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    Wednesday, February 26, 2020

    Dragon Ball Z - Here’s my drawing of Gohan and Goku!

    Dragon Ball Z - Here’s my drawing of Gohan and Goku!

    Here’s my drawing of Gohan and Goku!

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 07:52 AM PST

    OC Base Goku Art By Me

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 02:22 PM PST

    Today, the Dragon Ball anime is now 34 years old! What a great adventure it has been thus far!

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 02:37 PM PST

    My comic shop got vol.8 a week early! ... anyone else?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 07:58 AM PST

    Keep your eye on the birdie - fan art by me

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 03:58 PM PST

    Pretty happy with how it turned out!

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 06:29 AM PST

    What I Imagine a Really Fun and "Lighthearted" Tournament Would Be Like (Post Tournament of Power)

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 05:28 PM PST

    I just came up with this and wanted to share it, if anyone wants to discuss this idea, change it, etc... feel free to do so.


    • No killing, though this rule may be waived if both fighters agree to do so at the begining of a match
    • No stepping out of bounds, stepping out of bounds results in a defeat
    • No flying out of bounds, flying out of bounds results in a defeat
    • If you are rendered unconscious or down for the count of 10, you lose
    • You may forfeit your match at any time after the match has started
    • Set on an Earth-like world with similar gravity (to avoid damage to the actual Earth)
    • There will be a battle royale exhibition match
    • All those who lose in their first match will have a consolation match, and winners of the consolation match may be re-entered in the Tournament

    Notes/Plot Details:

    • This tournament was set up by King Kai, as a present to entertain Beerus and the Supreme Kai, as well as to impress the other lower Kais
    • Catering provided by the Earth of Universe 7 and the Earth of Universe 6 (several spectators are only here for the food), and Champa wants to compete to see who has better food
    • All contestants have a reward for competing and another reward for winning
    • Contestants whom have been weaker in the past, such as Piccolo, Roshi, Krillin, Tien, and Videl have trained to compete on par with other contestants
    • Three Universe 6 Saiyans learned of the tournament and requested to attend, Champa and Vados agreed and invited Hit to attend as well
    • Champa is also hoping to use this tournament as an opportunity to figure out the strengths and weaknesses of Universe 7 for the next time they have to compete (or maybe work together)
    • Frieza is spying on this tournamnet, but is not an active spectator


    1. Goku
    2. Vegeta
    3. Broly
    4. Caulifla
    5. Kale
    6. Cabba
    7. Gohan
    8. Hit
    9. Android 18
    10. Android 17
    11. Piccolo
    12. Roshi
    13. Krillin
    14. Tien
    15. Yamcha
    16. Videl


    • Exhibition Match: Goten vs. Trunks vs. Chiaotzu vs. Yurin
    • Match 1: Vegeta vs Android 18
    • Match 2: Gohan vs Cabba
    • Match 3: Krillin vs Kale
    • Match 4: Goku vs Android 17
    • Match 5: Piccolo vs Hit
    • Match 6: Videl vs Tien
    • Match 7: Roshi vs Yamcha
    • Match 8: Broly vs Caulifla


    • Beerus
    • Whis
    • Shin
    • Kabito
    • Champa
    • Vados
    • King Kai
    • East Kai
    • South Kai
    • West Kai
    • Yemma
    • Korrin
    • Dende
    • Baba
    • Bulma
    • Chichi
    • Ox-King
    • Hercule Satan
    • Majin Buu
    • Launch
    • Cheelai
    • Puar
    • Oolong
    • Yajirobe
    • Jaco
    • Tarble
    • Mai
    • Pan
    • Marron
    • Buella
    • Uub
    submitted by /u/MoonMonkeyKing
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    Thanks to a suggestion from u/rokuformula, I drew Gohan in Piccolo's clothes

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 03:36 PM PST

    Unpopular opinion: I wish Cell and the boys were relevant again?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 04:58 PM PST

    1 Cell first.

    Android 21 has shown me again what Cell could become. He can be the strongest fighter in U7 if he focused and trained. Him and Frieza died due to arrogance. They were naturally gifted warriors with no training. We saw what Frieza could become with very little training. Imagine Cell, who has the DNA of so much more. He would certainly be on tier with Goku and Vegeta seeing how he has their powers too (it's just untapped at the moment).

    Android 21 was Cell but with Majin DNA. That was the flaw in her design as it made her irrationally hungry and made her darkness completely control her. Android 21 (Good) is proof Majin DNA could help but we don't need another Majin. Cell can regenerate from nuking himself so I don't think he needs to be pink. I think it's crazy Frieza was resurrected instead of Cell. Cell was waaay stronger than Frieza and is capable of so much more. He even respected a challenge and played less dirty than Frieza.

    2 The boys.

    Goten and Trunks (kid) are slept on waaay too much in Super. Gohan and Future Trunks both have the ability to fight on SSB levels without even needing God Ki. Hybrids seem to have more potential based on Gohan in the Cell Saga surpassing Gokus ability in a very short time. Then again passing Goku's SSJ3 with his Ultimate form after an old man dances for him. Same for Trunks. SSJ Rage gave him the ability to overpower Zamasu which was insane.

    Goten and Trunks are bratty but that spunk can be good. One year in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber like Gohan and Future Trunks had and I'm sure they'll be some insanely powerful warriors. I just feel like they are wasted characters at this point. And when the ToP started without them because they wanted to pander the original DB crew I thought that was insane. I really don't see how Krillin, Roshi or Tien could stand up to them going SSJ. I did like them being in the ToP but it just seemed strange they keep them out of all fights in Super.

    tl;dr Goten, Trunks and Cell deserve some recognition in Super.

    Edit: format

    submitted by /u/White_Lightning_22
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    Just watched Dead Zone for the first time and I’m confused....

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 12:32 PM PST

    First off I'm not sure if I liked the movie or not. It was interesting for sure but Garlic Jr. seems like a clown. Curious if anyone really likes him as a character. I'll have to go and watch his saga as I was always told by friends to skip it. But the main thing I'm wondering is if it's supposed to be set before the first episode of DBZ? Any feedback is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Shadowhunt21992
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    Look at what my brother drew for me!

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 05:25 AM PST

    In defense of "Another Dimension"

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 05:16 PM PST

    One of the most infamous edits that the Ocean dub made was referring to the afterlife as "another dimension," and referring to dying as "being sent to another dimension." However, after multiple decades of being a fan of the series, I have to say ... I honestly think that descriptor fits Dragon Ball's afterlife more accurately than "the afterlife" does!

    • Even in Japanese, the afterlife is referred to as "Other World." Instead of simply being the afterlife, it is given a name to suggest that it is a separate, but still equally valid, plane of existence. It isn't the dead world; it's just the other world.
    • Ever since the introduction of Other World after Raditz's defeat, being dead no longer means that a character is removed from the story.
    • Some characters (such as Fortuneteller Baba, and even Goku after he learns Instant Transmission) have the ability to travel between the two worlds at will, so dying isn't even necessary to access the afterlife.
    • If the events of Bojack Unbound are considered canon (which is likely, considering that, with the sole exception of X.S. Money being the richest man in the world, there's nothing in that move that outright contradicts the events of the main series, and even then, Super only says that the Brief Family is the richest family in the world, not that any one of them are the richest individual person in the world), then Goku can still travel to the world of the living despite being dead. So the barrier between the worlds of the living and the dead are practically meaningless anyway. Not only is dying not necessary to access the afterlife, but being alive isn't even necessary to access the world of the living!
    • A dead person can even speak, telepathically, to a living person as long as a Kai provides the telepathic link (King Kai even at one point makes a joke about how he charges ten cents a minute for the connection). During the Majin Buu saga, I wonder if dead people can even interact telepathically with the living on their own, since most of the characters already know telepathy and use it to strategize among themselves anyway!

    Honestly, do the characters even qualify as "dead" at that point? The Dragon Balls themselves already took the piss out of death by making it reversible. But with the way the afterlife actually works in Dragon Ball, even the temporary consequences of death (e.g. being removed from the story, receiving no character development for the duration of your death, and being unable to interact with living characters) are removed! Even comic books have death that has more consequence than in Dragon Ball, and their deaths are so inconsequential that they have literally coined the term "comic book death" - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comic_book_death

    So in all honestly, while Ocean's translation to "another dimension" might be looked upon with disdain by today's fans, and it may have originally been done purely for censorship rather than as a creative change, I honestly feel it more accurately describes the condition of these so-called "dead" characters.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/acerthorn
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    Why didn’t the z fighters train in the hyperbolic time chamber ?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 04:34 PM PST

    Why didn't they train in the hyperbolic time chamber during the 3 year training to fight the androids?

    submitted by /u/michael-myers334
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    Lemme see if I’m understanding these fusions correctly

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 08:09 PM PST

    Ok so for the fusion dance you have 30 minutes of combined/amplified power and personality. Except if you take too much damage the fusion drops. My rational for this is gotenks fighting beerus is I don't think he timed out, I think he defused due to taking heavy damage. But you will not defuse due to over-use of power, the event leading me to this conclusion was gogeta vs broly, now I'm aware goku and vegeta are much stronger then when they fought fused Zamasu but Gogeta was straight up gonna dust broly with the amount of heat he threw at him. But back to my main point Vegeto/Vegetto defused because of him dropping below some power requirement to maintain the fusion, but the biggest drawback to the potara fusion is that should the earrings be destroyed the fusion instantly splits as evidence when kefla is defeated, I hold this to apply to zamasu as well since all goku black did was give him the green earrings so should fused Zamasu's earrings be destroyed I'd think they'd either defuse normally or goku black would die because he is zamasu but in a different body, so all that would happen is just bring fused zamasu's power back down to his normal Kai body and all Saiyan power would be lost.

    Am I understanding this right?

    Potara fusion: lasts 60min, unless the green earrings are used, can take a beating but will break if earrings are broken, or if enough power is exhausted during fusion. (Possibly only for orange earrings)

    Dance fusion: lasts 30min, can be broken by sufficient damage, doesn't break from energy exhaustion.

    submitted by /u/triel20
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    Hey look what they did

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 01:57 PM PST

    PSA: The first season of DBZ is free in Mircosoft store, Dub only, Japanese Music

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 07:42 AM PST

    [What if?] What if Cooler Turned good? *Update 2*

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 03:12 PM PST

    Been a while since I updated this thing, But I have most of Reserection F done so share what I have done. Hope you like it

    Reserction F:-

    1. During the gap between BoG and RF Cooler has trained with Whis on Beerus' home world and mastering his Platnum form
    2. On Sorbet's ship he is having a hard time keeping the remnants on Frieza's empire however he is not alone with leading the troops as Salza is with him sporting a new armor in Frieza force colors but still like his old uniform. He now leads a newly formed Armored Squadren which consists

    of Tagoma, Shisami and a blue female alien with crystal like features named Gemli who acts at the groups medic, she is also a good friend of Tagoma as they joined the Frieza force at the same time.

    3) Sorbet goes to Earth with Tagoma and Gemli, during the trip Gemli asked if rather then going through the hassle of reserecting Lord Frieza trying and retrieve the still living Cooler to run the empire, she is backed by Tagoma as being the more logical choice but Sorbet states that Cooler doesn't care about the empire no more so they need to bring back a leader who cares about.

    4) When they arrive on Earth Gemli is amazed by how alive the planet is but is brought back to attantion by Sorbet.

    5) They get the Dragonballs thanks to aid from the Pilaf gang and wish back Frieza. However as a difference Sorbet doesn't hesitate in wishing back King Cold after finding out he gets another wish bring both rulers back.

    6) Far away in Satan City Cooler senses familiar enregy returning from far away but can't quite but his finger at it. But he focus more on the job of raiding a gang hideout.

    7) On the ship after both being healed King Cold and Frieza are given the details on the events that transpired on Earth since there passing. Upon meeting Salza both know he is Cooler's right hand man but hearing that Cooler now lives on Earth and actually friends with Goku makes Cold angry but Frieza laugh at the chance to finally a chance to rid himself of both Goku and his older brother.

    8) Hearing the fight with Majin Buu Cold is curious on what power Cooler has atained that makes him able to fight the fearsome Majin Buu in combat. Frieza suggests that Cooler might have trained his own power and if they want to achive revenge they must train as well.

    9) This is where Tagoma interjects and mentions they shouldn't focus on wasting there time on revenge and then gets his limbs deathbeamed by Frieza. Cold applauds his son and states that they each train to there next levels for four months. Gemli concerned for her friend works her healing on Tagoma similar to how Dende heals people. However she is stoped by Salza stating that Tagoma stepped out of line questioning Lord Frieza, he then states he will be training harder then before to be ready to face Cooler.

    10) Four months pass by and Gemli notices her friend Tagoma personality change especially as he backhands her when she brings up concerns on his injuries, and brings it to Sorbet about it, he tells her he is aware of the change is due to the training he is put through being Lord Frieza's training partner, there is nothing he can do to reverse it. She is saddened as the friend she knew for so long is now gone.

    11) Jaco then arrives and warns Bulma on the return of both Frieza and King Cold, Bulma contacts everyone, when Cooler gets the message he his shocked and when hearing that there bringing the entire army with them he guess' someone long from his past (Salza) will be there and gears up in his SWAT gear and leaves alongside Gohan and Piccalo to meet up with the others.

    12) Upon arriving they see Friza and Cold with there army. The two comment on how much lower Cooler has gotten but Cooler just states that he actually found something to be proud of and how he will show them how much stronger he is.

    13) Cold then transforms into an armored form, he states that he as well as Frieza have trained but there saving there full power for when the Sayens actually arrive and orders the men to attack.

    14) The fight happens as it does in the anime only difference is Cooler goes to immedietly fight Salza who is able to keep up with Cooler's armored form but struggles when Cooler goes to Armored speed form. Gemli also is on the field not fighting but working to heal some of the men.

    15) Upon seeing Tagoma kill Shisami Gemli is shocked, she calls out Tagoma for abandoning who he once was and that Friza has made him a monster. Hearing enough Tagoma fires a blast at her, but Cooler moves in quickly and blocks the shot saving her. Cooler then tells Gemli to move over to where Bulma is to be safe, which she obays.

    16) Salza wanting to end Cooler charges in and attempts to stab him but Cooler grabs him by the throat and the two resume there fight.

    17) However the two stop fighting to notice Ginyu's return. Salza laughs and mocks Ginyu's hardship as pathetic and he was better as a frog, as which Tago-frog is grabbed and caged by Gemli to keep it from getting away.

    18) Salza states he is in charge of the special froces now so Ginyu listens to him as techinically the body Ginyu is in was of his subordinate. Ginyu says he is a captain and as such doesn't answer to Salza technically. Frieza states to decide who will be in charge will be the one to bring him the most heads of his enemies.

    19) Cooler continues to fight Salza who is mocking his former leader on how pathetic he was, but when Cooler sees Piccalo go down in shock he knocks Salza away and moves to go see what happened to his first friend he made on Earth, Salza attempts to attack from behind only to recieve a large sharp crystal in the gut and falls down wounded

    20) Turns out Gemli threw it, Jaco explains the Gemli's race can use there energy either to heal or make crystal weapons but depending how they train some are better at one then the other and Gemli is worn out from making that one weapon showing why healing is more suited to her

    21) Cooler is saddened that Piccalo is dead but Salza recovering mocks Cooler as soft as he got up, saying friendship made him weak and that Piccalo was just a lousy Namekian. Cooler faces him with a death stare and chages up a ki blast and simply says "No, you're the weak one Salza and Piccalo was more then just a Namekian, he was my friend and a loyal protector to Gohan he was far better then you will ever be" he fires obliterating Salza in the same cold manner his family is known for.

    22) Cold is impressed with how much stronger Cooler is, noting that he might even beat Frieza which angers the youngest stating that killing Salaza doesn't prove anything. Cooler takes a deep breath ahd rubs his face angry at returning to who he was before but Krillian states he has no reason to be angry for how he did it, he was defending Piccalo's honor.

    23) Just as Vegeta and Goku arrive and take out Ginyu Cooler opts to take on Cold as he and him have several unsettled buisness, Vegeta and Goku don't mind, well Goku minds a little

    Next up soon:- The rest of Reserection F

    Edit: Edited to shorten it here is where you can read the parts before the current arc:- https://www.reddit.com/r/dbz/comments/bt1o3a/what_if_what_if_cooler_turned_good_updated/

    submitted by /u/blackdemonknight
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    The Anime Industry: Transformed At Last

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 01:20 PM PST


    The year was 2000. Toonami on Cartoon Network had been hyping for weeks that a huge development was happening on Dragonball Z soon. One that would flip the anime world on its head forever. We got subtle glimpses of an angry Goku seemingly powering up. However this was no ordinary power up. Goku looked pissed off. He looked like he was about to change into an Oozaru but that would be impossible without his tail. A transformation was coming. Cartoon Network couldn't have hyped it up any better.

    For days on end my ass sat in front of the TV screen waiting and waiting to see this big reveal. I would watch every single episode hyped to see what had been teased go down. It took me a while to begin to realise that what Goku could have been possibly transforming into was what he became at the end of the Rock The Dragon intro. There was a golden haired warrior who in my mind must have possessed tremendous power. Was this the legendary Super Saiyan that Vegeta had been talking about on Namek for quite some time? Then came the day before the big episode. "On the next episode of Dragonball Z.." and up came the title for the next episode "Transformed At Last". I was like a giddy school girl. This was it. The moment that I and I'm sure tons of kids around the world had waited so long to see.

    In classic Dragonball fashion they gave the moment at the very end. They built up your anticipation. The shock that Krillin was killed was so dark to me at the time. It took me a long time to wrap my head around it. Then things took a very serious turn. Dragonball Z had its share of serious moments but none quite like this. The sky darkened and lightning shot down. Goku was furious. His eyes glazed completely white at times with his veins bulging. Meanwhile I'm still trying to process how much of an ass Frieza was for making the "pop goes the weasel" joke. Bruce Falconer nailed the transformation theme. It was tense.

    It even lowered briefly as Gokus hair went briefly golden. It was a subtle tease and it was captivating. It was made you edge so much closer to the end of your seat. "OMG this is actually happen!" Goku screams as Frieza looks on speechless and he is engulfed in a golden aura before standing out as the first ever Super Saiyan in Dragonball Z. Goku spoke to Gohan shortly after and was somber in tone before bursting into anger at his son still standing there in shock. This was not the same Goku as before. He was a far cry from that.

    What made the first Super Saiyan transformation such a big deal for me was the tone that it set. It felt big and major. It was completely different from what we had seen up until that point. You could feel Gokus emotion. His anger at the loss of his friend. The transformation wasnt tingles on a back. It wasn't S cells. It was Goku becoming so beyond rage that he couldn't control himself anymore. His rage had manifested into this huge surge of power that he never had before. The Super Saiyan was born from a want and not a need. Goku at the time didn't think that he needed to beat Frieza. He was focused on wanting to kill Frieza. It was an explosion of anger.. Which ironically was the name of the next episode.

    You all probably remember where you were and how you felt when you saw the first Super Saiyan transformation take place. It was badass. It was great. It was memorable. It was a move that helped move Dragonball Z further up that ladder of anime history. It will never be forgotten.

    submitted by /u/TheRV1HD
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    is it normal to like dragon ball z but don't the classic???

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 04:34 PM PST

    i never liked the classic, i tried to watch but i don't like the a lot of sexual content, and the jokes they make, some people say the essence of dragon ball is in the classic with jokes etc, but i started to watch dragon ball in the cell saga when i was kid in the tv (i'm 25 years old) idk but a lot of people in my age never watched the classic dragon ball.

    it is interesting the difference between the classic and the z,i want to now if i'm the only one or if you don't like the gt too.

    submitted by /u/kaimesa
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    Do alternate universes have alternate villain/heroes?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 04:21 PM PST

    So we know there is an alt-universe where Saiyan's are still alive and all that. Including one where there is another member of the Frieza race...

    Is there an alternate universe with something like another version of Majin Buu or Moro? Generally speaking, cosmic powerful beings that were in existence and not a direct product of cause and effect(like Cell or the Androids and stuff which required other peoples doing because of events prior).

    Are there also four Kai's in each different universe?

    Just curious.

    submitted by /u/Bossmantho
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