again. I promise." He looks at her, then at the area Goku had died, with fire in his eyes.

    submitted by /u/DragoonZX7
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    Mandela Effect?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 12:00 PM PDT

    When Goku absorbs the spirit bomb in Movie 7 I swore I remember when Goku was staring down Super Android 13 you could see Gokus haunting skull for a few flashes in the aura. This could just not be true but I swear I remember it happening.

    submitted by /u/dingdongdangdeng
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    Does dragon ball super have any darker, more serious moments / arcs?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 11:12 AM PDT

    I've seen a few scenes from super and the newer movies and they feel way more light hearted and with more jokes. Some people enjoy this but personally it's not my thing and that's ok lol.

    Maybe I'm just nostalgic for the og stuff but when I saw Vegeta do that song and dance act for Beerus in battle of gods I couldn't handle it haha.

    submitted by /u/kakarotkarrotkake
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    Future Trunks done by me! (OC)

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 12:48 AM PDT

    Is there anyway to make SSJ4 canon?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 08:56 AM PDT

    With ultra instinct being introduced, I doubt it, but with 4 being a fan favorite it would be so cool to reintroduce into the canon.

    submitted by /u/moonju1ce
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    Is all of dbs canon?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 09:03 AM PDT

    Are all the episodes canon? Or is the filler non canon like in z?

    submitted by /u/NoiceGallagher
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