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    Tuesday, January 18, 2022

    Dragon Ball Z - Is Goku pointing to an image in his own thought bubble?

    Dragon Ball Z - Is Goku pointing to an image in his own thought bubble?

    Is Goku pointing to an image in his own thought bubble?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 09:33 AM PST

    A concept opening for if Dragon Ball Super 2 adapts DBS: Broly as an arc

    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 02:27 PM PST

    Just finished this drawing of CELL��

    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 09:09 AM PST

    I painted Kid Goku with watercolors! ��

    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 09:41 AM PST

    I was rewatching Lord Slug and noticed how Goku has the same grunt for 2 different scenes. Guess they didn't want to pay extra to Schemmel lol

    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 08:05 AM PST

    Angry Gohan 4 : that moment

    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 06:28 AM PST

    Namekians on Earth

    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 05:30 PM PST

    Does Kami ever meet the Namekians while they're on Earth post-Frieza fight? I've always wondered this. Any word of this in the manga?

    submitted by /u/Wiseman_94
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    Tien the God: Chapter 1

    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 06:47 PM PST

    Here's a fanfic I'm writing, it's rough around the edges. Also I'm only doing this for fun. Tell me what you think about the fanfic:

    Chapter 1: A Different Road

    In a different timeline Tien reaches his full potential, but not now, not yet... Just like the original timeline the Z fighters face the Saibamen. Yamcha has just defeated all the Saibamen, but things won't go as they did in the main timeline.

    Tien still senses ki in one of the saibaman that Yamcha defeated and shoots Dodon Ray at it to completely kill it.

    "Yamcha don't get cocky, that Saibaman was still alive, if it retaliated while your guard was down..."

    'There's something off about the 3 eyed one, why doesn't the scouter pick up his power level?' Vegeta thinks

    Tien tells Piccolo "Gohan is probably not ready, I've read his mind to see if he could handle it."

    "We need him even if he's not."

    Tien tells all of them to get ready with telepathy.

    Nappa punches at Tien with a right hook

    Tien appears to be hit, but it's an afterimage, he sweeps Nappa to the ground, from below.

    He picks up Nappa's feet from the ground and swing him around in circles and throws him in Krillin's direction.

    Krillin knocks him, Yamcha and Piccolo knocks him as well. Gohan, Yamcha and Piccolo shoot a strong blast at him, as he falls.

    Nappa is already severely damage.

    "You! The three eye bastard! You're dead!!"

    Tien throws a ki blast into the ground, creating a dust cloud and with his ki masked Nappa has a hard time finding him.

    "Petty tricks!"

    Nappa sends a ki blast that levels the area.

    Tien appears behind Nappa"You were careless, I have your tail. Now Piccolo, Krillin, Yamcha!

    Closing in Krillin noticed a small smirk on Nappa's face.

    "Tien get away from there!"

    Nappa attacked with a fierce back hand. Tien was able to avoid a clean hit by leaning back.

    Nappa jumps so he can stomp on Tien. Krillin lands a dropkick on Nappa, sending him toward Yamcha.

    "Wolf Fang Steel Wind Fist!"

    at blinding speeds Yamcha starts attacking Nappa with his new attack while he focused on Krillin.

    Nappa caught off guard by the unexpected and fast attacks, can barely block them.

    "What's wrong Saiyan? Can't measure up to a human's technique?"

    Small cuts appear on Nappa's muscles.

    "That's it! I've had enough!"

    Nappa lands a boot in Yamcha stomach. Yamcha gasps and sent flying.

    "Who doesn't measure up weakling?"

    Yamcha is passed out.

    Krillin unleashes a fury of ki blasts on Nappa, but when the smoke clears...

    No way!

    Nappa is covered in an aura ki that protected him.

    He rushes Krillin with surprising speed, he attacks, but with Krillin's nimbleness he dodged again and again. Nappa attacks with a swift backhand, but Krillin dodges by back flipping.

    This time you won't get away!

    Nappa is cocking his hand about to throw a blast, when out of nowhere a blast comes out of the ground and hits on the chin, leaving him momentarily stunned.

    Piccolo then shoots an eye beam at Nappa's elbow. Injuring it while Nappa is dazed.

    Yamcha breaths heavily

    "I showed you what this 'weakling' can do!"

    "Yamcha catch your breath, watch the big saiyan and warn us if see signs of something dangerous, piccolo says through telepathy. Tien, Krillin, Gohan let's go! We can finish this, he can only use one arm!"

    They all attack Nappa in melee combat. They appear almost even, but he's on the defensive.

    'Wait a second, something off. It's almost as if...'Yamcha thinks

    'An opening!' piccolo notices.

    "Wait Piccolo! He can still use his arm!"

    Nappa knocks Piccolo down, then Krillin and then Tien. He swings at Gohan, but he barely blocks.

    "Mr. Piccolo!"

    "I'm going to have fun with you kid." Nappa condescendingly says to Gohan.

    Nappa engages in melee combat against. Gohan holds his own, but it's anyone guess whether or not Nappa is toying with him

    "Good, good! A Saiyan should be like this."

    Nappa knocks him into the ground.

    "You'll be able to see your dad soon kid. Haaa!!"

    Nappa shoots a powerful beam at Gohan, but Yamcha gets in the way.


    The dust settles and Yamcha is heavily bleeding and dying

    "Gohan. Make sure you. Grow up. I'm sure you'll be a lady killer. Like me. Ugh!"

    "Yamcha get up! Yamcha! Yamcha!!" Gohan cries

    Gohan's Power level increases to 3300.

    Nappa his power level is over 3,000!

    "Alright runt hit with me everything you got!"

    "Masenko ha!!"

    Nappa punches at Gohan, but Piccolo shoots a ki blast to redirect Gohan's blast.

    "Destructo Disk!" Krillin launches it while Nappa is distracted.

    "Come!" Nappa exudes bravado.

    "Nappa look out!"

    Hearing Vegeta counsel, Nappa dodges it barely, but it hits his damaged arm doing even more damage.

    Nappa frustratingly shoots a powerful blast at Krillin, but he dodges get hit by shockwave knocking him out.

    "With this you're done!" Nappa is about throw another ki blast, but...

    "Dodonpa!" Tien hits him in the back of the knee with fantastic timing, causing Nappa's aim to be off.

    Nappa blast hits a random location far away from Krillin.

    "Don't worry, I'll keep you company Saiyan." Tien says.

    "I haven't perfected the follow up technique technique, but I have no choice, but to use it." Tien says

    Tien splits into 4 Tiens.

    "That technique is too weak for this type of fight! What are you thinking?!" Piccolo admonishes Tien.

    "Multiform Resonance Technique!"

    All 4 of the clones power level sky rocket, due to their ki's resonating with each other and become almost as powerful as the original Tien.

    The 4 Tiens attacks Nappa in melee combat gaining the upper hand.

    'Piccolo do you have enough energy to use your special beam cannon?' Tien asks telepathically.


    'Then start charging it. I can only manage Multiform Resonance Technique for 7 minutes.' When you're ready I'm going to hold the Saiyan still with a combined Telekinesis attack, that's the signal to attack.

    Tien was able to hold his own for 5 minutes, long enough for Piccolo to charge Special Beam Cannon.

    The clones surround Nappa, holding him in place with a combined telekinetic attack.

    "Special Beam Cannon!"

    Piccolo shoots a whole through Nappa's chest killing him instantly.

    "Bravo! You weaklings killed Nappa. That feat is barely worth noticing."

    "When daddy gets here he will beat you."

    "You mean that weakling Kakarot?"

    "Nonsense, that pushover couldn't even beat Raditz without killing himself."

    "He's different now, he was training in the other world. He will be much stronger when he comes back. Tien says

    Interesting, I will give 4 hours for him to come back, no more than that

    4 hours later

    "I sense a strong power level, it's Goku!" Piccolo says.

    "Daddy's here!" Gohan expresses excitedly

    Goku shows up on flying nimbus and gives

    Goku stares at Yamcha's dead body.

    "You shouldn't have shown your face Kakarot. You can't face me no matter how much you improved. Haaaa!!"

    "This power level! Guys, I'm fighting him alone."

    "Gohan, Tien pick up Krillin where leaving."

    "But Mr. Piccolo!" Gohan worriedly says

    "Don't you sense it Gohan? Even with that monster's power level, Goku is still relatively calm." Tien points out.

    "Let's fight somewhere else where there's less life."


    Goku and Vegeta leave. They fight on with Goku gaining the upper hand with Kaioken X3. Vegeta transforms into a great ape, knocks Goku around for a bit. Goku uses solar flare and the Z warriors shortly afterwards return.

    Krillin uses Destructo Disc, but Vegeta dodges and hits him with his tail.

    "Spirit Bomb!" Goku throws the attack with all his might.

    "What?!" Vegeta is hit by the attack.

    Vegeta is propelled into the air, then hits the ground with a thump.

    Piccolo being the ever thorough fighter cuts Vegeta's tail off with a ki blade around his hand.

    Vegeta calls for his space ship with his remote.

    Just when Piccolo is about to kill the barely conscious and barely mobile Vegeta...

    "Wait! Let him go!" Goku voices his wish.

    "Why Son! He's just come back to finish the job later."

    "He may change for the better, everybody deserves one chance to mend there ways. That's how you and me became allies Piccolo."


    "Fools! When I come back you're all dead!" Vegeta lets them know exactly what he has planned and leaves the planet.

    submitted by /u/Mad-Eyes
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    Is it me or does solid state scouter sound like it needs lyrics?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 02:49 PM PST

    Seriously any version of the song slaps but whenever I listen to it I feel like something's missing

    submitted by /u/Dudewithavariasuit
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    Which heaven did trunks go to when perfect cell killed him?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 01:11 PM PST

    When trunks was killed by perfect cell, did he go to heaven in the future or present?

    submitted by /u/Nutastic_patrick_02
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    What exactly are dbz kai sagas?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 06:06 PM PST

    I know I can just go online and look up dragon ball z sagas and find an exact episode count of what sagas pertain to a certain group of episodes. I cannot find this for kai, anywhere at all, and i honestly could just figure it out on my own, but i'd rather have something i can look at. Does anyone know what the dbz kai sagas are?

    submitted by /u/Pale_Fix8467
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    Question About SSBE (or SSGSSE)

    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 08:49 PM PST

    I'm not the most knowledgeable Dragon Ball fan, and don't act like I am, but this has me curious and I'd like some insight on this. Technically, shouldn't Goku have either (A) achieved SSBE way before Vegeta or (B) achieve it during or after the Tournament of Power?

    From what I've comprehended, Super Saiyan Blue Evolution is achieved by breaking your limits, thus making it an "enhanced limit-breaking version of Super Saiyan Blue." I know it was also more of a cop out to keep Vegeta's power relevant behind Goku, but couldn't Goku have achieved this before him? Being able to stack Kaioken (times fucking TEN) on top of Super Saiyan Blue was an insane feat, that's more limit-breaking than Vegeta thinking about a knockoff midget Saiyan, then Bulma and his family. If you argue that's too early, fine.

    But then we have the multiple uses of Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken times TWENTY in the ToP.

    t w e n t y

    m u l t i p l e t i m e s

    So Goku still can't have SSBE after this, but just casually goes into Completed Ultra Instinct? Like they didn't say Gods couldn't do it for CENTURIES? SSBE should've been easier than that for him, and with that improvement, can you imagine how much more he could stack the Kaioken? I would love to be able to type "SSBEKKx30 (or 40, 50, maybe beyond).

    This was just an imagination for a noob anime fan like myself, but given a lot of you are more knowledgeable, what do you think?

    submitted by /u/LaFlame-__-
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    Help finding an amv

    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 03:48 PM PST

    Hey guys a couple years ago I'm guessing around thr time super broly was released there was an amv released using a fan movie where goku and vegeta go ui to kill broly and I really want to find the song used in said amv, could anyone post links for any amvs of said fan movie.Thanks

    Link to the original fan movie:https://youtu.be/efdXtopA0IM

    submitted by /u/Powerful_Substance_6
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