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    Friday, August 27, 2021

    Dragon Ball Z - I drew DBZ as Akatsuki Members! Printed on a 6ft canvas painting!

    Dragon Ball Z - I drew DBZ as Akatsuki Members! Printed on a 6ft canvas painting!

    I drew DBZ as Akatsuki Members! Printed on a 6ft canvas painting!

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 02:29 PM PDT

    Still not over how visually striking of a film DBS: Broly was.

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 06:48 AM PDT

    Was gonna go all out for my custom Dbz shoes, decided to keep it simplistic, what do you guys think?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 10:55 AM PDT

    First tattoo, hakai

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 05:51 PM PDT

    Every once in awhile I still like to go back and re-watch Cooler's Revenge. Just a fun movie to watch.

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 10:06 AM PDT

    Once in a blue moon, I go back and watch this film. I just enjoy how the plot tied Bardock, Frieza and Goku all in one film. One thing I enjoyed about his character, at least in the English dub, is how little Cooler cared for his brother. He's only fighting Goku because Frieza dying at the hands of a Saiyan was a stain on the family name.

    Another thing I enjoyed very much was the ending. Cooler understands it was his inaction that ultimately led to the destruction of their entire family. It was poetic irony as both brothers carved their fates at the hands of the very beings they thought so low of.

    submitted by /u/Fossils222
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    Emperor Frieza - Rendered in Blender and stylized with Photoshop

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 07:58 PM PDT

    Just made this !

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 12:42 PM PDT

    I drew Vegeta... He's a Badman not a flower!

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 01:01 PM PDT

    Would the final fight on Namek have been different if Vegeta didn't die?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 07:17 AM PDT

    Obviously Vegeta wasn't a match for Freeza, but would his presence during the Goku and Freeza fight have made any difference to the plot?

    Is the end result the same?

    submitted by /u/LRSSJ4Vegeta
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    Is this cool or not? Can't find a match online and didn't know these comics had removable covers.

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 09:20 AM PDT

    The final battle on namek [OC]

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 11:10 PM PDT

    Drew Namek Saga Super Saiyan Goku!

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 11:04 AM PDT

    Just finished this piece up after going back to retry on the lighting. Hope you enjoy. :)

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 11:02 AM PDT

    The Gradual Decline In Appreciation And Identity For Super Saiyan 2

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 09:18 PM PDT

    Super saiyan 2 Gohan (as a kid) will always be my favorite version of the transformation, both visually and narratively, as well as my second favorite transformation in all of Dragonball behind Goku's original super saiyan. In addition to being what Toriyama intended at the time as the be-all-end-all of saiyan power, it was also the culmination of Gohan's character development that began so long ago.

    It's a shame that, decades later, while the first super saiyan is still rightfully considered special to many fans, SS 2 has been slowly kind of undervalued or trivialized compared to other forms. Whenever someone unlocks super saiyan, that's still generally acknowledged as a major accomplishment (even if it got ridiculously easy to the point of new characters attaining it with little-no adversity or training).

    The fact that we'd seen super saiyan 1 before didn't take away from its impact, as practically every unlocking of the transformation after Goku was given about the same level of hype. Future Trunks, Gohan, Goten, and even Cabba all received some extent of the spotlight upon popping their SS 1 cherry, Gohan and Trunks more so because of how hard they had to actually WORK for it. The animation, sound design, music, and characters' reactions usually told us what an achievement it was.

    By contrast, however, while SS 2 is also acknowledged, it doesn't seem to carry that same visual or narrative punch anymore. Of course, the first time is always a hard act to follow but 2's treatment and usage in battle from the Buu saga onward has felt more side-lined a majority of the time. One contributing factor is likely that no character's unlocking of the transformation has been as compelling as Gohan's, nor have their designs served to indicate having reached a whole new league of power.

    When Gohan first did it, even in the anime's Time Chamber flashback where the sparks only flew for a second, you could immediately tell that this was unlike anything we'd seen before. The final result wasn't just pointier hair and a sharper glare, it was a significantly matured profile that made young Gohan look like he'd become a man. Granted, Goku's version of the form looks cool too but the difference isn't as instantly noticeable. This is probably partially because Goku was already an adult with a buff body. Hence, the increase in strength didn't affect his model as dramatically.

    Then again, even in his older incarnation, Gohan could still make it look like he'd drastically changed. Regarding the hair, Goku's is similarly not as unique and at first glance a little too similar to his SS 1 transformation (It's largely just a spikier SS 1 with a couple fewer bangs hanging). Since Super Vegeta's SS Grade 2 already had spikier hair, this makes the increased spikiness less defining. 16 year old Gohan's SS 2 was just the kid version with shorter hair, so still cool, but Vegeta's is practically indistinguishable from SS Grade 2 or SS 1. The same goes for Gotenks & Vegeto (never mind Gogeta).

    To this day, I honestly don't know if they ever even used the form (If they did, I didn't recognize any difference). As for the electrical aura, we've seen analyses before going into how lightning in itself doesn't necessarily define the transformation. Multiple characters pre-super saiyan have been depicted with electrical sparks surrounding them during power-ups. In hindsight, I think this was a mistake on Toriyama's part (Yes, I know, die-hard fans, blasphemy and all that but hear me out).

    Because electricity was used to illustrate the intensity of powering up, that's historically made it inherently more difficult at times in post-super saiyan arcs to determine when the lightning signifies a new form vs. when it's just an effect to show how powerful the character's energy output is. Of course, Toriyama made a lot of this up as he went along but that doesn't absolve his choices from criticism.

    Several fans still debate that Dragonball as a whole could have benefitted from at least a tiny bit more forethought on its creator's part. In this case, I think it could have benefitted the forms' characteristics and made SS 2 more unique if: 1) Electrical auras had been introduced into the franchise with that transformation. 2) The sparks changed color in each form that featured electricity.

    Ex- If SS 2's lightning was blue, 3's could have been brighter white to symbolize the greater energy radiation (Sort of like Sly Cooper's Lightning Spin upgrades in Sly 3). It certainly wouldn't be the first time color's been used to differentiate power and abilities. There may still have been some confusion with any pre-super saiyan characters radiating sparks, but at least the color coding would've helped. This hasn't ruined my enjoyment of Dragonball by any means, but it is an unfortunate pattern.

    It feels like, once Toriyama started the Buu arc, he didn't really know how to make the form as visually impacting compared to how different Gohan looked after he unlocked it. So, he started off using SS 2 Gohan as a template and essentially copy/pasting that with Goku (The fact that he reportedly not only forgot about it in Battle of Gods but also mixed up the form's number with SS 3 is telling). Then, as time went on, he and the animators gradually made less and less effort for it to look that different at all.

    As new forms kept coming out, they either neglected it or didn't seem to know what to do with it at points. Even SS 3, as obsolete as it became, was still always instantly recognizable. Every time it made an appearance, even against opponents we knew could outclass it, the visual spectacle typically wasn't minimized by that. The aura, sound, and badassery were mostly kept intact every time. This is disappointing, as I've seen myriad fan arts that made every character's SS 2 stand out to look more striking and appropriately powerful without betraying their model or the design's integrity.

    Nowadays, this form's usage in the manga or anime seems to fall into one of two scenarios: A) Characters such as Goku start off fighting in it before moving up the power ladder to subsequent transformations, essentially treating SS 2 as a warm-up. B) The form is bypassed altogether in favor of other forms and techniques (SS 3, God, Blue, etc). Don't misunderstand, I'm not saying or implying that 2 needs to be signified as this long, drawn out sequence every time someone triggers it. I can totally accept that, as time goes on, every form becomes small potatoes compared to another.

    That's just the nature of this franchise. All I'd ask is that, when any prior form is called upon, the writers and artists at least make the effort to always treat them with a little more reverence. SS 2 more than earned that, in some ways even more so than the original super saiyan. All I'm saying is that, if DBS Super: Broly can put so much emphasis into hyping up Vegeta and Goku's SS 1 transformations (Again, because, all these years later, it's still a big deal), then 2 should get the same respect rather than being relegated to an intermediate or occasionally straight up throwaway form.

    If it's not as visually unique, then make it look more significant in terms of how it's presented and animated. It doesn't need to be redesigned, just give a bit more budget and screen-time to address it. Make viewers feel every time they see it like "Holy crap, this is the next level up from super saiyan" instead of having to double check whether it's SS 1 or 2 every other time we see it. If Dragonball is ever remade someday, I sincerely hope the animators have a similar mindset going into the DBZ arcs.

    Comment below, do you agree or disagree? What was your impression of SS 2 the first time you ever saw it, and what do you think about its utilization post-Cell? Feedback is welcome!

    submitted by /u/harriskeith29
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    DBZ Kakarrot : Worth It?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 06:54 PM PDT

    So I got Kakarrot a little bit ago and started playing it but just didn't stick with it. There was nothing wrong with it, it just didn't wow me. I'm thinking of going back to it, since I love DBZ games and want to play through the story. Is the game interesting enough to stick with? Mainly, are the gameplay and fights worth playing (since I already know what the story is, so that doesn't matter as much)?

    submitted by /u/_Jub_Jub_
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    Drawing broly the first time (I gave up on the bottom cuz I was tired)

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 11:55 AM PDT

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